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Lord of War: 8/10

Loved the storyline, the ending was good and I loved the look on the cops face when the knock came at the door. By far one of the best Nicholas Cage movies I've seen in a while.

Wedding Crashers: 9/10

Vince Vaughn is just great at just about anything he's in. Loved it. Not to mention the one Asian's tits were very nice.

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The Singing Detective - 5.5/10

I've not seen the original mini-series from the BBC, but given it's somewhere in the vicinity of six hours, it's easy to assume that this 105 minute movie wasn't going to do it justice. Whilst Robert Downey Jr, Robin Wright Penn, and Mel Gibson all give tremendous performances - it's just too 'all over the shop' to keep up with. In between random musical intervals and the flashbacks to different times (and to the novel itself) - you get a little lost. All that I really enjoyed were the scenes in which a bed-ridden Downey Jr examined his own inner demons.

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Private Parts - 7/10

One of the more pleasant surprises of the 90s, Howard Stern's autobiographical film is a wickedly entertaining, funny, and yet somehow tender. The film follows the prgoression of Stern from dweebish morning DJ to the ultimate shock jock awkwardly bumbling from a brief encounter with a B-movie sex kitten to his rise at playing tricks and pushing the borders of national radio and yet he depicts himself as the man no one would expect him to be at all: a genuine man. Admittedly, the film does weaken in its latter portions, though a strong performance from Paul Giamatti is welcome. Mary McCormack also does a solid job as the (ex)love of Stern's life, Alison. All in all, Private Parts in entertaining and yet surprising for those firmly against Stern's antics. Sure, he uses the antics well here, but unlike other films, there isn't a sole reliance on them to tell the story and therefore makes it stand as a film rather than a waste of time.

Edited by Black Math
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9 Songs

3/10 - Was pretty bad, just sex with the occasional musical performance. I get what he was trying to say with this movie it was just poorly executed.

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Even better than the first time I saw it. I love this film and everything about it, from the scenes of violence, to the Christopher Walken/Dennis Hopper bit, to the part where they start having sex in a phone box. Well, I guess that was expected anyway.

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King Kong - 8.5/10

Fantastic movie that just starts off way too slow. An excellent remake, and despite the slow beginning, I applaud Peter Jackson for making his movie. Not shaving off time that he felt was integral to the plot.

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House of Flying Daggers 7.5/10

I'm not normally one for such flicks, having not been a big fan of Hero, and disliking Crouching Tiger, but I mostly enjoyed this. It does however get boring about 2/3ds in (after the Baboo fight), and could do with having a slightly shorter run-time, it drags in places. Still a good film in most places with good performances.

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Brokeback Mountain - 6/10

From director Ang Lee, Brokeback Mountain is a story that would probably have been met with mediocre to bad reviews if it had been a story of forbidden romance between a cowboy and a cowgirl. Critics would have pointed out the tired old story, mixed morality and a screenplay that at points borders on being both syrupy and campy. They probably would have considered Ang Lee's direction rather uninspired, and point out the lack of any kind of consistent pace to the plot. However, it would be ignorant of me to not acknowledge that the film deserves points for putting a very unconventional spin on a conventional story, as well as turning western stereotypes on their heads. It also deserves points for its spirited performances; I agree with most of the accolades for Heath Ledger's performance, and think that Anne Hathaway and Michelle Williams also deserve a great deal of credit for their work. I just don't think this is an Academy Award worthy film because of its social relevance. Thumbs up.

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Reese still is my favourite performance of the year for walk the line, but Felicity Huffman gives a great performance as the transexual Bree. It's still a typical road trip film.

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Mrs. Henderson Presents - 7/10

Acclaimed director Stephen Frears tells this often hilarious and adventurous look into the London West End during the early to mid twentieth century. Mr. Frears direction is very interesting and helps to pace the film quite well, but this movie's biggest strength is its star Judi Dench. Already acclaimed for her dramatic work, Ms. Dench gives a fantastic (and possibly Oscar worthy) comedic performance as the widowed Catherine de Bourg, who out of boredom decides to purchase a London theatre and put on eye catching all-nude reviews. It shouldn't be hard to get laughs out of subject matter such as that, but the filmmakers also have to be careful to keep the film away from becoming cheesy and for the most part, they succeed. "Mrs. Henderson Presents" isn't going to be remembered forever, but in a year of disappointing to awful films, it's not going to be shunned either. Thumbs up.

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March of the Penguins 7/10

Ok, it has great cinematography, beautifully shot, has nice stars, and is an enjoyable watch. However, as a documentary other than highlighting the trek Penguins take each year, it doesnt tell you ANYTHING about Penguins you wont have known since primary school. Its the most fact-bare documentary ever (not a patch on Mr. Attenborough), instead creating a little narrative just to describe - as if to a child - what the penguins are doing, and to spurt out cliches.

In short, the narrative is fine to sit through, but the film is made enjoyable just because you get to watch Penguins and beautiful scenery and landscape for 80 minutes, not because it's actually informative about penguins, which isn't good for a documentary. There are the odd bits of sadness as some of the clan die, but even that is watered down as if to a childs level. In short, its enjoyable, and you'll like watching its stars, but you wont learn anything new. Its a bit like a primary school video.

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Underworld: Evolution 7.5/10

A little better than the first film. Good overall with a few draggy places, and pics up nicely towards the end. If I had a 7.75 rating it would probably be that... lol.

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I have no idea how to properly rate or describe this movie. I think it's a movie. I think. I thought David Lynch was insane...no....

How bout I just post the plot synopsis from IMDB ;

God disembowels himself with a straight razor. The spirit-like Mother Earth emerges, venturing into a bleak, barren landscape. Twitching and cowering, the Son Of Earth is set upon by faceless cannibals.

Yeah...nuff said.

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God disembowels himself with a straight razor. The spirit-like Mother Earth emerges, venturing into a bleak, barren landscape. Twitching and cowering, the Son Of Earth is set upon by faceless cannibals.
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