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Best comedy scenes


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Charlie Brooker's also great...

"Jamie Oliver" - http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=PWkWQ-39KLo

"Torchwood" - http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=spZYGHd0mdg

"Aspirational TV" - http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=59OJ17raqWw

"Ten Advertising C*cks" - http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=znz0f9CjtV4

Edited by ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster
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You've gotta ginger chiiiii-hiiiiiiild!

Oooh, we're gonna tell your dad that you said that. Just as soon as we work out... where he is...

(it's an outtake, but it still counts)

Hell, just pick a random scene from Green Wing and it wins.

Edited by Farmer Reil
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Everything Hammy said is incredible, Iannucci and Morris are two of the best comedy writers Britain has ever produced, and I'd forgotten all about "Except for viewers in Scotland". I can't be bothered looking on YouTube for it, but another personal favourite is "...and the dead thanked God...with a dance!".

As for Jam, it's just pure genius. The blackest of the black comedy. What I love about it is that there always seems to be some sociological theme beneath the surrealism, some kind of desperation. For example, in one sketch (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=y51GjYv48uA&mode=related&search=) a woman hires a plumber to try and fix her dead baby, and it's dark and disturbing enough as it is, but just heightened by two things; the plumber's eventual acceptance to actually do it for a huge sum of money, and the mother's occassional mentioning of how maybe "Daddy won't leave". Utter genius.

And the last Jam sketch Hamster listed is another gem. The radio equivalent, Blue Jam, had a lot of more of Chris Morris' somewhat downbeat monologues, and I love them all. http://www.myspace.com/bluejaaaaam Listen to "Goby Jovelor" on there, it's fantastic.

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The 'blokes in the pub talking about football', stuff from the Armando Iannucci Shows was immense...in fact the entire thing was brilliant. Totally underrated program (Much like Nathan Barley).

Youtube's being gay for me at the minute, so I'll edit links to these later;

The theme tune/intro from Garth Merenghi's Darkplace

The episode from 15 Storeys High, where Sean Lock's character gets addicted to "Blue Rat" and doesn't sleep, he begins to spy on his neighbours and becomes sure the guy across the street has a horse in his flat. The scene he first goes on about it is brilliance.

Oh and how can I forgot from the original series of "I'm Alan Partridge"..."DO YOU LIKE MY CONES!!! They're little ones...I stole them from a cycling test centre."

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Speaking of Marenghi; "And we'll meet again.....in VALHALLA."

Also, all from one episode; "Bang goes my hippocratic oath!"

"And what's your name?" "DOCTOR SANCHEZ!"

"Maybe...poach an egg in some soup, and have it with a PORK PIE or a Sausage roll."

Dr. Lucien Sanchez is immense.

That whole show is fucking brilliant.

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Red Dwarf & Bottom > *

Your post was going so well, but it tripped up at the final curtain.

Boo-urns to stoker, as Bottom is easily my second favorite Britcom to somehow make it to the States.

Quickly, my favorites. No links, as time does not permit at the moment:


1. Hot Fuzz, when Nicholas returns to town and is stopped by the old farm couple. Before hog-tying them, Angel places a nice kick square to the old lady's face. Hell, the last 30 minutes of that movie just absolutely kill me.

2. Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film For Theaters, where Dr. Weird gives a piece of his brain to each of his new creations...except for Meatwad, who gets canned cheese instead.

3. "Bring out ya dead!"


1. Nearly all of the "Backwards" episode from Red Dwarf.

2. From The Critic, when Jay is cleaning up New York and makes the train tracks smoother in order for the trains to run more quietly. "Oh, sure...blame the guy with the bucket of grease."

3. From The Amazing Johnathan's various specials:

(To assistant from crowd, as Johnathan holds a sharp knife.) - "Now's probably not the time to tell you this, but you look like the guy who killed my parents...

...oh, calm down. I killed my parents. How long can you take that?!"

(While faux-stabbing the mic stand.) "Clean up your room, clean up your room!"

(Back to assistant.) "Took that crap for nine long years. Now hold still!"

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