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So my friends got tickets to Warped Tour and need somebody to drive. They told me they'd cover my ticket if I'd drive and they'd pay some gas. I thought "Meh, that's cool I guess, I get to see Say Anything and Gym Class Heroes" and then I find out that fucking The Gaslight Anthem is playing.


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Strung Out at Trillians tickets are apparently on sale. They're £7 and you can get them from Beatdown Records store, which is in and around the area of Haymarket metty.

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So, I have a spare ticket for A Wilhelm Scream in Bristol on August 20. I'm not missing them again, especially since they're playing on a boat, so I either go solo and sell the spare, or one of you fuckers is meeting me in Bristol (and reimbursing me £8).

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So, I have a spare ticket for A Wilhelm Scream in Bristol on August 20. I'm not missing them again, especially since they're playing on a boat, so I either go solo and sell the spare, or one of you fuckers is meeting me in Bristol (and reimbursing me £8).

Can you still get tickets normally? I was talking to 'DBS girl' last night, she's trying to sort us out a lift. So if we actually go I'll buy it, but I wont know for a week or so when I see her down London with the guy who'd give us a lift...it's quite sad, she's going to a far manlier show than me (H20/DBS as apposed to DCFC/Styro :shifty:).

According to the Beatdown Records site, they're moving this weekend (Down to Clayton Street...I once bought pills from a guy with one ear outside that chippy...bloody silly thing to do...and I also once got a pizza for £1 for going "I'll give you a quid and dance for it"...I love Clayton chippy), so it's probably not a wise move to go up for another week or so.

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I finally got around to listening to "Stop The Clocks" by Oasis, well the version that leaked a month or two back. It's FUCKING AWESOME! Yes, it has been oversold a bit, but to be fair, Noel's always like that. But it's probably the best Oasis song I've heard in 10 years.

(I Wanna Live A Dream) In My Record Machine is ten times better.

And a Canadian radio station played a Chemical Brothers remix of one of the tunes off of Dig Out Your Soul, Falling Down, twice back-to-back then one more time within an hour. And it's fucking awesome. I'm still hard.

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Finally got around to listening to Matt Pryor's solo album today.

I find it funny that The New Amsterdams started life as the acoustic/folky sideproject to The Get Up Kids, and now he's launched a new acoustic/folky sideproject to The New Amsterdams as they become basically an 'indie-rock' band with the past 2/3 albums.

This album feels like it could slot perfectly in with "Worse For The Wear". Mostly acoustic with double bass, but electronics, electric guitars, piano, harmonica, coming in every now and then. Basically...it's a New Amsterdams album. If he'd put this out with the New Amsterdams name, nobody would bat an eyelid, but I guess it's just not where the band are going.

I LOVE-LOVE-LOVE the opening track.

I look forward to hearing obscene amounts of this album in the new series of One Tree Hill (if I watch it, the last one was shite). :shifty:

There's apparently a new Terrible Two's album due this year too. Matt Pryor is a busy motherfucker. I would be two though if I had two toddlers. :shifty:

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Can anyone explain to me, WHAT THE FUCK 'THAT' IS!!?!?!! :( :( :(

It's Matt Skiba living out my fantasy of rescuing Kat Von D from peril, which then leads to a bout of 'Thank You' sex :pervert:

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Rise Against have announced release plans for their forthcoming album. The record is titled Appeal To Reason and is due out October 07, 2008. It is the follow-up to The Sufferer & the Witness which was released in 2006.


Propagandhi, Death by Stereo and STREETLIGHT MANIFESTO are apparently working on new material too. :D

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Saw Death Cab in Brum on Tuesday, only got back this evening to be able to post about it.

Styrofoam were...okay. I was expecting a bit more of a show, but it kind of fell flat. Vocals were drowned out too. They weren't bad or anything, but they may as well have just put cardboard cut-outs on stage and played the CD. PLUS, no Couches in Alleys (and no solo Walla stuff, which would've been a long shot anyway)!

Death Cab were on form, despite a couple of agitated hand signals towards the sound desk from Ben a couple of times (not vulgar or anything, just trying to get the volume levels right >_>), I have decided that I like Narrow Stairs the least of their albums, and so I wasn't quite as impressed with this set as I was the first time I saw them. Kicked off with Bixby, which was alright, went into Crooked Teeth, which was awesome, then I kind of forget. But there was a good mix of new and old, although me and my friends were a little miffed that We Looked Like Giants and Tiny Vessels were both left out. Closed with Trans, which always works well as the last song. All in all, pretty good night.

