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The OAO Grand Theft Auto IV Thread


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Multiplayer details have been released! There's 15 modes, up to 16 players, and best of all, the online multiplayer is conducted inside Liberty City, not simplified maps like in Saint's Row.

The latest issue of PSM Spain has a new article on Grand Theft Auto IV, with 20 new screenshots and the first details on GTA IV's multiplayer system. Here is a list of the new information, which is being updated constantly:

* There are 15 multiplayer game modes in GTA IV. PSM had an opportunity to play 7 of them. The rules of each game are determined by the host.

* Multiplayer supports upto 16 players.

* Your online character is fully customizable. You can alter his race, sex, hair, clothing etc.

* The game modes featured are as follows:

1. Hangman's NOOSE

2. Car Jack City

3. Bomb da Base

4. Bomb da Base II

5. Mafia Work

6. Team Mafia Work

7. Deathmatch

8. Team Deathmatch

9. Turf War

10. Cops n Crooks

11. Race

12. GTA Race

13. Deal Breaker

14. Free Mode

15. (some other mode?)

* In Race and GTA Race, the host gets to decide which vehicles are involved, and the number of laps to be played. You can shoot and throw molotovs from the window, and even steal your rivals' car.

* In Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch, the host gets to decide whether the police can intervene or not. The host also gets to decide the number of pedestrians, the amount of traffic, and the type of weapons.

* In Cops n Crooks, one team play as cops and the other play as criminals. The cops must stop the criminals from escaping. They can monitor the locations of the criminals on their GPS systems, while the criminals have no idea where the cops are.

* In Mafia Work and Team Mafia Work, you play as one of Kenny Petrovic's mafia henchmen. You must complete hits ordered by the boss (via the cellphone) before your rivals are able to do so.

* A single-player mission called "Hangman's NOOSE" features co-op. You and your friends will be able to escort a mobster, while being pursused by a SWAT team.

* The map used in multiplayer is the same map that is used for single player.

*You can drive a car or an helicopter with three friends

"The most fun mode, and the one that stole most of our time during our visit to the London offices. Half of the players are criminals, the other half are cops. It starts with a chase all throughout Liberty City, with 4 players in each car depending what side you're on."

"It would have been a shame not to take advantage of the impressive recreation of Liberty City by only shooting on foot. We managed to steal a helicopter and see it from the air... Unfortunately the rival team did the same and it ended up looking like the final duel in Blue Thunder."

Edited by abundant
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And I might have finally been swayed into getting the 360 version.


Because multiplayer sounds like it could be pretty good, and I have more friend that play online via XBox than PS3.

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And I might have finally been swayed into getting the 360 version.


Because multiplayer sounds like it could be pretty good, and I have more friend that play online via XBox than PS3.

Ah, I thought you meant something totally different like the multiplayer was Ps3 exclusive and that was sarcasm or something.

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"Buy game normally, buy game with free stuff. FUCK YOU FREE STUFF :@"

"Kaney buys PS3 : LOL PS3 WHY BUY :lol: Kaney buys 360 : I WUNT PLAY WITH U :lol: "

I don't mind free stuff, I'll likely end up getting the special edition actually. The safety deposit box might be handy >_>

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Grand Theft Auto IV recently received a "Mature" rating by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) with the following descriptors: Partial Nudity, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content, Use of Drugs and Alcohol, Blood, Intense Violence.
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Some new info about the online portion courtesy of PLAY magazine. Nothing major, except the confirmation that up to 16 people can play in Free Roam mode. So GTA IV not only has 13 competitive online modes, but now you and 15 friends can screw around Liberty City, doing anything you want!

* Multiplayer can be accessed via your mobile phone during single-player. Select the 'Multiplayer' option and from there you can select game types and send invites for your friends to join you.

* The host can control things like time of day, vehicle classes (specifically for GTA Race mode), weapon types, traffic, the location of the match, the weather type and choose whether the game will feature police or not.

* As mentioned previously, you can customise your online character. You start off with basic modifications such as sunglasses, hats, tops, trousers and so on, but the more you play the game, the more options you unlock.

* PLAY Magazine saw a random pedestrian spraying graffiti on a shop. Pedestrians now have purpose. There are more unique moments.

The eight modes they played;

Deathmatch, 2-16: Fairly self explanatory. Anything goes, you can use any tactics you like to kill off the competition. Confined to specific areas of Liberty City to keep the action intense.

Team Deathmatch, 2-16 (in up to eight teams of two): Same as above, except you're working in teams. It's possible to have up to four people in one car (or helicopter).

GTA Race, 1-16: Race through the city on predetermined courses in a variety of different vehicle classes. You can pick up weapons en route and use these against your opponents, and you can also swap vehicles if you find a better one during the race.

Mafiya Work, 2-8: Mafiya boss Petrovic has jobs for you, which he'll describe to you over the phone. Each job is like a simplified mission. You might have to pick up recruits for the firm or take out a target, or - PLAY Magazine's favourite - find and then dispose of a dozen severed heads.

Team Mafiya Work, 2-16 (in up to eight teams of two): Same as above but this time you are in competition with another mafiya team for the same job. More tactical this time, and more challenging.

Cops N Crooks, 4-16 (in two teams): One team plays the crooks, one the cops. One of the players on the crooks' team is [randomly] assigned the boss and the others have to protect him and get him to an escape location on the map, while the cops have to hunt and kill him.

Hangman's NOOSE, 2-4: Mafiya boss Petrovic has illegally flown into Francis International Airport, and someone has tipped off NOOSE. You and your team must protect Petrovic and get him to a safe location in Liberty City.

Free Mode, 1-16: Go anywhere and do anything! Like single-player, except playing with your friends.

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