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Guest Preston

Superman Returns- Long fucking film... and that ending was so fucking overdone and dragged out with the worst line EVER "the father becomes the son, and the son becomes the father" or some sentimental crap like that. Spacey made that movie though. 7/10

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Just out of curiousity, what film doesn't Kevin Spacey make?

Anyway, I finally saw History of Violence. Great movie, and I really dug the subtle tones underneath all the in your face sex and violence. Still a bit overrated though.

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Guest Preston

Just out of curiousity, what film doesn't Kevin Spacey make?

Anyway, I finally saw History of Violence. Great movie, and I really dug the subtle tones underneath all the in your face sex and violence. Still a bit overrated though.

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well he made superman and american beauty. hayley joel osment pwned him in Pay It Forward, and others have been better than him in every film thats not superman or american beauty.

Ah c'mon, Spacey makes any movie watchable and turns good movies into awesome ones. I'll give you Pay It Forward since the movie wasn't really much about Spacey, but Usual Suspects, Beyond the Sea, K-Pax, Glengarry Glen Ross, hell, even Iron Will. Of course I'm a bit biased since I think Spacey's the greatest actor alive today, but the man is a God amongst mortals.

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Oldboy - 9/10

Brilliant film, just brilliant. Touches of just real creepiness. It's great because for the first 30-odd minutes you're confused and not really knowing why it's happening. But once it gets to the end you realise that that it was just brilliant. Awesome film with an awesome twist that we didn't see coming whatsoever.

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Hard Candy - 7/10

It's interesting how seemingly unshakeable it is for a overwhelming majority of music video directors to make the jump from short to longform without making a film who's biggest problem is its length. David Slade is no exception. Hard Candy is a high-concept moral drama that succeeds on the strength of two equally complex characters who are neither heroes nor villains (or perhaps, instead, they are a bit of both). It centres on a 14 year old girl who meets up with a 32 year old male photographer after talking online, only for the man to find that he has been set up by the girl who suspects him to be a paedophile. Ellen Page and Patrick Wilson are equally fantastic as Hayley and Jeff, respectively. While Page takes what might be considered a dream role for a young actor, Wilson has taken an extremely risky role, and to those who see the film, it will almost certainly pay off. To hit home that there really is no hero, Slade does a good job of both humanizing the captive as well as de-mystifying the captor which, given the situation, is anything but easy. On an issue like this where the most extreme of hatred seems almost mainstream, it's an interesting perspective for a director to tell a story that just presents the events and allows the viewer to make up his or her own mind. Obviously the issue at heart here is not whether or not paedophilia is an acceptable practise or not, it's a measure of just how far we ought to be willing to go to react against it. And Slade does good work of framing this argument, even if he takes a little long to get to it.

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Guest Preston

well he made superman and american beauty. hayley joel osment pwned him in Pay It Forward, and others have been better than him in every film thats not superman or american beauty.

Ah c'mon, Spacey makes any movie watchable and turns good movies into awesome ones. I'll give you Pay It Forward since the movie wasn't really much about Spacey, but Usual Suspects, Beyond the Sea, K-Pax, Glengarry Glen Ross, hell, even Iron Will. Of course I'm a bit biased since I think Spacey's the greatest actor alive today, but the man is a God amongst mortals.

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Storm of the Century- **3/4

They honestly didn't need to take that long to accomplish what they did. So much of the movie could have been taken out. I didn't really become interested until the courthouse stuff, which was great. The ending was too much of a downer. This is King's problem with pretty much everything he does. Great set-up, great progression, shitty ending. I don't mind endings like this one, but it was so anti-climatic for me. If I'm going to sit down and watch a 4 hour movie, the ending better be something a lot better than that. It seems like he had a great idea and he really knew how to play up on that particular fear, but he totally didn't know how to end it in a satisfying way. Maybe it would be okay if it was an hour and a half, but come on, that's four fucking hours, Steve. Give me something I can feel good about!

Eh, I'm just pissed I spent four hours for an ending that left me hanging. It was decent stuff, even if the casting of Andre Linoge was awful. Pretty okay though, aside from a few major gripes.

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I finally saw Clerks 2 last night. Geez, one of the biggest Smith marks alive and it took me this damn long. Every time I made plans to see it, something had to come up and get in the way of my Clerksy goodness. Anyway, best movie I've seen this year without a doubt and the best comedy I've seen since Saved. I loved it Also probably my third favorite Askewniverse movie right behind Clerks and Chasing Amy (followed by Dogma, Jay and Bob, then Mallrats for those who care). I was also really surprised by how heart-warming the movie was, particularly building on the friendship between Randal and Dante. Awesome movie.

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