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YI And His Special Music Corner


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Friday Night I was at the Brixton Academy and saw The Pigeon Detectives live. They were supported by Seargent and Cage The Elephant. I missed the first support act, but CTE were pretty good. It was hard to make out there lyrics, but they gave off a good vibe. I would recomend checking out there new single 'There ain't no rest for the wicked' Out June 16th. The Pigeon Detectives themselves were brilliant. They had the crowd going, and they just have such energy on stage. The music was top notch, and they were on top of there game. Easily better live than on CD.

Check Out:

Pigeon Detectives

Cage The Elephant

(Yeah I stole it from YI) <_<

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I repeat...Sigur Ros...HOLY FUCK! The 4/5 minutes of "Festival" may be the greatest thing I have ever heard in my life, this it kicks in and is total badass. "Við spilum endalaust" (Despite sounding a bit like a Coldplay song), "Ára bátur", "Gobbledigook" and "Illgresi" are all amazing...fuck it, the entire thing is amazing. I can't wait for an actual good quality version of it.

This looks as though it could be a record to knock Mike Hale from the top spot for the year. And that's coming from someone who's not really a Sigur Ros fanboy. I mean, I like them, but never tongue fucked them like a lot of people do.

And new Venetian Snares!!! YAY!!! I love the basic constant flow of new material from him, but his discography's so vast I'm never going to get into it all. :( (It's even worse than The Mountain Goats).

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I'm bored, so I did a little music chart like some of the rest of you do. It's not terribly well thought out but it's alright.

Poppy as fuck. A good thing.

I'd never heard of him before I heard this song. I really liked it so I got his album which is also top class. Nice folky sound.

This song has a real 80s sound to it. I love it. Unfortunately the Mystery Jets have been unable to write anything anywhere near as good as it.

The Kills are a couple of manky posers but they do make good music. I love the dirty guitar riff in this song.

I heard this when I was cutting the grass. I like it.

Given away as a free download prior to the album's release. Nice and upbeat.

7. Pity and Fear - Death Cab For Cutie

This song's a bit different from the usual Death Cab tune. It has tablas for a start. Nevertheless, it's still an excellent tune and has grown on me more than any other song from Narrow Stairs.

He is Belgian and he was in Eagles of Death Metal or something. This is his solo effort.

Just one of your distinctly average Australian bands that seem to be popping up all over the place. (Well maybe not all over the place. Just Australia really.) Good song though.

10. Meeting Place - Last Shadow Puppets

I really love this song. It's a shame none of their other songs were anywhere near as good.

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So I'm going to try and see John Mayer this summer but can't decide whether or not I want to go to the Charlotte show (with Paramore) or Raleigh (with OneRepublic).

I don't like either of the bands, so hopefully people who have experience with both can help me a bit.

I'm leaning more towards Paramore if only for Hailey Williams.

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Go see Paramore. OneRepublic are shit, and despite not being overly into them, Paramore were really fun when I saw them. Plus, Hayley Williams!

And for all those interested/Drags...go see them. :shifty:

A Wilhelm Scream's UK tour for the summer is;

So far...

16 Aug

Talking Heads - UK Southampton

17 Aug

TJ’s - UK Newport

18 Aug

King Tuts - UK Glasgow

19 Aug

Met Lounge - Peterborough

20 Aug

Thekla - UK Bristol

21 Aug

Underworld - UK London

I would hit up the Underworld show. But I'm leaving for Leeds from Newcastle the next day, so it's not do-able. :( Here's to hoping they get on the Leeds/Reading bill, or do a show up my way again. :D

In other news, From Autumn To Ashes have split.

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King Tut's 18th August?

I will be there...maybe.

Can I kip on your couch...nobody will notice...as we're seemingly the same person. :shifty: Seriously, you should go. I'm not sure if you've seen them before. But I've seen them twice, January 07 where they 'debuted' "5 To 9" on the tour, and January this year, where they were absolutely insane.

Seriously though. I'm in talks with the long forgotten DBS girl about hitting up one of these shows (With her saying she might be able to get us a lift), and Glasgow will probably be the one we go to (Closest too I think). I'm still holding out for something closer though. :(

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I've never seen them live, but I imagine they'd be absolutely amazing. Their songs sound as if they were made for it.

It's quite nice living twenty minutes away from Glasgow though. It's the best place in Scotland by far for gigs. And I'll be living there in a few months when I start uni. :)

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  • 5 weeks later...

no no no no no no no no.

YI loves Alkaline Trio. HATES! HATES! HATES! The new Alkaline Trio album. That's a very important point.

I do love Strung Out. :wub:

Oh, and Lights is apparently a bitch. A well sexy bitch though.

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Eugh. Fuck. I can't be arsed to re-upload it, as I can't remember what the links were. I'll just put a new (and better, as it was a bit meh) one up in a week or two.

I finally got around to listening to "Stop The Clocks" by Oasis, well the version that leaked a month or two back. It's FUCKING AWESOME! Yes, it has been oversold a bit, but to be fair, Noel's always like that. But it's probably the best Oasis song I've heard in 10 years.

In other news;



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