Seriously though, the fuck is up with Ben's face? He's got weird, squared off sideburns, and his hair's a lot longer, I thought he was a roadie when he first came on >_>

On another note, I saw a poster promoting a New Found Glory tour in November. I wouldn't really care that much but not only are Set Your Goals supporting, Four Year Strong are playing too! And they play Bristol Academy on my Birthday! So going if I can find anyone to go with.

As good as Death Cab were, the crowd were fucking shocking. Half of them were about 14, and most of them didn't seem to have a clue. They didn't recognise the new songs, leading me to believe not many people know there's even a new album out, they didn't get really excited for the older stuff (one guy near me booed Movie Script Ending, at which point I told him to fuck off and said something witty about giving him his ending, but it got lost in the sound), it was basically "play the singles or we won't react, you cunts". They even booed when Ben complimented Birmingham, prompting Chris to call it a shithole, which got a cheer. Bizarre.

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Yeah, I've had the odd track like "Flirt" (which I've loved for a year or two, but I'd had it for ages even before that), "Fucking Little Bastards" and one or two others, but never really got into them, it's only on the strength of my boundless love for Malcolm Middleton that's developed over the past couple of months, and for Aidan John Moffat more recently than that, that's made me realise that Arab Strap had some of the best right-on-the-button lyrics ever, just unpretentious tell it how it is shit, and I fucking love them. As should we all.

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Man, I have not realize this until now but Swan Lake and Wolf Parade are sick.

Wolf Parades new album not so much, but the first album is sick. "You Are A Runner And I Am My Father's Son" = wonderfulness, Swan Lake is all around good, too. Proof is the line "All fires have to burn alive", man, clever as shit. Maaaan, that entire circle(Frog Eyes, New Pornographers, Swan Lake, Sunset Rundown, Destroyer and Wolf Parade) are all around goodness. Listen. :@

Oh yeah, Black Kids and Okkervil River leaks are solid shit too. Black Kids was definitely a grower though.

EDIT: Also, Magnetic Fields are going around the US. This calls for a road trip. <_<

EDIT2: I say man a lot.

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Hello, guys. Saw death cab and styrofoam at the apollo last night. And it was friggin awesome! I actually quite liked styrofoam, it soudned better live than the cd. There were some awesome guitar solos but yeah, no movement and i dont think many in the crowd knew them, the seated area was almost empty throughout..

Styrofoam setlist of what i could remember (NO COUCHES IN ALLEYS!! <_< ):

After Sunset


Final Offer

(the song before final offer on the album)

Other Side of town

(a really long song, about 6 minutes, probably off their old album because i didnt know it but sounded good)

Had a 30 minute wait before death cab, who were absoloutley awesome. There was a middle bit where people started to lose interest (movie script / company calls / epilouge)but i enjoyed it and it kicked off again from soul meets body, right on through to the end. Some nice suprises - 405 as an encore, i wasn't expecting grapevine fires either.

Compared to what was said about the birmingham show, the crowd were awesome. Constant cheers, clapping, everyone singing along to I will follow you into the dark. Most of the seated area (me included) gave them a standing ovation at the end. On top of that - i saw seniors (over 30's at least, some older than 40). Yeah i saw a few young girls around, but in general i felt the crowd were much older.


Bixby Canyon Bridge (simply awesome!)

The New Year

Why You'd Want To Live Here

Crooked Teeth

Long Division (didn't like the cd version, but live its incredible!)

Grapevine Fires

A Movie Script Ending

Company Calls

Company Calls Epilogue

Soul Meets Body

I Will Follow You Into The Dark

I Will Possess Your Heart (the most atmospheric song of the night)


No Sunlight

Expo '86 (dedicated to Styrofoam)

The Sound of Settling


Title and Registration (Ben crouches six feet from the crowd)

405 (which transitioned nicely into...)

Your Heart Is An Empty Room

Tiny Vessels


Very dissapointed at the lack of marching bands of manhattan! :crying:

After the show me and my girlfriend went to the side of the building to catch the band leaving but after an hour in the rain gave up and did the 2 hour drive back home. Definatley enjoyed it and apparantley their coming back in november.

I'll also have photos/videos by tonight.

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Hm, slightly different set to Brum. Mostly the same songs, slightly different order. Although we did get Marching Bands :P

Yeah, the crowd did get into it for the likes of I Will Follow You Into the Dark and Soul Meets Body, but it was like if it wasn't one of the 'popular' tracks of the big two albums so to speak, it didn't get as much of a reaction. I blame the fucking OC.

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