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Heath Ledger is Dead

GoGo Yubari

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I would imagine he'll be buried in Australia, are the WBC known to travel that far?

If so, even if not, isn't there some kind of new hydrogen bomb or something that needs testing? The Westboro Baptist Church would make a mighty fine target.

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1) I really couldn't care less about this. Shades of "Is Anna Nicole Smith still dead, Wolf?"

How tasteful.

If you really didn't care why bother posting in the thread at all? Were you expecting everyone here to be posting disrespectful comments about a guy who lost his life? Or are you trying to be the rebellious anti-christ?

It's a real shame what's happened, not that I was ever a film of any of his films or particularly his actinng, I admire anyone who's able to commit themselves to such a variety of roles and not just going where there's box office millions to be made. When I heard he was doing The Joker I was shocked and kind of let down, Jack as the Joker has always been a screen favorite of mine and I couldn't see the "guy from Brokeback Mountain" doing ole Jokester justice, anywho after all screens we've seen I can't wait to see Dark Knight.

RIP Mr. Ledger, it's always said to see people go before they can really accomplish all they want in life. And of course prayers to his daughter.

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It's quite a sad occurrence that this happened. Almost anyone dying is unfortunate, but things like this happen everywhere all the time.

He likely ODed (and even that isn't confirmed truth until an autopsy). It was either accidental or intentional. Either way it really doesn't matter. He's dead either way. How you can differentiate between the two without prior notice or a suicide note I'll never understand. The body doesn't exactly give you great incite into what happened, but that he ODed.

Still unfortunate. The allusions to Brandon Lee are a bit weird though. Namely the style of their last movies and characterization of their characters. Ledger will be remembered iconically as the Joker because of this one way or another.

It's crushing though that his daughter will grow up without her father. That's always the worst thing in scenarios like this no matter what.

As for the idiotic Westburo Baptists... People should quit paying attention, and then they'll go away. They're just hate mongers craving attention any way they can get it.

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I don't know if it's been mentioned yet, but supposedly Ledger's family was notified that the death was accidental and at the time he had pneumonia as well.


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1) I really couldn't care less about this. Shades of "Is Anna Nicole Smith still dead, Wolf?"

How tasteful.

If you really didn't care why bother posting in the thread at all? Were you expecting everyone here to be posting disrespectful comments about a guy who lost his life? Or are you trying to be the rebellious anti-christ?

It's a real shame what's happened, not that I was ever a film of any of his films or particularly his actinng, I admire anyone who's able to commit themselves to such a variety of roles and not just going where there's box office millions to be made. When I heard he was doing The Joker I was shocked and kind of let down, Jack as the Joker has always been a screen favorite of mine and I couldn't see the "guy from Brokeback Mountain" doing ole Jokester justice, anywho after all screens we've seen I can't wait to see Dark Knight.

RIP Mr. Ledger, it's always said to see people go before they can really accomplish all they want in life. And of course prayers to his daughter.

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Guest shibbycath

i normally care very little about celebrities, however i really liked heath as an actor, as a person (from what i have seen), and of course, as my teenage and adulthood fantasy (haha).

but on a serious note, i heard that anti-gay groups will protest his funeral for his role in brokeback mountain. that's horrible. i hope they shut that down a.s.a.p.

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Man, I was shocked yesterday when I heard this, particuarly because all of the hype around The Dark Knight, it's just crazy.

RIP Heath Ledger

Oh and what's with the anti-gay group protesting his funeral? They know he's not actually gay and he was just acting right? Do they also believe that Christian Bale is really Batman? That would be a sight.

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Wow. Just...wow.

I really hope that the Joker wasn't killed off at the end of Dark Knight, because that would be the deepest amount of surreal.

RIP to a good actor.

Honestly, on the WBC shit, why doesn't a decent church who understand reality picket them? I mean, it's ridiculous. Oh noes, he played a character in a movie!! Clearly this is Shakespeare's time, and actors are evil, evil people. Go 'way.

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I worry that they struggle to differentiate between a man being gay (which I actually have no problem with either, but I understand that there are religions that do) and a man portraying a homosexual in an act of fiction. If Heath's going to hell for that - I guess I'm going to hell too. I've played gay roles in plays before :o

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I worry that they struggle to differentiate between a man being gay (which I actually have no problem with either, but I understand that there are religions that do) and a man portraying a homosexual in an act of fiction. If Heath's going to hell for that - I guess I'm going to hell too. I've played gay roles in plays before :o

They hate everyone that doesn't actively work with them, by not picketing the rest of the world you're apparently a "fag enabler".

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I believe the sleeping pill was an Ambien, was it not?

Yeah, that's the one. It's marketed under a different name in Australia - but is still infamous for the crazy shit it causes people to do in their sleep.

As for the Westboro Baptists, they're in for a rude shock if they show up in Australia to picket an Australian icon's funeral. There'll be some backwards, redneck bigots getting fucked up.

No fucking wonder. Ambien is really messed up, take too many of them and you can really trip balls. Its like a benzo so if he was taking them with alcohol... well, it wouldn't be good.

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I admit here and now that I've never seen a Heath Ledger film but when I heard that he was to play the Joker I got interested in the guy and from what I've seen of the Dark Knight so far I feel that it will be one of the greatest performances seen in years. This is a very tragic story as it seems the guy was really moving on to greater things however at least it can be said (hopefully) that his last role was one of his best and it will hopefully put him down in the history books as being a fantastic actor.

RIP Heath Ledger

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