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What book do you think...


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Following the sucess of Harry Potter and Lord Of The Rings as major box office hit, I was thinking about some other books that would make good films and the first one that sprang to mind was The Belgariad by David Eddings. Anyway, here's the blurb.

Blurb: Long ago the evil God Torak sought dominion and drove men and Gods to war. But Belgarath the Sorcerer led men to reclaim the Orb that protected men of the West. So long as it lay at Riva, the prophecy went, the men would be safe. However Garion and his Aunt Pol knew not that an ancient legend would shape their destinies.

Anybody else who has read it will agree that it is a great series. So basically post your favourite book to movie idea with a synopsis and also a possible cast for the main characters. Oh, here's my cast.

Garion (young) - Christopher Ralph (Tobias, Animorphs)

Garion (adult) - Christopher Goram (Jake Foley, Jake 2.0)

Aunt Pol - Elizabeth Hurley (The Devil, Bedazzled)

Belgarath/Old Wolf - Ian McKellen (Xavier, X-Men)

Silk - Matthew Perry (Friends)

Barak - Hugh Jackman (Van Helsing)

Well those are the main characters. Torak would be CGI I think. Anyways away you all go. :rolleyes:

Edited by TEWObsession
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1984 (It's been done, but never that well)

I think a lower budget version of 1984 that concentrated on the real themes of the book as opposed to the high budget drudge they made in the 80's would be great. Of course, it'll never happen because studio execs don't think low budget when it comes to something high profile.

I'd like to see an onscreen version of Kerouac's "On the Road", and apparently so does Scorsese, although he's owned the film rights to it since '67 and done nothing about it. I just hope this doesn't go the way of Scorsese's planned Dean Martin biopic and never end up happening.

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a computer game that would make an awesome film, would be Project Eden.


And, along the same lines, I always thought Homeworld would make a great TV series (it'd be way too long for a movie to be able to do it justice, unless you had multiple movies).

There really should be a Warhammer 40k movie. NOW. RIGHT THIS SECOND.

Back to books, Have A Nice Day would make a pretty cool movie, but only if Foley was the only wrestling-related person allowed on the creative side of things.

Edited by TheReilDeal
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a computer game that would make an awesome film, would be Project Eden.


I love you so much more than ever before.

The storyline of Eden beats any other game in it's genre. I drool over the thoughts of a movie, too bad there's like.. no chance of it happening. Not to mention, the game itself is amazing.

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The Odyssesy - After Troy it'd be great.

Well there IS an Odyssesy movie out there somewhere as I watched it in school twice...but a remake wouldn't hurt since it is very old. Wouldn't be surprised to see one done if Troy is a big hit.

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Well there IS an Odyssesy movie out there somewhere as I watched it in school twice...but a remake wouldn't hurt since it is very old. Wouldn't be surprised to see one done if Troy is a big hit.

It was a TV movie in 1997...not that old, but a theatrical version would be nice.

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