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Rock Band

Fanku Kaibutsu

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That reminds me of something I've wanted to mention for awhile now. Isn't it a bit ridiculous that music games are held to the ridiculous standards of the ESRB? One mention of the word "fuck" in a video game would be an automatic "M" rating, but you can literally record an album that is 80 minutes of the word "fuck" and you just get the "PARENTAL ADVISORY" sticker. Music video games be exempt from the ESRB, and instead get the "EXPLICIT LYRICS" sticker.

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At the very least they should have something where you either have the clean version and the explicit version, I'm sure the programmers could find a way to do that and you have to enter a passcode or some other verification for the "explicit" content.

It's weird though, because they'll censor a lot of words that aren't really even curse words, but yet they still allow "squaw" in one of the songs if I remember correctly.

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Personally, I think all Rock Band/Guitar Hero DLC should be unrated. They're superfluous tracks that don't have to be in the game, so people under the age limit won't be forced to hear them. My view on this mainly stems from when they released Blood Sugar Sex Magik in the Rock Band Music Store; I bought a few songs, one of which was Sir Psycho Sexy. It's practically a wasted download, however, because they took out about 50% of the words. Yes, it IS a very vulgar song, but that's the point of it. Are kids going to download a song with that title, let alone an album with its title, in the first place? Not likely.

Anyway, on a happier note, I got The Beatles: Rock Band today as a birthday present. It's been pretty awesome so far... but oh my god, the background performances to the songs after they stop touring are so trippy it's ridiculous.

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There IS kinda a huge step up in difficulty between Spirit in the Sky and Souls of Black. Especially on Expert.

So yeah, the best advice is to just keep playing at Hard until you're confident enough to be hitting more notes, or just keep playing the lower tier Expert songs until you get the hang of them.

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I nearly completed the entire Beatles Rock Band story mode and it's fucking amazing.

Yeah, I did it all in one night on guitar and it's really fun. Fucked around with vocals too yesterday because I want to get better at that. The high-pitched repeating of the song title at the end of "Hey Bulldog" drove me nuts, I couldn't do it at all.

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This is definitely the first game where I actually want to sing most of the songs, where as before I would only sing if no one else would sing or if it was a song I particularly liked. This is also the first game where it's not a chore for me to go after achievements, and I never restart a song to try and get the achievement right as I'll just play it through and try again later.

Still wondering how I'm going to get the double fab and triple fab achievements though...

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As long as you approach Rock Band in the same way you'd approach an unfamiliar style of game you'll do fine. The big problem is usually hearing of everyone playing Expert etc. and wondering how it's possible to play with FOUR fingers, you just get used to it over time.

And drums are absolutely sucky for new guys, it took me ages to be able to approach Medium... and even now I can only play the lower tier expert songs.

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