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Final Fantasy


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I have a similar question. My girlfriend likes playing Kingdom Hearts, so I thought she might like Final Fantasy games. The only one I have at my house is 12, so we started on it, but she didn't like the idea of waiting to attack, etc. I decided I think with the fighting style not being turned-based but more action-oriented, she was comparing it to the hack-and-slash of Kingdom Hearts. So, what game should I start her on?

I'm thinking I'll go with Final Fantasy X, and hopefully she'll like it. If not, I was thinking possibly X-2, though I'd hate for her to play it before the original. KH and Guitar Hero are the only games she plays besides the classic Mario titles, so I'm guessing something from at least Final Fantasy 7 will do, though probably 8 or 9 due to the graphics if I go for a PS1 version.

So, suggestions?

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I wouldn't mind finding her some more hack-and-slash games, but I was hoping to introduce her to the Final Fantasy series I've known and loved over the years. We've been friends a long time, so she's known how much I adore Final Fantasy games (5, 7, and 10 in particular) for a long time. Now that she plays video games a little, I'm hoping to get her hooked on Final Fantasy much like I have been.

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Whoever dissed Selphie is just asking for a big slap across the fucking mouth. Selphie rules the damn world, she's so much fun - which, let's face it, every other character in FFVIII needed a little bit of sometime. Apart from Selphie's ones, every cut scene/story moment was "who's turn is it to have angst now?" The girl's home/school got blown to bits by Galbadian missiles and she still ends up hanging out with her friend by the water fountain and playing tag with the junior classmen. Plus, her Limit Break includes possibly the best spells in the entire game, if you're willing to keep rotating the slot machine enough times. Selphie is so fucking badass it's not even funny.

Although the Irvine pairing was a little forced, I grant you.

Aside from her, the FFVIII characters well all a bit mardy - Squall is obvious, Quistis is cool but spends way too much of the game obsessed with failure and/or getting into her students' pants, Rinoa is like Ashe/Garnet in the sense that her big quest is entirely uninteresting and you're mostly just hoping Seifer/Edea will show up to kill something, Irvine is way too much of a failed Zack Morris to be interesting, and Zell is a character who spends his entire life obsessed with hot dogs and punching people without ever actually doing either. Selphie owns that motherfucking game.

Plus, FFVIII is saved, as I believe Skummy said once, by Tonberries and Jumbo Cactuar's 'stache.

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God I love that 'stache.

As for the other games, which I realise I forgot to mention - I love FFVII, Skummy is correct that it is probably one of the high points of the entire series. If you take the time to do the sub-plots/hidden stuff with people like Vincent especially, you get loads of insight into things that maybe didn't make sense before and really round out the story, Midgar is a great city, and it has the Gold Saucer of all things! Sephiroth can be a bit whiny at times, but fucking Hell, so can Kuja and Seifer.

I liked FFIX, as somebody said, it was a great send-off to the old style of games before they started to try and push new things, change it around a bit, etc etc. Zidane is a boring cunt, but it's a good game, if nothing else for Vivi, and Steiner's short fuse.

FFVI is, for me, the high water mark of the series. Once you disregard the graphics, which is a total moot point anyway, it's got the best story, best cast of characters, best villain, best serious and best comedy moments, and is one of the most lovingly-crafted things you'll ever play. It's the perfect game.

FFX and FFXII are good games in their own right, but compared to the PSX games, they just can't measure up to be honest. FFX was nice, got the nuts-and-bolts down well and is probably the best game to start with in retrospect, so buy that one thug, but move on as soon as you're done. FFXII just tried to do too many things at once, too much new stuff, and wasn't exactly helped by a plot stolen from the Star Wars prequels and driven by one of the most unlikeable women in FF history. Although Balthier and Fran get special credit for being fucking awesome.

FFVIII has a special place in my heart, despite some of its character flaws and dodgy battle/magic system, because it's the first FF game I ever played and that one always stays with you, no? Plus, I could listen to the music for that game for hours and hours, it's got one of the best scores of any game in the series, possibly the best. No, One-Winged Angel actually isn't that good, by the way.

But then, what do I know? I quite liked FFX-2, but that was almost purely for Rikku and the Nooj/Gippal/Baralai trio.

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I so have to find a pic of 'Stached Jumbo Cactaur and make that my avatar now. >_>

EDIT: Booyah, bee-hotches.

(I kinda liked the whole slow-build Rinoa/Squall love story, that eventually led to the breakdown of Squall's 'omg loner' thing.)

Edited by TenaciousG
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He was rubbish, though. She basically threw herself at him from day one, the dirty slut, and he didn't even show any remote interest until she got bitch-slapped at the end of Disc Two. That's 2 discs' worth of procrastination! Plus, that scene at the concert in Fisherman's Horizon was beyond lame.

"We're all here for you!"


"We love you!"


"Try not to work hard, okay, at being a military general at age 18!"


"Want to dance?"


"Well, here's a sentence that implies I'm yours, whenever and however you want me, stud!"


"I'm off to bed! Here's my room key!"

*Rinoa leaves*


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He was rubbish, though. She basically threw herself at him from day one, the dirty slut, and he didn't even show any remote interest until she got bitch-slapped at the end of Disc Two. That's 2 discs' worth of procrastination! Plus, that scene at the concert in Fisherman's Horizon was beyond lame.

"We're all here for you!"


"We love you!"


"Try not to work hard, okay, at being a military general at age 18!"


"Want to dance?"


"Well, here's a sentence that implies I'm yours, whenever and however you want me, stud!"


"I'm off to bed! Here's my room key!"

*Rinoa leaves*


Ok, that made me laugh. You are the winner. 500 XP and 100 gil for you.

But going back a few posts to whoever was talking about the music from FF8, I have to agree. The opening theme, Balamb Garden, The Landing...all amazing tunes, all of which I listen to on my computer.

Oh, apparently I don't have the Balamb Garden theme :crying: I need to get the soundtrack to the game, as I do already have FFX's ($50?! Seriously?!)

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I need to find that FF8 animated gif again. The one that's like:


"I like you Squall, let's dance!"


"Squall! Be my knight and save me!"


"I love you Squall!"

"Whatev...*checks script*...Um, I love you too."

"YAY! Let's have BABIES!"


Edited by stokeriño
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You do have to admit, though: Tifa's tits were too big. :P

So basically you dislike Final Fantasy for the sheer sake of disliking it then? >_>

Apparently you missed the part where I was geeking out about how great Final Fantasy VI was. Seriously, I've implied nowhere in this thread that I dislike any Final Fantasy game other than VII and IX; I like pretty much every other Final Fantasy game I've ever played, especially Tactics.

Plus I just gave props not too long ago to Final Fantasy VII for having a very solid first act.

So... no, not at all. I was making a joke.

As was I :P

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He was rubbish, though. She basically threw herself at him from day one, the dirty slut, and he didn't even show any remote interest until she got bitch-slapped at the end of Disc Two. That's 2 discs' worth of procrastination! Plus, that scene at the concert in Fisherman's Horizon was beyond lame.

"We're all here for you!"


"We love you!"


"Try not to work hard, okay, at being a military general at age 18!"


"Want to dance?"


"Well, here's a sentence that implies I'm yours, whenever and however you want me, stud!"


"I'm off to bed! Here's my room key!"

*Rinoa leaves*


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