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Best Stand Up Ever

Guest Ant

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George Carlin, Mitch Hedberg, Richard Pryor, Steven Wright, Bob Newhart, Redd Foxx... all fine comedians right there. I don't mind Dane Cook either.

Also, call me crazy, but I like the Blue Collar Comedy Tour. Ron White's a bit hit-or-miss, but I think Larry the Cable Guy could be really funny if he wouldn't use that cacthphrase every two minutes, and both Jeff Foxworthy and Bill Engvall are very good at what they do, especially Bill's "Here's Your Sign" bits.

You're crazy; White is the only funny one out of the whole lot of them.

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Billy Connolly isn't funny. He was above average in his prime, he's shite now. He just rants about things that aren't funny, and all the middle-class Parkinson audience are like "Hoho, look at the silly Scotsman" and lap up every minute of it. Not to mention that he constantly laughs at his own fucking jokes, which is the sign of a bad comedian.

Best stand-ups: Bill Hicks, Eddie Izzard, Ross Noble, Dylan Moran.

Ricky Gervais is too much of a conceited git, and a bit of a one trick pony, his only purpose in life should be to egg on Karl Pilkington. Peter Kay is shit, he just comes across as a working man's club comic who somehow made it far bigger than he deserves. Dane Cook is abysmal. Lee Evans isn't funny, he's an above-average physical comedian and a dreadful stand-up...his material's just too quaint and "have you ever noticed...", which gets on my nerves. Ed Byrne's class. Jasper Carrott's good, but he's been doing the same set for twenty years. Richard Pryor's occassionally funny, but for the most part I just can't relate to anything he's got to say, same with Chris Rock, really.

He's not a stand-up, but Peter Cook was the funniest man who ever lived.

For the person who said "If you like Lee Evans you have no friends"..he sold out his XL tour naitonwide in under an hour.

So thats nearly what..500,000 people without friends? Doubtful.

Because if we know anything, it's that success equates quality, right? I mean, clearly, CLEARLY, the Spice Girls were better than Joy Division. I mean, more people bought their albums, right? So it must be true.

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I like Connoly at 1, since they're right in he was doing what he was doing long before most others. Peter Kay at 2 is a joke, for now anyways.

Jimmy Carr definately was too high, but I mean he presents essnetially every one of these types of programs anyways. Disappointed at Lee Evans in 23, I love Lee, granted he isn't the greatest, but he's a great comic and my favourite. Especially when 22 and 21 at Jo Brand and fucking Ben Elton respectively.

Either way, I don't need a shitty list to tell me who I like, I like who I like. Dave Spikey should have been higher, since he did write part of Peter Kay's material ¬_¬ :P

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Seinfeld is probably my favourite.

I missed Chris Rock and Steven Lynch (does he count?) Also, Billy Connoly was hilarious in his prime. I disagree with the laughter being a sign of a bad comedian arguement. Freddie Star notoriously laughed at his own jokes, and he was one of the greatest comedians of our time.

I'm also a big fan of the Blue Collar Comedy Tour. Most think they're repetetive, but I find them hilarious.

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Billy Connolly isn't funny. He was above average in his prime, he's shite now. He just rants about things that aren't funny, and all the middle-class Parkinson audience are like "Hoho, look at the silly Scotsman" and lap up every minute of it. Not to mention that he constantly laughs at his own fucking jokes, which is the sign of a bad comedian.

Best stand-ups: Bill Hicks, Eddie Izzard, Ross Noble, Dylan Moran.

Ricky Gervais is too much of a conceited git, and a bit of a one trick pony, his only purpose in life should be to egg on Karl Pilkington. Peter Kay is shit, he just comes across as a working man's club comic who somehow made it far bigger than he deserves. Dane Cook is abysmal. Lee Evans isn't funny, he's an above-average physical comedian and a dreadful stand-up...his material's just too quaint and "have you ever noticed...", which gets on my nerves. Ed Byrne's class. Jasper Carrott's good, but he's been doing the same set for twenty years. Richard Pryor's occassionally funny, but for the most part I just can't relate to anything he's got to say, same with Chris Rock, really.

He's not a stand-up, but Peter Cook was the funniest man who ever lived.

For the person who said "If you like Lee Evans you have no friends"..he sold out his XL tour naitonwide in under an hour.

So thats nearly what..500,000 people without friends? Doubtful.

Because if we know anything, it's that success equates quality, right? I mean, clearly, CLEARLY, the Spice Girls were better than Joy Division. I mean, more people bought their albums, right? So it must be true.

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Who said anything about quality? Just saying the guy has been selling out arenas for the past ten years and is still as popular as ever. I was just debating if by what the aforementioned member said about "People who like Lee Evans have no friends" then thats nearly a million people without friends in the UK which is ludicrous.
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Norm MacDonald. Not even necessarily based on his material, but his ability to make absolutely anything funny. The guy could read from the phonebook and I'm sure I'd be rolling in the aisles.

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Ant, once again you fail to distinguish between "serious" and "making a smarmy remark to make a point."

Nice try, thanks for playing though.

Boo to the Jo Brand haters, she's actually quite funny when you get past some of the more silly feminist stuff, and she does rag on feminists quite a lot these days, so huzzah for her.

Whoever mentioned Steven Lynch is right on, he totally slipped my mind but he's probably the funniest purely musical comedian out there today (Bailey doesn't count 'cos music-y stuff is, what, half of his set at most?). Ross Noble is also awesome, but I dunno if I could put him in my "best ever" list yet, having only seen him twice live. He's hardly been around long, either, in comparison to somebody like Izzard, or stood the test of time like Hicks or Lenny Bruce.

Peter Cook, yes, was indeed the funniest man who ever lived. Cahnt.

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Lee Evans is hated a lot since he became mainstream, to be honest, I've always found him funny, but not really funny. Dave Spikey, however, is all kinds of awesome. I imagine the likes of Hugh Dennis and Paul Merton would be good stand-ups.

Don't get the Ricky Gervais love, he's good in the office, his stand-ups are really overrated to be honest.

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Having a purely American bent when it comes to my comedy - George Carlin is the F'N Best ever IMHO...

I find Steven Wright to be fantastic, and prolly should look for some new material of his..

I like George Carlin, but all of his recent stuff really hasn't impressed me so much. The last HBO special of his that I caught basically went like "So I don't like this." And that was the joke. His stuff a couple of decades ago, though, was very, very good.

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