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Awesome Band Names


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I'm going to have to amend my list to include Wolves In The Throneroom.

And thinking about it, considering that none of them were brothers or called Walker, The Walker Brothers is quite good.

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Impaled Northern Moonforest

... And They Will Know Us By The Trail of Dead


Optimus Rhyme

1000 Homo DJs

Bomb The Music Industry!

Revolting Cocks

The Libertines

Rites of Spring

I can probably think of way better.. but that's off the top of my head, with some others that I was reminded of because of posts in this topic.

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Dead Milk Men

Gogol Bordello

Toad the Wet Sprocket

Bullet For My Valentine

Veruca Salt

Ashtray Babyhead (Later became The Kicks, to be radio friendly. I never understood, Ashtray Babyhead was such an awesome name)

Edited by Synjynpsychobitch
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Haha, how could I forget The Gordon Solie Motherfuckers. And, even though they're dreadful, The Dean Malenkos deserve a special mention. Incidentally, I was discussing the Gordon Solie Motherfuckers, The Smackdown!, The Dean Malenkos and The Ultimate Warriors with my brother over MSN one day, and coming up with what wrestler names would make good band names (he now insists on his next band being "The Jim Ross Palsy Syndicate"), and lo-and-behold who should be playing at my local indie club the next day....The Ultimo Dragons. Class.

Anyway, good band names - World's End Girlfriend. Rolls off the tongue, connotations of BIGness, all very lovely.

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Haha, how could I forget The Gordon Solie Motherfuckers. And, even though they're dreadful, The Dean Malenkos deserve a special mention. Incidentally, I was discussing the Gordon Solie Motherfuckers, The Smackdown!, The Dean Malenkos and The Ultimate Warriors with my brother over MSN one day, and coming up with what wrestler names would make good band names (he now insists on his next band being "The Jim Ross Palsy Syndicate"), and lo-and-behold who should be playing at my local indie club the next day....The Ultimo Dragons. Class.

Anyway, good band names - World's End Girlfriend. Rolls off the tongue, connotations of BIGness, all very lovely.

Haha, that's fucking killer.

I'm not a huge fan of Gordon Solie Motherfuckers, but they're not bad either. I guess if you just enjoy them for what they are (if you can enjoy that kind of sound) it's not too bad. It's funny that people are mentioning the Ultimate Warriors because I just recently checked them out, thought they were dreadful, but I had to hear them based on the name.

I did have a an idea to possibly start a band and call it the Darren Drozdov Experience, but that'll never come to fruition. I always liked the sound of the name Darren Drozdov though.

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Good Names


Bloc Party


Deacon Blue


Sigur Rós (regardless of what it actually means. It's a good name.)

The Smiths

Talking Heads


Echo & the Bunnymen

Bad names


Biffy Clyro

Dirty Pretty Things

Yeah Yeah Yeahs

I actually like all those bands. Not the names though.

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Barenaked Ladies

Blood OR Whiskey

CKY (or rather the full name Camp Kill Yourself)

Gutted With Broken Glass

I Killed The Prom Queen

Infected Mushroom

The Mad Capsule Markets

The Men They Couldn't Hang

Scary Kids Scaring Kids

You and What Army?

I like all those.

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Fuck, how could I forget The Dean Malenkos. Awesome band.

I quite like the Arctic Monkeys as well.

And even though they were fucking AWFUL, Test Icicles had an awesome name.

And, if I get a new band together (Me and a friend with a shitload of recording equipment are trying to get somethign together), we're going to name ourselves "Shadow From Gladiators"...which is a name and a half. :shifty:

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