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Drunken Teenager Fatally Beats 7 Year Old Girl


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Source: some shitty video game website, but I saw this earlier on MSNBC:

Two teenagers have been charged with killing one of the pairs’ own 7-year-old sister using alleged Mortal Kombat imitation moves. The 16 and 17 year old teens were babysitting the child while the girl’s mother was at work when the incident happened.

The two teens reportedly hit, kicked, and body-slammed 7-year-old Zoe Garcia, causing “a broken wrist, more than 20 bruises, swelling of the brain, and bleeding in her neck muscles and under her spine”, the affidavits have said. Prosecutors are claiming the teens were imitating “wrestling moves” found in the Mortal Kombat video game.

The 17 year old Roberts claimed he was downstairs at the time, drunk and playing video games, but witnesses told authorities otherwise. One witness stated that according to Roberts, Zoe pleaded with them to stop wrestling with her, but he did not stop. When asked why he refused to stop, Roberts answered “I don’t know; I was drunk.”

Wow, is it 1993 all over again? Get with the times, kid - you're supposed to blame Grand Theft Auto now.

You know, I could see them having a defense if the kid threw a harpoon through the little girl's chest, cut her with knives or froze her with his Lin Kuei powers, but no, he just beat her to death. The fact that the media is even picking up on the "Mortal Kombat" defense is just another sign that they are hellbent on this same, tired story with still no credible evidence whatsoever to back it up. I hate sounding like a broken record every time one of these stories pops up, but it's just so goddamn infuriating. I just don't get how our society can't comprehend that kids (teenagers) are fully aware of their actions and can be just as much of a piece of shit as an adult. If this guy were 22, no one would bat an eyelash about the MK connection and just call him a piece of shit and call for the death penalty. But because no one under 18 could ever do something so horrible, it's clearly the video game's fault.

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That's the point they were tying to make on MSNBC... these children having this "garbage that should be taken off the market" (that is a quote) but we can't do anything about it because of "the First Amendment." Yeah, goddamn Constitution always getting in the way.

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I don't even know if you can blame the parents. This mom left her 16 year old daughter alone to watch the kid, a perfectly normal thing. This girl's boyfriend is over and gets drunk off whatever liquor is in the house and beats the kid to death. Are we going to start having to force parents to keep any alcohol out of their own homes now? I honestly wouldn't be surprised at all if that's the route we'll eventually have to go. Luckily though, there's the easier scapegoat of video games instead of the whole underage drinking thing to go after right now. Mortal Kombat is way sexier because you can show clips of Sub-Zero tearing someone's head off while you interview Jack Thompson.

And there are some wrestling moves in the newer MK's, I'm pretty sure someone has a "wrestling" fighting style. I assume the word "wrestling" is being used by the police officers taking the statement, I bet it also said something like "Suspect was playing Nintendo Xbox prior to beating."

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The Denver Post and Rocky Mountain News have more details than the CNN report, which is what you posted.

Seems the girl is the one admitting to doing everything while stating she was the one to state they were imitating Mortal Kombat (just seems the media has jumped over that little tidbit). The guy apparently didn't do dick aside from watch and referee.

However, whoever this witness is, is the one who has said he did everything. Whatever faith you can place in that I don't know. That and a neighbour says the little girl admitted that the guy's hit her before, so he likely did it. Girlfriend's probably trying to cover for him. They were both in on it regardless.

Still... The poor little girl. Even if only one did it and the other did nothing, or both did it, she was beaten to death... I can't even imagine. And the extent of the damage... Fucking horrible.

And it is very much an example of poor parenting. The mother has left her kids in the care of neighbours for days. And to not know where bruises come from on your little girl? Horrible.

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How concealed was the booze? I mean, if you've got it sitting on the kitchen counter or in the fridge and there's a finger-wagging "No no no, not for children" as your defense mechanism then yeah you can blame them, but if it's in a locked fridge or something then I can see it not really being their fault.

I just think it's ridiculous that a parent should have to lock their booze. Of course, I could go off on a huge tangent about how kids should be able to look at beer in the fridge and leave it alone out of respect for their parents, but these little bastards today have no respect for their parents. Which leads to the fact that they don't have respect for their parents because their parents suck, so I suppose those arguing have a point.

I just go off my experiences growing up in a house with booze available all the time and I never touched it. Not because I didn't want to drink it, I just wasn't a little punk asshole like most kids are.

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How concealed was the booze? I mean, if you've got it sitting on the kitchen counter or in the fridge and there's a finger-wagging "No no no, not for children" as your defense mechanism then yeah you can blame them, but if it's in a locked fridge or something then I can see it not really being their fault.

I just think it's ridiculous that a parent should have to lock their booze. Of course, I could go off on a huge tangent about how kids should be able to look at beer in the fridge and leave it alone out of respect for their parents, but these little bastards today have no respect for their parents. Which leads to the fact that they don't have respect for their parents because their parents suck, so I suppose those arguing have a point.

I just go off my experiences growing up in a house with booze available all the time and I never touched it. Not because I didn't want to drink it, I just wasn't a little punk asshole like most kids are.

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Um, going by the witness testimony (based on what he said to this witness) she tried getting away or at least ran at the guy and he kicked her down.

She also was a little 7 year old girl with her 16 year old sister and her 17 year old boyfriend doing it to her. Not much of a chance even if she did.

Regardless, was that really even necessary?

I know people like cracking jokes and shit, sometimes it's completely unnecessary and tasteless.

Edited by Vilge Duin
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That poor little girl, 7 years old and killed by fucken Mortal Kombat moves? Jeez.

Really do feel sympathy that a 7 year old girl has been killed by her own brother, what 17 year old has no common sense and actually managed to kill their little sister other than this retard.

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Um, going by the witness testimony (based on what he said to this witness) she tried getting away or at least ran at the guy and he kicked her down.

She also was a little 7 year old girl with her 16 year old sister and her 17 year old boyfriend doing it to her. Not much of a chance even if she did.

Regardless, was that really even necessary?

I know people like cracking jokes and shit, sometimes it's completely unnecessary and tasteless.

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