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Watching a legal horror-thriller movie tonight. I have no idea if that genre has ever previously been done.

The synopsis for this one is amazing: 


The film is loosely based on the true story of gruesome murder of a former Malaysian politician, Datuk Mazlan Idris, by Mona Fandey, a once mildly popular Malaysian singer-turned-witch doctor convicted in 1993.

Oh fuck yeah.

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Watched a film called Wrong is Right with Sean Connery. I think its from the late 70's or early 80's and it is about a news reporter that gets mixed up in some international shenanigans. It wasn't amazing but it was enjoyable and I get the feeling it was a bit ahead of its time. I guess it is sort of a dark comedy in a way. Oh, and Leslie Neilsen is it in which is always nice.


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Game of Thrones watchthrough, currently up to Season 2, Episode 4 and a few things:



Robb remember the deal with Walder Frey...
Meryn Trant is getting what's coming to him and I can't wait that shit deserves it.
Tywin Lannister is the most reasonable ruler so far this season.

Side note: Theon's reaction when he realized he was feeling up his sister, best side moment this season. Almost as good as Drogo's "bitch please" face in S1E6.


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On 29/04/2018 at 04:28, Randy Barton said:

Game of Thrones watchthrough, currently up to Season 2, Episode 4 and a few things:


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Robb remember the deal with Walder Frey...
Meryn Trant is getting what's coming to him and I can't wait that shit deserves it.
Tywin Lannister is the most reasonable ruler so far this season.

Side note: Theon's reaction when he realized he was feeling up his sister, best side moment this season. Almost as good as Drogo's "bitch please" face in S1E6.


If you don't already know what happens I would be interested in your predictions for future episodes.

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8 hours ago, MDK said:

If you don't already know what happens I would be interested in your predictions for future episodes.

Fairly knowledgable, so my predictions are purely Season 8:


"The Artist Formerly Known As Jon Snow" Aegon VI Targaryen wins the Game of Thrones. Marries Dany S8E1, finds out his true heritage by S8E2, Dany dies in childbirth S8E5 because turns out Mirri was full of shit in Season 1 about the whole "can't have kids until yadda yadda" thing. Kids names? Y'know the son's gonna be an Eddard or Robb. 

THEKINGINDANORF? Jon abdicates for reasons I already explain, Robb and Rickon are dead, Bran has seemingly given up his claim, Sansa will likely die either in the next Battle of Winterfell or at the hands of Gregor as a means to set up CLEGANEBOWL #GETHYPE. So, Arya gets it, show confirms my Arya/Gendry pairing.

Haven't worked out who else gets what in the end besides that and Sam Tarly becoming Lord Commander of the Night's Watch at some point.


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8 hours ago, Randy Barton said:

Fairly knowledgable, so my predictions are purely Season 8:

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Oh right, I was hoping you had no idea at all. It just reminded me of this from years ago (season 1 spoilers just in case)


My mate Biggz and I were discussing how Ned was going to fight back, he was our favourite character of course, and then that happened. I'm still in shock to this day.


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Game of Thrones watchthrough, up to Season 2 Episode 7. Comments, not really sorted by episode:

  • I'm sold on Tywin being an honorary grandpa to Arya. Shame that this is likely the only time their paths cross.
  • Gendry at the forge in Harrenhal :wub:
  • Am...am I being sympathetic towards Cersei because she realizes how much of an utter gobshit Joffrey is?
  • MVP of S2E7 is Ygritte.
  • Does Xaro of the Thousand Names need his whole name said every time he's onscreen?
  • Speaking of Qarth, that bit with Xaro's powergrab and the weird magic dude was somewhat freaky.
  • Backtrack to S2E6. Because of what Osha was doing at the end of the episode, I can never see Tonks and her appearances in the Harry Potter films the same way again.
  • THEON YOU UTTER BASTARD :angry: (though you kayfabed the end of S2E7 with "Rickon" and "Bran")


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Designated Survivor Season 2 finalie and 

  • Holy shit the President's son actually makes an appearance
  • Don't like feeling feels about our favorite former double agent :(
  • And looks like we've got another one going how could you Em :(


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just watched Justice League and I enjoyed it for what it was. It's not a bad movie if you don't put too much thought into it. My only big criticism without the thought put in is just that it felt too rushed. Justice League did the "Big Movie" a bit backwards to try to be different from Marvel and it just doesn't work as well. They should have had solo movies before the big team up movie.

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Rewatched The Lady In The Van last night as something to put on while I did the housework - I've been reading Alan Bennett lately, so was in the mood to watch something of his, and it's the only one on Netflix. Still absolutely sublime. Brilliantly written, perfectly directed and acted. Still a tearjerker, no matter how many times I've watched or read it.

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Started a thing with some work colleagues to rewatch the 19 MCU films and rate them out of 5 stars. Will be interesting to go back over some of the ones I've not watched in forever (cough, Dark World, cough) with a more measured, critical eye.

Anyway, some idiot decided that we were going to do this in chronological rather than release order, which makes little meaningful difference but hey. 

First film was therefore Captain America: The First Avenger, which I gave a pretty healthy 3.5 stars.

(This also means I've had to actually purchase a copy of The Incredible Hulk. I feel dirty.)

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 07/06/2018 at 08:17, Sto Kerea said:

Started a thing with some work colleagues to rewatch the 19 MCU films and rate them out of 5 stars. Will be interesting to go back over some of the ones I've not watched in forever (cough, Dark World, cough) with a more measured, critical eye.

Anyway, some idiot decided that we were going to do this in chronological rather than release order, which makes little meaningful difference but hey. 

First film was therefore Captain America: The First Avenger, which I gave a pretty healthy 3.5 stars.

(This also means I've had to actually purchase a copy of The Incredible Hulk. I feel dirty.)

Iron Man next. Went back and forth on whether it was 4 or 4.5 stars. Settled on the higher score in the end, hoping that I shan't come to regret it when I get to the end of this list.

I am also unnerved by how perfectly Triple H has morphed into Obadiah Stane.

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I saw Hereditary today.


(it was good)

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I finally watched The Death Of Stalin. It was brilliant.

Very darkly funny (a couple of lines in particular had me in hysterics), and superbly cast. Simon Russell Beale is just revolting and detestable as Beria, Buscemi as Khruschev is inspired casting, Palin as Molotov just plays to his strengths perfectly, and Jason Isaacs Zhukov is absolutely brilliant.

One of the best films I've seen in a long, long time.

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