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Heroes Season Two

Guest Ringmaster

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It's a good point, but he could easily have done that himself in case someone came to accuse him of being the killer.

If he's not the killer, why would he have the photo of Bob unless he was planning on giving it to Bob as he had done with Kaito and Angela? And who else do we know of that could make Angela Petrelli try to scratch her face off? Even if he's not the guy who killed Kaito, surely he has to be the guy involved in Angela's "attack".

I hope he's not the killer, because the whole "I'm trying to protect myself" thing made sense. Trying to scare Molly off because he thought she was working for The Company/the killer.

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That guy's an idiot already just for this:

"The problem is, they're not doing anything interesting. I've read that Parkman/Nathan fight scene a million times in X-Men and other comics, always playing out exactly that way. Maybe it seemed cool to the non comics-reading audience, but how big a portion of the audience is that?"

Um...I'd say at least 80%.

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God, I hope Sylar kills that whiny bitch. She's so annoying. Just the :crying: then AAIEEEEEEE!!!! then "Maya, take my hand!"

I hope Hiro's pleased with himself. He's just caused a major paradox.

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Just saw this on another forum, it contains probable spoilers.

I have acquired three reasons why Adam Monroe has to be Kensei. The first two being only speculations, but the third being actual proof.

1. "Adam" was the first human being ever, and "Kensei" was the first SG ever. Of course, there may have been more before Kensei, but at this time it really looks like Kensei was the first.

2. Notice that Kensei never told Hiro his real name. It wouldn't be that big a deal if Kensei just slipped in "Oh, I'm Greg Johnson, but call me Kensei." Thus, we know the writers had to be hiding something.

3. Ready? Look at the flag behind Kensei. This is the symbol of White Beard's camp.


Now, look at the flag behind Peter and Caitlin.


Adam obviously set this room up for Peter. Now, I believe that Adam (Kensei) is the one killing off the Linderman members. But don't think I'm turning on my theory of The Nightmare Man being involved. The NM obviously attacked Angela Petrelli, since there was no one in the room. But I do think it was Adam that killed Kaito.

So now you ask yourself, there are two killers? In a way, yes. Since Pa Parkman (The NM) had a picture of himself with the symbol, I believe Adam is threatening him in a way to force him into helping him. And since Pa Parkman had a picture of Bob, I do believe Bob is next and will be murdered by The NM.

Of course, this is all theory and none of it is spoilers, so I am not 100% sure. But since everything makes the right connections, I do believe I am right.

Edited by Dublin
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Here's several things i've been trying to say throughtout this whole topic, but couldn't because i hadn't caught up with everyone.

1)I dont think Nikki killed her husband (forgot his name, d.l.?) even though it looked like he didn't get harmed as much as the cop (forgot his name too :( ) remember that the ambulence appeared soon after the cops accident but he spent a long time waiting in that corridor bleeding to death. He also spent a lot of his energy escaping from the cops when he didn't think his body could cope, it looks a lot like nothing could be done.

2) Of course there are more than one killer, remember when he said "of ALL of them they chose you". That implys that there are much more than one killer. i'd guess around 5-7 killers which aren't all found by the end of the season leading to continuarity over the next season not just OMGZ ANOTHER TWIST, MORE BAD GUYZ.

3) Hiro is obviously going to stay in the past, but we're going to see a lot more cliche moments throughout the season. They've run out of scrolls so obviously he's going to encounter more pieces of the story through history books or "hidden historical places". I dont think that he'll go on to become the warrior unless he kills himself. Remember he rips his own heart out to show his love of the princess, either that's going to be done by the warrior who can regenerate or thats the actual end of the Hiro saga. The latter sounds better as it shows that Hiro has true love for the princess, not just he's tring to trick bad guys.

4) Am I the only one who's genuinely interested in the Mexicans? They have interesting powers and i like the way that Syler's trying to influence her to become a killer, i agree it takes up a lot of time but i think this is going to be the slow burning storyline this season - which WILL get much more interesting as they go on. I doubt that Syler will ever survive to see Suresh or anyone in the company. I dont know if he'll even survive the border trip leading to conflict between the twins.

5) I hope they go into much more detail about how the Petrelli's survived. I understand Peter just regenerated but how could a passport and some money survive a nucluar explosion right in the centre? And how did the other Petrelli survive when he has no regeneration powers right in the middle? Yeah I know that this is obviously going to be explained around either the middle or the climax of the season but some of these things just dont make any sense at all.

6) Noah is becoming more evil by the episode, and i think that Bob catches on to this leading Suresh to make a difficult decision, shoot Noah or Molly dies. The paintings show Suresh with a gun in the 7th, and Noah dead in the 8th. Nikki can't kill Suresh if he lives to kill Noah unless this happens right after in a backstab moment.

I could think of many more points last night but i can't remember any of them now.

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2) Of course there are more than one killer, remember when he said "of ALL of them they chose you". That implys that there are much more than one killer. i'd guess around 5-7 killers which aren't all found by the end of the season leading to continuarity over the next season not just OMGZ ANOTHER TWIST, MORE BAD GUYZ.
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Hiro versus Kensei is what I' am most looking forward to the most as well. I have a feeling that somehow, Hiro kills off Kensei, then does everything he needs to make sure history stays in place, but can't go back to his time.

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