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Mega box office hit extravaganza, loaded with Academy Award wining special effects and breath taking realistic mechanics makes this adventure epic the perfect popcorn loving summer hit. Driven by an Academy Award winning array of sound effects and sound helps put this fully charged adrenaline rush spectacle to it’s utmost full fledged force. With a nicely completed cast that includes Sam Neil, Laura Dern and Jeff Goldblum performs quite efficiently to bring the scare effect into factor. All elements of this enormous and graphic breaking saga was put together by Academy Award and box office superstar director Steven Spielberg who had annually reap rewards with his emotional success of ’Schindler’s List’


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And now I bring back the fabled pros/cons system for my next big batch of reviews. Enjoy!


The Passion of the Christ - 8/10


1. The imagery.

If there’s one major thing done well with this film, it definitely involves imagery. From the kids running after Judas to the appearances of Satan to the powerful Mary-Jesus scenes, the film creates a great ambiance with Gibson’s imagery.

2. The acting.

It’s quite good to hear that an actor like Jim Caviezel, who has not been a great actor in his usually meh film work, still is able to show a good performance as Jesus. But the major talent in all of this is the amazing Maia Morgenstern as Mary. She brings something to the table that’s just absolutely brilliant. Hopefully, we’ll see more of her in the indie film market.

3. The power of it all.

As a Christian by belief and faith, I obviously was quite moved by the portrayal of Christ’s final hours on earth. I won’t be surprised if you don’t like the movie, especially if you’re atheist, agonstic, or a believer of another religion. But as for me, the movingness of seeing a portrayal of my Savior die is just sad and yet very uplifting.


1. Not enough Bellucci!

While I don’t mind at all seeing the beautiful and talented Monica Bellucci work, I just wish she did more in the movie rather than just cry and look pouty. She just doesn’t get enough lines.

The Passion is a film event that, if you’re a follower of Christianity, is not an event to be missed.


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - 9/10


1. The brilliance of Charlie Kaufman/Michel Gondry.

Screenwriter Charlie Kaufman continues his streak of brilliantly written films by making his latest film, ESotSM, his most surreal and in turn most amazing film. Michel Gondry’s direction also adds to the surrealness of the film, as he seems to perfectly get Kaufman’s point and message.

2. Kate Winslet.

After a few years of ho-hum films and ho-hum roles, Kate Winslet is easily at her best here. She brings a fantastic exuberance and sexiness to Clementine that could never be truly achieved by any other actress.

3. Sir James Carrey.

Jim Carrey shows his ever growing diversity in playing good roles, by playing a different sort of comedy here. He is quite funny but yet does very well at being serious and gives his best performance of all of his roles here. It just goes to show you that Jim Carrey > *

4. Wait, they did this with only $30 million!?

Excellent use of the budget in the feature, as the visual effects are extremely well done especially considering the relatively low budget of the feature. Fantastic visual effects work.


1. The first 20 minutes.

Even with the importance of the first 20 minutes, it’s quite boring to watch and the film doesn’t seem to find its edge until after the film’s credits show up.

ESotSM is the type of flick that Charlie Kaufman was born to write. It's funny, engrossing, entertaining, and yet pondering. Had it came out six months later, it would easily be the Best Picture of the year.

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Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: 9/10- I had been waiting for this movie since I discovered the books back in junior high, and it did not disappoint me at all. Easily the best film I've seen this year (of course, I've only seen four movies in theaters this year, and most were pretty dreggy action movies I was dragged to by one of my good friends...)

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Guest Nick7

One Night In Paris: Homemade Sex Tap featuring Paris Hilton & Rick Solomon - 9.5/10

i would have given it a 10/10 if the guy who fucked paris was me

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Over the past week...


Love Actually - 8/10

There's something so simple yet so deep about the British romantic comedy Love Actually. It's simple message is, of course, the showing of people in love, and the film succeeds in taking in the simple style and ease of the genre. However, it's deeper message puts it past the millions of American rom-coms who have went overboard on the sappy appeal as to become predictable. That deeper message is detailed by the extremely well-done opening sequence which closes with the words "Love actually is all around." That statement gives thoughts to love and life and all the love of the world. And with the gentle ease of both messages, the film plays on as a calm but well acted and written look at several British relationships. That said, one of the stories does come off as tacked on (the British man and the American chicks) and the film does maintain some of that sappy style (but as is all rom-coms), but Love Actually succeeds where it's many American counterparts have failed. It brings heart, laughter, and even thought to the notion of love that applies to any person, no matter the age.


