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Shitty musical genres


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Drum 'n' bass, rave, techno, trance, speed garage (or, any garage for that matter), house, 99.9% of hip-hop, most contemporary pop, and contemporary ska are fucking shite.

Whilst I dislike br00tal death metal, I don't hate it and could listen to it in a club/gig environment if it was on.

Some contemporary indie annoys me, but I can't say it's 'shit' like some other people on here. I'd more likely accuse it of being unimaginative and painfully dull.

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I like most music but however much I've tried I've never been able to like metal, save for five or six bands (none of which are Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer etc.). I also detest the majority of the whiny, samey American pop-punk/power pop/"emo" or whatever you want to call it. By this I mean bands in the vein of Cartel, RJA and pretty much every band that adds you on myspace and begs you to listen to their music because they're "really cool and original and sing from the heart."

I'm also not a huge fan of rap music although it does have it's moments and chipmunk rave music is rather horrible, as is "opera-pop" or whatever you want to call it. Rubbish like G4, Il Divo...you get the picture.

Apart from that I'm easy.

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Pop music. It's so bland and uninteresting. When I hear pop songs, I can almost see the team of scientists and executives designing every aspect of the music, and the singer themselves, to be as widely appealing as possible.

Mainstream rap music. I shouldn't have to explain this.

Metal music like Cradle of Filth or Archenemy, where the singer doesn't actually sing, but screech. It's really, really obnoxious, and grating, and I can't stand it.

Pop-Punk from Blink 182 onward. It's like Blink 182, Fall Out Boy and all them looked at who immediately preceeded them, and said "Hey, I bet we can be softer, less-offensive and more marketable, than those guys!"

Indy. I'm not even sure what 'Indy Music' sounds like, but I hate the genre because 'Indy' shouldn't be a genre, it should just be an adjective, like it used to be.

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I wouldn't go that far. Some of it is very good, but some of it is equally as shite.

Welcome to every genre.

A metalhead's relations are always chav, bar the father. The father is always a classic rocker. It's the law.

My dad is more Queen, Phil Collins and Frank Sinatra, Queen is the most rock he goes really, or Genesis.

Annd my mum sis all Celine Dion, Diana Ross, etc.

My sister is very much a clubber, but doesn't dress in tracksuits, she's more Lily Allen chav if anything.

My parents are very Queen, Collins, Moody Blues, Bee Gees & Genesis etc.

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My dad likes anything pretty much. Except screamo. Though he said he likes the live atmosphere of screamo bands, he hates listening to it at home. His favourite band is Mott The Hoople, and he likes pretty much anything classic rock. Unfortunately, he loves contemporary "alternative" so he occasionally listens to Lostprophets and Panic! At The Disco. :(

My mum. Jesus Christ. Anything 70s/80s dance, pop, anything. She's there. Though she does have Trail of Broken Hearts by Dragonforce on her iPod.

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I came in here and was going to say pretty much the same thing as Fanku. Of course not exactly the same, but he hit most of the points.

Except I think metal in most forms (I don't count Metallica or Megadeth or the older classic stuff) is funny more than anything. I listen to it primarily as a joke and to piss people off.

Among my other dislikes...

Anything -core. And ska. Yeah. That is just irritating how they try to break off into so many branches and yet they're all uninteresting garbage. Create all the buzzwords and subgenres you want, the music and the fanbase are crap.

Modern R&B ... for being in the same boat as commercialized hip-hop and pop.

EDIT: Add whatever shit music WKTU (103.5) in New York plays. It's like very very crappy dance, mostly from the 70s and 80s, then Gloria Estefan type music, then dance remixes of modern R&B. Yuck.

Edited by Lowerdeck
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Just about mainstream anything I don't like. Mainstream country and hip-hop are the worst. Though I've never been a fan of country, to me, country music died with Johnny Cash. People like Toby Keith and Big & Rich are pissing on his grave. Mainstream hip-hop/rap is atrocious too though I do know that there's a lot of decent underground hip-hop if you just look. Most pop, by definition, is automatically shit...with maybe the exception of Justin Timberlake. Mainstream rock right now is...alright. I actually like My Chemical Romance and Fall Out Boy and Panic At The Disco are tolerable in small doses (though you still can't convince me that they're not the exact same band). But I think their fans give them a bad name. If I was in a band and I had whiny, self-important fans like that, I'd ask for new fans. And "mainstream indie" sucks, just for the oxymoroniness of it all. If you're on a major label, guess what, you're not indie!

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I like most kinds of music. Honestly. With the exception of mainstream country, which even has some ok stuff (Keith Urban is alright), and mainstream 'rap', which is ok if I'm out at a club, I don't actively dislike anything.

Country was good until Garth Brooks stopped making music. Garth Brooks was the last country artist who actually made me want to listen to his music.

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Pop-punk, that genre that bands like Panic! are if it's not pop-punk, any form of metal (does that include screamo shit? If not, emo/screamo shit too), the American alternative-rock stuff that YI described in the first post, most R&B, most hip-hop, most rap, 99% of stuff from the 80s, stuff like Broken Social Scene, whatever they fall under, dance/trance/club/electronica. I think that covers it.

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Whilst there's a number of really good bands, post-rock is really starting to piss me off at the moment, as there's like hundreds of bands with only like 4 different sounds between them.

Surely that's the fault of the individual bands, rather than an intrinsic flaw with the shiteness of the genre itself? Godspeed You! Black Emperor and Silver Mt. Zion (Orchestra) more than make up for any shite post-rock.

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