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The OAO Grand Theft Auto IV Thread


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I dont get why people are finding all these missions hard when whatever you have to do is clearly detailed in the textbox

you're in a chase mission and it says to keep someone alive? don't bother shooting it then and just follow the car until something happens

you're running ahead and shooting people when it says cover fire? well why do you think you keep dying

and so on

This is by far the easiest GTA if you bother to look at what you're supposed to be doing.

Edited by The General
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I dont get why people are finding all these missions hard when whatever you have to do is clearly detailed in the textbox

you're in a chase mission and it says to keep someone alive? don't bother shooting it then and just follow the car until something happens

you're running ahead and shooting people when it says cover fire? well why do you think you keep dying

and so on

This is by far the easiest GTA if you bother to look at what you're supposed to be doing.

That's just bollocks...There are a number of factors that alter a mission and make them hard for some, yet easy for others, unless every gangmember/police officer/blockades and other outside factors such as weather or traffic are scripted, then for the most part everybody is experiencing the mission differently. Add in (lack of) luck and , yes, a players skill level then just following what the textbox says isn't necessarily good enough.

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Is it just my TV or anyone else having a hard time hearing audio - especially in cutscenes? I find myself having to turn on subtitles before I do a mission because people talk so softly at points.

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Same here. Especially when a lot of whispering goes on.

And it's nigh impossible at times for me to hear them talking while outside or in the car (like on the phone) due to the sound effects over powering everything else. I often have to stop in a quiet place to listen otherwise the revving of the car's engine drowns it out.

Wish there was a toggle or bar to adjust the different settings (music, sound effects and voice) like other games.

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Doing the cops most wanted lists are so much more fun than the assassination missions, despite them being essentially the same thing.

One of the guys in Algonquin is in an apartment building, which you climb to his floor, search the apartments and find him lying on the floor, stoned out of his face. One shot to the head, mission complete.

It's just little things like that that make it so much more fun than just chasing people down and letting rip with the smg all the time.

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Ok right after saying things were easy I'm now exceptionally pissed at a certain chase mission

I think it's called death on the subway or something like that, you get two bikers riding away and you have to chase them, I can get the first biker about 3 or 4 turns into the route and keep shooting at the second guy. I've shot around 120 combat pistol rounds into him on the bike and he just wont fall off. I then realise this must be the part where I chase the guy to the end when I find out that it's near impossible to slow down enough to go down the ramp and i always lose him.

Fucking Rockstar and their fucking chase missions on fucking bikes

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I'll echo the sentiments for the game being quiet. I have to put my TV volume on to like 25 whereas on other games I have it at about 15.

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I'll echo the sentiments for the game being quiet. I have to put my TV volume on to like 25 whereas on other games I have it at about 15.

Same here. I have the same problem Vilge mentioned with not being able to hear speech, which apparently is included with sound effects. I turned SFX down so I could hear the radio rather than roaring engines...and now the radio drowns out voices. Just as well, anyway, some of the accents are a little hard to decipher anyway.

And does anyone else chuckle at Roman's CONSTANT use of the word titties? Not just the fact that he says it all the time, but it's the way it sounds in his accent. Seems to be the only thing on his mind most of the time.

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Paper Trail Spoilers:

Fuck it. Ten times worse than any of the bike chase missions. On the odd occasion I actually get near to the target chopper Jacob misses him before he turns back inland. What makes it worse is that I can't ignore it and go and do other stuff, I've got to do this before I can do anything else.
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if I enjoyed all the other gta's will I like this new one? I've heard mixed removes about this and was just wondering

If you enjoyed III, VC, and SA, you'll definitely enjoy IV. Some things have changed, like the driving, but the basic gameplay is still the same.

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