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Oh and I will nevah foget OREGON TRAIL~! on the Apple IIe.

Haha, my friend had that, and he loved it, but I thought it was utter shite, never appealed to me at all. Didn't help that said friend was only allowed on the computer for an hour at at a time. Bless.

Anyways...hmm...Secret Of Monkey Island is a big one. Before that, Alex Kidd In Miracle World, California Games, World Cup Italia '90 and Altered Beast on my brother's Master System, and before that...Rainbow Chaser and Space-Frogs on the Commadore '64. In Rainbow Chaser you played a purple blob thing that collected stars and rainbows, and if you went left from the start screen you went into a witch's house and, as far as I could ever tell, all you could do in there was jump in the cauldron and die. Space-Frogs was just Frogger....in space.

And anyone who claims not to be nostalgic about Dizzy is a liar. A filthy, filthy liar.

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Stunt Car Racer was lush!

The games I was brought up on are the cassette tape games you'd buy for £2.99. I had loads of football management ones and one where you were the player and had to make decisions about what you'd do in a game. I don't know ANY of their names and I was definitely under 10 at the time so they're from the 90s. My friend had a C64, my cousins a Speccy and I had an Amstrad. My other mate had the Atari that plugged into the TV. One other friend had one of the early PCs where we'd play Games Winter Challenge, strange text adventure games and Kick Off and Dino Dini's footy for hours at a time.

*sighs* Such happy, simple days.

I then got an Amiga and wasted my teenage years on Monkey Island, Beneath A Steel Sky, Sensi Soccer, Pinball Dreams, Theme Park and Syndicate.

And most of you were still in nappies.

Pah, you lot don;t know you're even born [/old man rant]

In fact, here we go.

My first computer:


Live and learn: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amstrad_CPC

Edited by ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster
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Picking up the Mega Drive Collection on PS2 last week was the best thing ever. For £20, I managed to get Alex Kidd, Sonic I and II, Comix Zone, Ristar, Golden Axe I and II, Phantasy Star III and a whole slew of other awesome.

I recommend it to anyone that had a Mega Drive growing up.

Edited by Jordan Stiva
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My first PC (and probably a lot of other people's), except with a cassette player instead of them new-fangled floppy disk drives ¬_¬

The days of taking 20 minutes to load a game (and that was only an average... just try loading Mike Reed's Pop Quiz ¬_¬), while the screen displayed something that can only be described as epilepsy-inducing ¬_¬.

And Skummy is right, Dizzy rocked ass. Desert Island Dizzy in particular.

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Back in the day I used to be all about the 1st person shooters...

Wolfenstein 3D

Duke Nukem 3D (second best PC game ever)



Blake Stone (aka Wolfenstein in space)

Also, the following games were kickass in their time...

Sam and Max Hit the Road (best PC game ever)

Command and Conquer (the first one)

Commander Keen

Super Nintendo still kicked my PC's ass for games

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Picking up the Mega Drive Collection on PS2 last week was the best thing ever. For £20, I managed to get Alex Kidd, Sonic I and II, Comix Zone, Ristar, Golden Axe I and II, Phantasy Star III and a whole slew of other awesome.

I recommend it to anyone that had a Mega Drive growing up.

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Commadore 64 with tape drive! :wub:

That was my childhood for years, and my parents would only get it out of the cupboard to let me play it on as a special treat, so when I couldn't, I'd sit in my brother's room and watch him play Altered Beast on the Master System, on a tiny black and white telly, while listening to Soundgarden, until I had to go to bed. Good times, good times.

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My first computer was a Packard Bell with a 6 gig HDD and a Pentium II processor.. my family was way too fucking poor to afford a PC until around the time I turned 13. ¬_¬ But the first PC I ever used extensively was an Apple IIe.

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Oh and I will nevah foget OREGON TRAIL~! on the Apple IIe.

Oregon Trail was the most spectacular game ever.

I've got a rom of it somewhere--may have been lost on my old computer. Obviously, it was taken from the data on one of those 5 1/4" floppies that was in every classroom in the late 80's, which means that any number of little snot-nosed shits had played it before.

While I was playing it, I passed a gravesite, as you do sometimes in the game. You have the option of looking at the gravesite and seeing the epitaph of someone who played the game earlier and didn't make it. So I stopped and looked around.

"Here lies


pepperoni and cheese"

Turns out I wasn't the only person thinking that when the game asked "What would you like on your tombstone?"

I LOL'ed. Ingenious.

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For more recent nostalgia, anyone else play that game MDK? I really wish I had it back because it was so incredibly awesome, it had little nuclear bombs and you were a super-powered janitor and it was cool

Oh and I will nevah foget OREGON TRAIL~! on the Apple IIe.


Both of those games were awesomeness. I remember a demo of Oregon Trail came with our Amazon Trail CD, and my brother and I loved both games (my brother even started playing Amazon Trail again recently >_>). MDK I got when I got my iMac (one of the early Bondi Blue ones), and I never managed to finish the game. A year or two ago, though, I went looking for it on the internet and found it at Underdogs, and I went through a short phase of playing that again. Such an awesome game.

Our first computer was an old Mac LC575, and the very first game I remember playing was something called Specter Challenger or something, where you play as a wireframe tank that shoots other tanks, and you had to kill every other tank in each level to continue. That was the shit.

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Man, Specter Challenger and Specter VR were the fucking bomb. The highlight of an entire year was finding out how to teleport between levels using those crazy spinner shots on portals. I also played something called Alien Arcade heaps, from memory

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The best thing about MDK was the Earthworm Jim falling cow power-up. That was inspired.

I don't remember that one. I do remember, however, there were some particularly random sound effects when you killed things. Also that part of the first(?) level where you take control of that bomber was quite fun as well.

Man, Specter Challenger and Specter VR were the fucking bomb. The highlight of an entire year was finding out how to teleport between levels using those crazy spinner shots on portals. I also played something called Alien Arcade heaps, from memory

Good to know I got the name right having not played the game in over a decade. It was like Pong, only more awesome.

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