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King Kong (2005) - 9.5/10

Wow, this is bloody awesome. I'd been seeing preview after preview and thought it looked great. Couldn't believe it when it was even better than I expected. Emotion, action and comedy all packed into one. Naomi Watts is brilliant and major hot in this. Jack Black does yet another great job too, as well as just about the entire cast. Just outstanding movie, possibly and probably the best of the year, easily one of the best films I've ever seen.

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Are you serious? I saw King Kong the other day, It was one of the worst films I've ever seen. Sure it may just be my own opinion. the effects were good when there were no humans in shot, when they were, it looked like one of the latest looney tunes movies or Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

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The 40-Year Old Virgin - 7/10

Not as funny as other Apatow productions (Anchorman), but clever and funny nonetheless. Seth Rogen and Paul Rudd own, if you didn't know that already. (And so does Carell, but that's a no-brainer at this point). Also, Elizabeth Banks is really sexy...

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Sin City: Uncut - 8.5/10

Even more awesome now, and nearly on par with the books. I just love this movie.

The Descent - 7/10

GREAT first hour, which then stumble in it's final 35 minutes. Some serious thrills and frights here, but director Neil Marshall, of Dog Soldiers fame, shows the creatures off far too much towards the end, in my opinion.

Bully - 7.5/10

For the longest time now, I've been meaning to watch a Daniel Franzese, Michael Pitt and/or Brad Renfro movie.. well imagine my surprise when I realized that this Larry Clark (Kids) directed movie had all three! You can say that there's too much sex in the beginning, and there is, there's no doubt about that, but that is the way these kids lived their lifes. The film deals with the real life murder of Bobby Kent (played by Nick Stahl, somebody who I'll always love now following Sin City), a kid who bullied the people around him until it all came back to bite him in the ass - big. His 'friends' (Played of the aforementioned actors, as well as Rachel Miner and Bijou Phillips) plot to finally extract their revenge after a life's worth of bullying by murdering him, enlisting the help of a Hitman along the way (played by Leo Fitzpatrick, the lead from Kids).

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Four Brothers - 6/10

There's nothing particularly gripping about this film, but like "Man On Fire", it's not the reason for the revenge itself which makes this film worthy of recommendation but rather the way it's taken out. All four of the film's stars dive head first into their roles, which make up for their performances descending into silliness at points. The film also boasts a strong supporting cast, which includes Chiwetel Eijofor, Terrence Howard, Sofia Vergara and Kenneth Welsh. This isn't first class cinema, but if you're into the cast, like John Singleton or just want a solid departure for the night, Four Brothers is worth the rental. Thumbs up.


Batman Begins - 8.5/10

You know, while Tim Burton may have scored a couple of hits at the helm of the Batman franchise, he never really made a film that garnered across the board praise from critics and fanboys alike. Michael Keaton was an acceptable Batman, but he came across as less the scarred hero and more the arrogant playboy moonlighting as a superhero. This 5th film in the series, which has been described as a prequel of sorts to the earlier films, actually does more to completely recreate the series as one not so much steeped in absurd, over the top action sequences, lame humour and big budget overcompensations, but rather compelling performances, sharp characterization and sharp direction. Coming from director Christopher Nolan (Memento, Insomnia) this is anything but a shock, but in a year filled with such overwhelming mediocrity, Batman Begins stands out. Christian Bale is spectacular as Bruce Wayne, and he is flanked by some of the greatest talents in the industry. If you have absolutely any interest in the action movie genre, this is appointment viewing. Thumbs way up.

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Guest Chaos Theory

American Pie: Band Camp

I thought this movie was going to suck donkey's ass, but I actually enjoyed the plot line. The characters weren't to bad and Eugene Levy kicked ass once again.

Not to mention the one girl, Clohe I think her name is, she's an instant boner. The one with the perciings.

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Virtual Sexuality - 7/10

So the premise of this film is that a girl goes into VR machine which takes a scan of you and you can edit this image of yourself, smaller nose, bigger boobs...you get the idea. She then sees a Male option and she goes about creating the perfect guy, except an explosion causes him to come to life with her inside. What follows is a romp of her finding out what it's like to be a guy; the fact you don't go to the toilet as a group, the sudden rises in the trouser department. It's a fun movie but I couldn't help but detect a little under current of Hitler's perfect race. The guy she makes is of the 'chisled blonde hair, blue eyes' mould and is often described as the perfect guy. Maybe I read too much into things. <_<

Edited by King Ellis
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Guest muddatrucker27

Black and White - 3.5/10

Its an Australian film about some Abo who is accused of raping and murdering some 6 year old white girl, apparently its based on a true story, there was nothing that kept me watching other than my laziness that meant I couldn't reach for the remote.

The worst part is, it doesn't even have a conclusion, so what if he doesn't get hanged? it seems a bit of a risk for the film makers to pretty much make you believe he's innocent when not even they've got a clue.

Basically it was shit, I'd rather play the game.

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May - 5/10

One of the stranger American horror films to come out in the last few years, May is the story of a young woman (played by the weird and mousy Angela Bettis) on the search for a perfect companion. In this quest, she meets a mechanic (played by Jeremy Sisto) and a co-worker who also is a lesbian (Anna Faris). After that failure, she soon uses their parts to make her ultimate companion. So, yeah...weird. That said, the performances are good. Faris plays a good off-beat character to the teeth as well as Bettis and Sisto. Still, the film is one of those concepts that you wonder if it's purposely trying to be funny or just plain messed up. I'll take the latter by a mile and say that while the performances are good, the movie's just too odd to warrant a viewing.

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So yeah, didn't exactly watch these today. But from Sunday/Monday I got very little sleep)

Sunday :

The Anchorman (Brilliant...funny. Brick is an awesome character) 8/10

Bulletproof Monk (Nothing offensively good or bad. Makes very little impression. Fairly entertaining though. 5/10)

Boat Trip (I found this on tape...I think it may have accidentally been recorded... Nothing spectacular. Straight blokes on a gay cruise. You get the idea. 3/10)

Road Trip (Hilarious film. Doesn't require much thinking (Then again, neither do any films I watched over these two days :shifty:). 8/10 - Has Rachel Blanchard in it. :wub: She's my celebrity crush for the minute...so it's all good (Even with red hair)

Shawn Of The Dead (Best British comedy film in a long time. 9/10.)

Monday :

Bring It On...Again (Okay...it was half 1. There was a choice between this, The Matrix Reloaded (Or the other one) and the rest of my DVD collection...Cheerleeders win hands down. A couple of bits were surprisingly chuckle worthy (I am hoping that doesn't make me homosexual)...FIT women (Besides for the black and ginger)...that's pretty much it...3/10)

Hey Dude...Where's My Car? (Often shitted on, but it is pure hilarious. It's not meant to be a 'GOOD FILM' with a good story. It's simply meant to be funny shit. And it accomplishes that. Hell, even my dad loves it. 7/10)

Ali G In Da House (The decline of Ali G. Before this film, he was fresh, funny and original. Following this, he's still funny, but he's lost some of his appeal. As for the film. Has some good gags...but isn't all that great. Nowhere near as good as it could have been. Plus it ruined Ali G 'the character' as following this there was essentialy 2 Ali G's. :huh: 6/10)


This is Spinal Tap (Bwahahahahahahahahahaaaa 9/10)

Then I fell asleep. I think I was watching American Pie 2 at the time.

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