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The OAO Grand Theft Auto IV Thread


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Not sure if this information has been posted here - It's at least a 3 weeks old, but it's the first time I've seen it, so here goes.

Some new information

From PSM3

• According to the journalists, the first hands-on minutes were enough to solidify their feelings of how the game is going to kick ass.

• Liberty City has more streets than any other game in the genre.

• You cannot enter every building. However, you can interact with most of them. Rooftops, stairways, fire escapes, partial interiors, etc.

• Niko will not be able to manage property, gangs or trade.

• Bowling, dart games, drinking games, strip clubs and night clubs will be available.

• The core of GTA IV is all about the human relationship.

• Sometimes, your contacts may call you during a hard mission to ask you a service. In this instance, you can choose between the mission or whatever your contact is asking. If you ditch your mission to do things with your phone contact, you may see consequences. Whether or not you will be able to replay the mission that you went away from remains to be seen.

• The new impression of seeing a next generation living, breathing city is absolutely stunning.

• The pedestrian population density changes between the place/borough you are in.

• If you walk around the street with a gun in your hand, pedestrians who have a phone can call the police.

• In one instance when Niko tried to carjack someone, the scared innocent driver sped away so fast that he hit two cars.

• During the first mission that the journalists played, they tried to carjack someone without a gun. The driver beat up Niko. Niko got beat up so bad that he ended up at the hospital.

• Pedestrians react in a very realistic way. The journalists said that it is as if each person in the game leads his/her own life.

• It took 15 minutes to go through 2/3 of Manhattan with a boat. It took 10 minutes by car to go through Brooklyn and Central Park.

• The cars can be destroyed very realistically. Every part of the car can bend and fold.

• GTA IV has a wider variety of mission types. The missions are more difficult than in previous games.

• The game is done. Most clipping bugs are gone. The game is super smooth in terms of frame rate. (Note: The game is not 100% done. It is not "gold" yet.)

• If you press the jump button, Niko can climb everywhere. In other words, wall climbing from San Andreas has returned. You can strafe on walls, too.

• There is a swimming club.

• If you have five stars, it's very difficult to escape from the cops. They are everywhere and they don't joke with you. They are smarter than in previous incarnations of the series.

• While in a boat, the sound effects are awesome. You can hear the sound of the waves that beat the front of the boat.

• With powerful weapons, you can shoot through the walls.

• The weather that was seen during the four hours of gameplay included fog, rain, sun and clouds. A variety of colors can be seen depending on the time of day.

• When you die, you pay $100 but you get to keep your weapons.

• When you go to jail after getting busted, you pay more than $100 and you lose your weapons.

• While you are drunk, it's very difficult to control Niko. The drunk sensation is perfectly done.

• When stealing a car from a pedestrian, Niko didn't get into the car before the pedestrian sped up. Niko held onto the car as the pedestrian glided along the road. (Note: It may have been the pedestrian holding on to a car Niko was in. The translation is sketchy.)

• Choppers with search lights are in the game.

• Women will striptease in strip clubs when you pay.

• Depending on the borough you are in, pedestrians may speak different languages. Italian, Chinese and those in the Bronx are different when it comes to language.

• Health kits are available only in buildings.

• Grenade and molotov cocktail sound effects are stunning.

Some nice stuff there indeed.

Just annoyed that it's still over a month away.

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I'm in the same "will I get it on the day?" CONUNDRUM. I think I'm just gonna go for it and order it from Play. If I don't get it on the day I'll be pissed, but they're usually very good with postage.

That they are.

One thing I will be doing when I get the game is taking it the slowest I've ever took any game. I've waited long enough for it, so it's going to last me as long as possible.

I know you can fully explore once all the missions are done, but I like doing that during play too - The beauty of free-roam.

Although in saying that, with this character response thing, if I'm on a roaming/killing spree ...is my phone likely to ring if I've not started a mission as such? Unlikely anyone will know, as nobody has it yet, but just something I'll throw out there.

Thing is, if I ignore my calls, then that guy will be majorly pissed off with me. :shifty:

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I know we're doing a midnight launch for those who have preordered. I hate midnight launches *grumbles*

Take one for the team, Hammy...you're providing a public service more invaluable than firemen and EMT's put together. Hope you at least get paid a bit extra, though.

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I know we're doing a midnight launch for those who have preordered. I hate midnight launches *grumbles*

Take one for the team, Hammy...you're providing a public service more invaluable than firemen and EMT's put together. Hope you at least get paid a bit extra, though.

Nah, no extra, and if you work the midnight launch you HAVE to take the day before and after off as your days off (cos of legal working hours) which is even worse as your two days off in the week are dictated to you and you have to spend half the night between them working anyway. Boourns to them, hopefully I can make sure I don't have to work it. They try to make the part time staff work it (with only one management) as it's easier to pay overtime than give time in lieu (which is how I would get it as full time).

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There's no chance of a few copies going missing around that time, is there Hamster? :shifty:

Well you never know :shifty:

Interestingly a week ago I was down in our storeroom when the (supposedly secure) door was ripped open by some baghead who grabbed a hold of a box full of new release games (£2000 worth of stock that wasn't yet released) and I chased after him and he dropped the box and legged it. I'm great but I didn't get a management thankyou for that either. Grrr.

...Just had to answer loads of questions for the police.

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There's no chance of a few copies going missing around that time, is there Hamster? :shifty:

Well you never know :shifty:

Interestingly a week ago I was down in our storeroom when the (supposedly secure) door was ripped open by some baghead who grabbed a hold of a box full of new release games (£2000 worth of stock that wasn't yet released) and I chased after him and he dropped the box and legged it. I'm great but I didn't get a management thankyou for that either. Grrr.

...Just had to answer loads of questions for the police.

Clearly time to get your own back then.


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Midnight launches should be for consoles only I reckon. What are people gonna do - sleep during the day, buy the game at midnight then play it during the night? I don't mind going to a shop when it opens at 7 or 8 in the morning as you can just get up early for it, which is probably what I'll do for GTA.

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Word is coming through that the popular German magazine, Games Aktuell, will have the first details on GTA 4's mutliplayer system in their next issue. The issue is due to go on sale on March 19th, so expect more information around them. GTA IV will feature multiplayer game modes called "Team Deathmatch", "Cops n' Crooks", "Deal Breaker", "Bomb da Base" and "Hangman's Noose", amongst others which we hope to learn about soon. We understand that the magazine got to play two of these modes.


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