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The Condemned Trailer


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Did not know whether this should go in Entertainment or Frog Splash, figured here since it is a movie.

Trailer was just released, did a search and couldn't find anything


Looks cheesy as hell but for some reason I want to see it.

What do you all think?

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If they've worked in a way for him to kill someone throwing a Stunner and without the move itself actually killing them, I'll give it 5 stars, no matter how good or bad the movie actually is. :shifty: :blink:

(Hey, it could happen; he hits someone with a Stunner and they sell it like the Rock or the second one on Scott Hall after he stayed standing but groggy from the first one, then they fall off a cliff or onto a pitchfork.)

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Jesus, you can't go a page in the comments without someone comparing it to Battle Royal or Running Man. Some people really need to get off their high horse. I also like the random "any girls wanna talk to me" comment on one of the pages.

As for the movie... meh, I haven't seen any WWE produced movies yet, and they've all looked rather entertaining in the brainless category. I'd probably see this if there's nothing else out at the moment. If not, definite rental.

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Jesus, you can't go a page in the comments without someone comparing it to Battle Royal or Running Man. Some people really need to get off their high horse.

I see nothing wrong with comparing it in and of itself to two concepts that it is incredibly similar to and really comes off as a blend between, with BR's game structure (it even looks like they have their own versions of exploding collars or somesuch) and Running Man's reality show twist. Personally, I have no qualms with it, either; both are great concepts, after all, and it's not a bad idea to put them together. I would have gone with more than ten contestants, but then that would give it more of an ensemble feel than that of a starring vehicle for Steve Austin, which is pretty much what this seems to be.

Anyway, this looks infinitely better than WWE's other two films thusfar, though by "better" I mean that I'll probably rent it or something when it comes out on DVD unless the reviews are extremely negative.

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Is it just me or does Austin not really seem to do anything?

Most of it seems to be about the black chick. (OMG ZAZ FROM BR2)

Yeah, Vinnie Jones and that woman seemed to do more whilst they just kept to Austin being OMINOUS and IN THE SHADOWS. Odd

EDIT: Also, apparently Nathan Jones is in it, which is awesome because he's an entertaining action movie henchman.

Edited by KouKou Yubari
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I remember watching a Jackie Chan movie on Channel 5 a few months back and thinking "That is TOTALLY Nathan Jones that is laying into him right there". IMDB proved my suspicions correct.

Miscellaneous Nathan Jones sightings are excellent. A Jones tag team with him and Vinnie would be even better.

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The Battle Royale comparisons are inevitable, and with the characters being condemned killers, it also reminds me a bit of Manhunt.

That said, I'll probably watch it, even though I still haven't watched the other WWE films... I'll watch See No Evil yet, but still haven't had the chance, and I couldn't care less about the Marine...

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