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They've said she is a cool person to be around and didn't have a bad experience working with her.

She badmouthed Knocked Up, saying that it portrayed it's female characters as humorless shrews.

I agree. Knocked Up did have a pretty shallow portrayal of females. That's not to say Apatow can't do it - in 40 Year Old Virgin, the women actually stole the show. Catherine Keener, Leslie Mann, and Elizabeth Banks all outshine the men in the movie in the humor department. Leslie Mann practically steals the movie with the scene in the car.

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The only reason I disagree with that is because Apatow clearly sets us up to relate and to like Ben's character. He is the lovable and fun protagonist. While Allison could come across as grounded and fun, the fact we are encouraged by the film to relate and to like Ben's character, Allison realism and down to earth comes across as shrews, as humorless and uptight. Allison and various other females throughout the film are clearly positioned in opposition to the men, who we are supposed to like and relate to, opposing their lovable and carefree existence, and therefore we don't relate to the characters.

As I said, I'm not saying Apatow is a sexist, or that he intentionally did it. I just think the movie certainly didn't have the most positive portrayal of females...

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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If she felt so strongly about it then why did Heigl take the job? The disagreement comes with the fact that this was her breakout role and she now uses every opportunity to trash it.

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I'm complex.

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A five star film if there ever was one. I'm actually getting it on Netflix this week because it has been mentioned more than once in common life.

World's Greatest Dad - 8/10

This is tough to say why without spoiling a major part of why this movie is so awesome. All I will tell you is that it's funny as hell and unexpected. Oh, and the kid from Spy Kids curses like a sailor. That's practically reason enough.

Major League - 8/10

Maybe a bit overrated with the 80s archetypes, but the sheer joy I had watching it again makes me glad it exists. So it is purposefully overrated because it made me so damn happy for it being awesome in so many places.

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World's Greatest Dad is one of the most bizarre movies I've actually ever sat through. I honestly couldn't rate it afterwards, because I just don't know how I really felt about it. It was just...weird.

Couples Retreat - 7/10

Nice and fun little comedy movie. I could honestly watch Favreau and Vaughn together all day long, just brilliant together. Really no complaints about this movie. It's not 'amazing', but it's perfectly acceptable for what it is.

The Blind Side - 9/10

Boosted the rating up that little bit higher because Sandra Bullock was awesome in her role. Just a great story that was interesting as hell. Loved it.

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Rudo y Cursi - *** out of *****

A really enjoyable film, bits of it was hilarious and it kept me gripped until the end.

Sounds Like Teen Spirit - **** out of *****

A documentary on Junior Eurovision, it sounds really awful, but it was so entertaining and actually had me rooting for some of the kids.

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Black Dynamite - 8/10

From the star of Spawn and the director of Thick as Thieves comes...a great movie? Yes, this is just an awesome parody all around, White has a true star-making performance as the main character, and everything is done with such craft and non-breaking of tone that it makes the film amazing. This will also benefit from DVD as well, because even with a short runtime, the pure surrealism of the storyline and everything that is going on (and the references!) is just too much to really remember in one viewing. By the way, the plot is awesome, too. Great film.

I might even be underrating this because this is the best parody of any kind as far as sheer elation earned from viewing it the first time since probably the first Austin Powers.

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