Dumb and Dumber - 9/10


The Shawshank Redemption - 10/10

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Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

Rating - 9.0/10

And what a mighty lucky boy I am. Got to attend a press screening with the radio station today and all I can say is, this is the Star Wars movie you have been waiting for. I'm keeping this short, sweet, and spoiler free, but I just have to say that this is easily the best of the new trilogy and fits in quite well with the original. It also gives you a bit of a perspective on what Lucas was doing with the previous two movies as well. You know what happens, you know shit has to go down, and go down it does. Kevin Smith pretty much summed it up when he said it's "beautifully tragic." It's not the greatest film ever made, but it is exactly what this movie was supposed to be. There's still a few lines of corny dialogue and wooden acting, but it's easily overlookable. A perfect finale to the series I love so much.

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Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy: 8.5/10: As a fan of the books, I was hugely pumped up for this movie. Good cast (with the exception of Trillian), but the romantic subplot lets it down a bit.

Marvin stole the show, however.

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Love Actually is fucking awesome for 3 reasons; Keira Knightley is insanely fit, Bill Nighy is a legend and Andrew 'Fucking' Lincoln is on it (I still see him as Simon off Teachers though. He also does the voice-over for an advert, can't remember what advert)

Today i've watched South Park the Movie (9/10, fuckign awesome. So funny), The Day After Tomorrow (3/10, eugh boring. The best part is pink flashing text that appears on the copy saying "John is a dick")

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Napolean Dynamite 7.5/10 sp?

A good film, but nearly all the jokes involve people throwing things at over people..... Or pysical humour, or the reactions of Napolean to events. There is around....um..... ONE (fine, TWO at the most) 'normal' verbal joke in the entire film. This isn't for people who want a laugh a minute, verbal one-liners, and on the spot put-downs. Its mostly sight based gags, and really is 4/5 big laughs and nothing else.

Also, whats both good and bad about the film is that a number of scenes go nowhere, leading to a number of 'What was the point in that?' questions being thrown at it, and a lot of bits seem pointless. It also means, that whilst the film is an hour and a half, there are so many short scenes that ad nothing to an alread almost invisible plot, the film seems to be about 6 hours long. Oh, yeah the plot. It is very flimsy, and isn't really hammered on about. In fact, it takes a good 50 mins until ANY PLOT AT ALL is put forward, and then the main plot, is treated like most films treat a sub, sub, sub, sub-plot.

After reading that, you'd think I hate it, but I don't. Whilst I didn't find it HUGELY funny, there were 5/6 big laughs, and believe me I mean BIG. It wasn't funny a lot, but when it was, it was damn funny.

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The Dreamers - 5/10

I had planned a big review of this, but I think I can sum it up best with one simple sentence: It's a decent movie, but I can't get over the fact that it focused more on the acts rather than the ideas of the characters.

P.S. To Beatnik: You are right, Matthew Pitt SUCKS. Hard.

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Zero you are one lucky SOB. :crying: Glad you enjoyed Episode III :D



The Silence of The Lambs

Based on the critically acclaimed novel of the same name by writer Thomas Harris. The Silence Of The Lambs is one of the greatest, suspenseful, nail biting, edge of your seat thrillers of this era. Its also the second greatest film that came out in 1991(I give that crown to Terminator 2:Judgement Day) It holds the precedent as being one of only three movies in the history of the Academy Awards to receive all four major awards. Best Picture, Director, Actor and Actress awards was given to Lambs, as it wasn’t way back in 1975 for One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest or in 1934 for It Happened One Night, did this astounding record takes place. British born stage actor Sir Anthony Hopkins gives a career changing performance that won him legions of fans, as well as an Oscar, what followed was many more nominations in his career to come. Jodie Foster won her first Oscar three years earlier playing a rape victim in Jonathan Kaplan’s The Accused. Foster brings innocence to a captivating role, although her career has faltered a bit since, she will always be remembered for this role, which is a good thing. Documentary director Jonathan Demme struck gold in this adaptation, fitting for a director who’s career is distinguished by some of the most thought provoking movies.


Now that I think of it...I really should be seeing some bad movies :P

Edited by Laice_
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