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Fahrenheit 9/11 - 7.5/10

I'll be honest, Bowling for Columbine (no matter how much I enjoyed my first viewing) bothered me. Not because it wasn't an exquisite example of partisan docu-journalism, but more because of its dishonesty. Sure the message was getting across, but at what cost? I won't get into this any further, but suffice to say, I went into Fahrenheit 9/11 completely compared to react the same way again. Fortunately, there's enough heart in this film to prevent such a reaction. That's not to say that there isn't a fair share of dishonesties this time around. For example, Moore came out this week defending attacks that he had led people to believe that the CIA had flown the bin Laden family out of the country before flights had been reinstated by saying that he clearly indicates otherwise. Clearly, he must have left that voice over on the cutting room floor, because there was no such statement. The film is viciously one sided, and seeks to do more than just political damage to George W Bush and his presidency. However, I couldn't help but feel almost sympathetic to Bush about 10 minutes in just through Moore's explanation of the tremendously grave circumstances the clearly incapable president was placed in. However, once Moore turns his attention to Iraq he is clearly in control of the audience. Through footage I'm still not sure how he aquired (i.e. press conference outtakes, footage of military operations in Iraqi villages etc.) he completely tears apart the arguments for war on Iraq, and casts doubts on the country as being the real enemy. Perhaps the most surreal moment comes at the very end of the movie, when Bush manages to somehow mess up the "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me" line. It is clear that the United States are being run by a man completely incapable of the job, and unrelentless critiques like this film are perhaps the best mode for illustrating this. Thumbs up, although don't take everything Moore says for complete truth.


White Chicks - 5/10

From one topical movie to another, White Chicks is a half hour tongue in cheek joke about the Wilson twins, fictionalized (and because of this not slanderous) versions of the Hilton sisters. Half an hour into the movie I was agasp at how horrendously unfunny the movie was shaping up to be, especially for a Wayans brothers film. By the end, I was disappointed; not by a movie that is unfunny from start to finish, but by one that comes so close to redeeming itself in the second half that it's hard not to recommend. In truth, the final 40 minutes of the movie are laugh a minute, especially a Terry Crews cover of Vanessa Carlton's "A Thousand Miles". This is where the Wayans brothers (Marlon and Shawn, because rules like these need not apply to Damon, who is currently one of the funniest people on TV) truly shine, by taking a script that is more or less a stinker and making you come out of the theatres still feeling good about the movie. Thumbs down, yet I still recommend it to anyone wanting a sometimes funny polar opposite to the thinker "Fahrenheit 9/11".

Edited by GoodGodWhatABeatnik
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Spiderman 2 - 8/10

I enjoyed this movie a lot more than the first one. And they left it with many storyline possibilities for future villains in the next few movies, if they make all that are planned.

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Spider-Man 2 - 9/10

Fucking wonderful movie, improved upon everything that made the first so special. Alfred Molina is fantastic and perfect as Doc Ock, but I don't think anyone can ever top Willem Dafoe.

Here's hoping for Venom and Carnage in 3 & 4... The Rock for Eddie Brock! (Awaits angry replies).

Edited by Zero
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Here's a few from the past week:

Wagons East! 5/10 At times it's funny, at times it is also stupid.

Mrs. Doubtfire 7/10 Pretty decent and the ad-libbing on some scenes really helps the laugh factor.


O Brother, Where Art Thou? 8/10 A solid Coen brothers comedy, as all of them seem to be.


Jackass: The Movie 8/10 Upon second viewing, I still laughed at the stupidity and especially liked the opening and the "son of jackass" ending.

Edited by TheROC-Revolt
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Goodfellas: 10/10 - After watching it so many time it still contains a redeemable value and is still great to watch. My #1 movie of all time.

Three Kings: 8/10 - Ice Cube is really good in his role in my opinion. Spike Jonze also did well as a non-educated southerner.

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Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back 8/10 This film has many very funny scenes in it and closes up the Askewuniverse, as Kevin Smith and his loyal fans would call it. Plus, the four jewel thieves played by Shannon Elizabeth, Eliza Dushku, Ali Larter, and umm.....some red haired chick, are total wicked hotness.

The Shape of Things 8.5/10 This is a solid indy film that at first begins like a forumlatic romance, though done with intelligence and with those little indy things thrown in, like a scene of a blowjob, many mentions of sex, a scene where Rachel Weisz smokes a joint, etc. However, a shocking turn in the final act definitely made the film worth watching for me. There's one more question I must ask, too. Numbahs and Beatnik, have you seen this film and if so what did you give it?

One more,

The Dead Pool 6/10 Worth watching just to hear Eastwood spout out those famed one-liners. Also, Jim Carrey appears in a small part in this.

Edited by TheROC-Revolt
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Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back 8/10 This film has many very funny scenes in it and closes up the Askewuniverse, as Kevin Smith and his loyal fans would call it. Plus, the four jewel thieves played by Shannon Elizabeth, Eliza Dushku, Ali Larter, and umm.....some red haired chick, are total wicked hotness.

Kevin's wife... ;)

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