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Looking through my old PC game collection, I see the following five games:

Commander Keen


Jill of the Jungle


Return to Castle Wolfenstein

I was brought up on those. Think back; what were the original games you played as a kid?

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Bill's Tomato Game on the C64! It was brilliant. Basically, it was a 2d puzzle game where you played as a tomato, and had to get through vertical mazes with traps and stuff, but the only way you could move was to place fans in various places.

For example, you had to place a fan to blow yourself off the edge of a shelf, but then place another fan lower down to blow yourself away from a squishy thing and onto another shelf to complete the level. You couldn't directly control the tomato itself. Obviously; it's a tomato! This game had some serious realism. By the end, they got immensely complicated. It was great.


Twin Tigers

Fast Food (basically a Pacman clone)

Alex Kidd

Some wierd-ass game with cowboys and Indians in it.

and of course the mighty Elite.

I remember Jill of the Jungle too. Wasn't that basically Prince of Persia, but in a jungle? ¬_¬

As for Return to Castle Wolfenstein, don't you mean 'Wolfenstein 3d'? Return to Castle Wolfenstein is a new-ish game. The original Wolfenstein (well, not quite, but the 3d one) was awesome though. But mentioning that does remind me of Duke Nukem 3d, which was class. Obviously.

Also, Stunt Car Racer! My favourite racing game when I was little. How can you argue with graphics like these?


Edited by Farmer Reil
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Aye, I meant Wolfenstein 3D. That was great.

Also, Fast Food <3 There was another also, that I bought at the same time as Fast Food. I dunno if it was by the same people or not. It was great though.

And I remember there being some kickass game I played at my old friend's house. It was something like Tarzan / George of the Jungle. I can't remember much, other than you fighting a Cheatah near the beginning.

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Gotta love a bit of Blue Shadow, Maniac Mansion and Totally Rad. They were great games...for their time.

Probotector was cool for the fifteen minutes I played it for before I died too. <_<

Oh, and the Ghostbusters game on the NES. This one...


Why was Winston blue?

Edited by Wilson Regal
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And I remember there being some kickass game I played at my old friend's house. It was something like Tarzan / George of the Jungle. I can't remember much, other than you fighting a Cheatah near the beginning.
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Gotta love a bit of Blue Shadow, Maniac Mansion and Totally Rad. They were great games...for their time.

Probotector was cool for the fifteen minutes I played it for before I died too. <_<

Oh, and the Ghostbusters game on the NES. This one...


Why was Winston blue?

What the hell Ghostbuster's game is that?! The only ones on the NES I was aware of was the shitty one where you drive around fighting generic ghosts and Ghostbusters II.

And if Winston's blue, then there's a good chance it's based off of the Real Ghostbusters, even though his uniform was more of a gray . . .

As far as the old games I still have....

Wolfenstein 3D

Spear of Destiny


Civilization II


Doom II

Man, I remember the first time that Doom was loaded...it was so magical :)

Fuck, I miss the old days of Windows 3.1 and DOS. Our first computer was a Packard Bell 486 with 8MB of RAM; it came with this program called "Navigator", which made using the computer a tad easier; later we removed it when we figured out how to use Windows for ourselves :shifty:. I kinda get chills thinking about it; "Welcome to Packard Bell Navigator". With the games that came with it, Megarace was a favorite of mine.

Damn, I miss the old days . . .

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I was raised with Mac, so my experiences are somewhat different. Games like Iraq Attack, Lemmings, Monkey Island 1 & 2, Indiana Jones & The Fate of Atlantis, Marathon, and Glider Pro were my fare.

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The first games I can ever recall playing were VGA Golf and a game called Gorba on my dad's old-ass PC when I was about 4 or 5, I think. Gorba was a clone/hack of an older game* where you played as the ex-USSR state secretary Gorbachev. Then came the original NES and Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt. The roots show, however: haven't bought a single new console since SNES and haev always been a computer gamer through and through.

* I don't even know the original's name, you basically played as an archeologist who could tunnel through walls in search of diamonds, then there were open areas with monsters trapped in them that were set loose once you tunneled into them. Also, there was lots of boulders about

For more recent nostalgia, anyone else play that game MDK? I really wish I had it back because it was so incredibly awesome, it had little nuclear bombs and you were a super-powered janitor and it was cool
Edited by Bushmeister
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