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The Hobbit Lives


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I guess they could really stretch out the battle at the end, as well as show what Gandalf did when he went off to evict Sauron from the tower he was in. This should also hopefully mean that they get to establish a lot of the characters from the book, which should be good to see.

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  • 4 years later...

Okay so - this is an old, old topic that I'm hauling up and I'm sure we've all be updated on the progress of the film until now (and this topic had a better title, so I decided on this over the Del Toro leaving topic) but anyways the point is..



Good god. The Hobbit is a rather average sized book. I'm hoping this means that everything is getting put in. It's seriously my favorite book from childhood so I cannot WAIT.

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  • 4 months later...

I liked it a lot. If I've got any complaints, though, it's that none of the dwarfs aside from Thorin got any real characterization. It was just "Here they are, here's there names, Thorin's the leader". I'm hoping that the others are more fleshed out in the upcoming movies.

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Thought it was meh. I was never a big fan of the Tolkien universe. Well ... I sort of am because I like the look and feel of it, it is the characterisation that puts me off. Tried reading the LOTR stuff but had no desire to complete it, so have never even attempted to look at Hobbit, so if reading that helps I guess I'm missing out.

I thought this trilogy's first film was better than the LOTR trilogy's first film, so there was that. It definitely had more going on. Thought it tried too hard to be funny at times, and at other times they just threw stuff in there for no reason. It boarded on overkill actually. And Martin Freeman was wooden as hell, that is probably on purpose though I guess. I liked the Dwarfs though for the most part, and I enjoyed all the connections to the other trilogy, and of course all the background stuff.

Overall thumbs in middle, but look forward to the next one. I think it can go on be much better now that it has got all the crazy stuff out of the way (I hope anyway).

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I thought it was amazing. I never read the books because my mom told me it's nothing special compared to the LOTR books, but apparently they added a lot of stuff to movie(s) to make it more exciting. Best 3D experience I've had yet as well.

It's kinda' hard to compare, as the books are so different, just set in the same universe. I enjoyed the Hobbit more, for what it's worth.

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I liked it a lot. If I've got any complaints, though, it's that none of the dwarfs aside from Thorin got any real characterization. It was just "Here they are, here's there names, Thorin's the leader". I'm hoping that the others are more fleshed out in the upcoming movies.

It's been a while since I read the book, but that's all I ever took from it as well.

"Yes...dwarves...lots of them...okay."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Saw it tonight. Loved it, loved it, loved it. Taken on its own, I think I love it more than any of the three Lord of the Rings flicks. It just works as a movie on its own better than the other three: it starts somewhere, it goes to hell and back, and then it ends up somewhere, with intrigue remaining about what's to come. It's not like, say, Fellowship, which just kind of abruptly farts to an end, or the Two Towers or Return of the King, which have a ton of baggage by virtue of the rest of the trilogy and their own little intrigue. And I prefer this one as a compact, simple adventure--with a more episodic bent--to the complicated MacGuffin-related intrigue of the LotR flicks.

I came in fully prepared to be disappointed, but I wasn't. At all. Sousa enjoyed this thing that other people liked. EWB can now come to an end.

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I'm almost sure that post and the one about liking Dark Knight Rises is some kind of trick. What are you planning, Sousa!?

Hobbit was so much more fun overall. It helps that it's a much more optimistic book, though. LOTR is pretty much all WOE IS ME, whilst The Hobbit is a fun adventure. Did anyone here hate the scene with the Storm Giants? I've seen a lot of complaints about that, but I really loved it. It felt like the legends you'd hear in Lord of the Rings from the characters, that you'd assume were metaphors or embellished stories... except this is a fantasy world, so it's totally not, it's actual fucking living mountains getting into a fight.

Also Thorin Oakenshield is by far the biggest badass in the entire series. That story of how he got his name built him up so damn much. I can't wait for the showdown between him and The Pale Orc.

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I'm gathering some extra good will for when EWB comes back and I announce that I don't like birthday cake or hugs. :shifty:

I liked the giants. They weren't really plot-relevant at all, but they were very good world-building. One of the big things about Lord of the Rings is that everything seemed to just kind of sit there, waiting for the important characters to show up and make their lives meaningful. The giants brought home the point that Middle-earth is a vast, often scary, often dangerous, but always wondrous place, where crazy shit like that can just happen, irrespective of the presence of the actual characters. It was a very Peter Jackson thing to do, but I liked it.

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