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Spider-Man 3 Discussion Thread


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I figured we should make an official thread, but let's keep the spoilers in spoiler tags for those who won't have the benefit of seeing it immediately. I'm going to a midnight showing tomorrow and just to give an example of how fucking crazy people are going over this movie, I had to reserve seats when I bought tickets. Like, I actually had to go onto a theater seating chart and pick out the two seats I was purchasing.

Oh, and the movie has already made $30 million without even being released in the States. From Yahoo News:

LOS ANGELES - "Spider-Man 3" cast a worldwide web with a blockbuster first day, hauling in $29.15 million in 16 overseas markets and beating the debuts of the previous two "Spider-Man" flicks in each locale.
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I'm going to a midnight showing tomorrow as well, bought the tickets on sunday. Didn't have to reserve seats though, of course the showing isn't really publicized or anything.

Buying the game on friday, which I think I'm more psyched about.

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I know a guy who got to see a screener of the movie, and he said it was a very good film, and Topher Grace played a great asshole, though they didn't focus on that character as much as they should. I'm definitely hyped to see it though as I thought the first one was great, and the second wasn't bad either. The inclusion of Venom in this one is worth it for me.

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Buying the game on friday, which I think I'm more psyched about.
Really? You don't think it's going to be the same GTA-Lite-Lite game like every other Spider-Man game since the PS2?

but still annoyed it doesn't have traditional steroid Venom with the black and white suit.

Have you seen the Venom trailer? He looks so bad ass.

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Nah, apparently they've tweaked the game alot so you can weave in and out of the story, with other missions and you won't end up doing the same 5 things over and over again.

Plus once you get to black suit, you get a whole new moveset full of uberviolent attacks.

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Guest digrind

Really? You don't think it's going to be the same GTA-Lite-Lite game like every other Spider-Man game since the PS2?
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Venom does look badass, as a pencil-neck nerd I still have qualms with the casting of Topher Grace. EDDIE BROCK IS A FUCKING MAMMOTH, NOT A LITTLE WEASEL. THAT'S CARNAGE. Oh well.

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Guest mAXi

Whoah, Topher Grace is in this movie? That's just funny. Well, to me anyway since i can never seem to tell him apart from Tobey Maguire, ever.. but i guess that's not really a big deal when it comes to this movie.

However, if Elijah Wood can be awesome in Sin City, then Topher Grace can be awesome as... whatever he is, i don't know my shit when it comes to the Spiderman comics. I don't even know what's going on with the movies... uh, but i'll watch it.

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Midnight showing for me too. I bought five tickets on Sunday. They said they planned to show it in 8 of the 12 screens they have. They had already sold out 6 of them.

In 2004 we went to a midnight for SM2, and they had twelve prints of the film, and STILL turned people away for the midnight screenings.

I can't fucking wait. I am then going to go see it again on Saturday with a friend who can't go tomorrow night, because there is no doubt this movie will be fucking awesome.

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Saw it tonight. I love how a movie marketed around Venom, featured Venom for 10 minutes at the end.

Overall, I felt the movie was incredibly overhyped, a gut feeling i had going in. Didn't live up to it's praise at all, imo.

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Saw it tonight. I love how a movie marketed around Venom, featured Venom for 10 minutes at the end.

Overall, I felt the movie was incredibly overhyped, a gut feeling i had going in. Didn't live up to it's praise at all, imo.

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How could they have possibly fit more Venom into it? It played out perfectly. I agree, I wish there would have been more Venom, but doesn't mean he won't be coming back in the sequel/spin-off. And don't tell me because he died that he won't come back, it's a comic book movie - anyone can come back.


And Emo Peter Parker may be the funniest thing in the history of cinema.

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I'll have more to say tomorrow on the film, but initial thoughts are that while I felt it was a really good movie, it wasn't great. I wanted it to be great, but it just wasn't.

Maybe it was too much PP and not enough Spider-Man, maybe it was too many characters, or maybe it was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much MJ, but something just isn't sitting well with me.

Based on my initial reactions, I got out of the theatre roughly an hour ago now, I'm gonna go with 7.5/10, or Overall Spider-Man 3 Grade of B. We'll see how I feel after letting it sink in.

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I went to see it last night at the midnight premier and I'm tired as fuck today but glad I did. I don't think the movie lived up to the hype it had gotten, but it WAS still a good movie. The special effects were great, and there were some twists that I didn't see coming. When Harry grabbed MJ in her apartment did anyone else jump like 5 feet out of their seat? I spilled my popcorn all over the damn place.

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I'm sorry but that film was shit. The only highlights where the JJ's buzzer incident, Bruce Campbell and Peter Parkers attempt at the Lynx Effect dance.

Venom was even worse than I imagined. Giving him a normal voice whilst the mask was on looked and sounded stupid, and the fact that he's meant to be the biggest arch enemy of Spiderman in terms of vunerable to spider-sense, etc. The fact he died in one fight was pretty piss poor.

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