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On an entirely unrelated note, don't you like exploding stars? Or rather, wouldn't you like a little scaled-down one? I wonder what you would call that. :shifty:

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Anyone heard about Funimation picking up a bunch of the licenses that ADV lost?



(And can anyone recommend which series from that list are worth checking out, please? I've already seen Comic Party: Revolution and know I want to check out Pumpkin Scissors and Welcome to the NHK)

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Welcome to the NHK is good (although the anime has a lot of the weird grey creatures that are more fleeting in the manga, and I find them rather annoying). I would possibly recommend Pani Poni Dash, if only for it being more insane and over-referenced than even Excel Saga (random example: in one split-second scene the likes of Colonel Sanders from KFC and Virgil (?) Tracey from Thunderbirds are seen together for absolutely no reason. That is the level of fucking random we're dealing with here). Other than that there are a fair number of series that either weren't my thing (e.g. Le Chevalier D'Eon) or I watched for a bit but weren't really that good (e.g. Coyote Ragtime Show). Oh, and 009-1 is fucking terrible.

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The new opening is ok I guess, nothing amazing. But I'm mad! After the next two episodes, I have to wait like everyone else!

Edit: Just paused it on the status screen on episode 13, and poor Tamaki, low EVERYTHING (Combat, intelligence, charisma, and I think the last one is loyalty)

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.......is that a bad thing? :huh:

Is his mother still alive?...and....and......Shirly is dead! :crying:

Edit: RAWR! NO MORE EPISODES TO WATCH! When do they normally come out?

I hate VV, so I'm glad to see him get his ass kicked. And bah! Suzaku trying to turn Karen! Although I kinda wish that Rolo would have died.
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GAH. Gotta catch it ASAP... I wanna see :(

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geass 15

kinda underwhelming for lelouch vs charles and their first real meeting in some time. no real answers but I guess it is only episode 15. had to be a C.C centered episode somewhere. man I was so hoping when lelouch pressed that button, rolo would of bit the dust. the side plots were pretty interesting sayko going up against viletta/oghi, along with Nunnally/Suzaku/Kallen.
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So, I just watched maybe a minute of Pani Poni Dash, if even that.

It's fucked up.

For example, I just saw a dancing watermelon... thing in a window, I believe the Pedobear, every girl aside from about ten characters looks the exact same, they keep bleeping out the homeroom teacher's name...

Again, this is fucked.

Edited by Will.
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The Avatar Finale in summary:

Basically really really awesome except for how badly they screw over both Azula and Ty Lee. Damn it, Avatar.


That was amazing. ASIDOUGrnszihufbhvndifb

... so yeah, Avatar Finale was all I could have wanted it to be. Very happy. Can't really formulate good sentences or sentence structure right now so yeah, I'll go more in depth with thoughts and whatnot later but, GoGo...

They did NOT screw over Ty Lee! Come on, where else would the character have gone? With the warriors, it gives her an actual story to follow and a purpose, they actually gave her some great closure because she was taken away from her "family" in the circus by Azula, and now she has a new family to follow. It brings her back around full circle, without having her be concerned about what's going on around her which, well... yeah, Azula kinda forced her to be.

Plus imagine the Kiyoshi Warriors learning how to block bending from her. Just all kinds of possibilities for their little group now :P

As far as Azula... well, honestly, I loved her degeneration into madness, I thought it was really well done and damn chilling for a kids show to watch happen. She just went completely off the wall batshit insane and I loved it. However, they pretty much didn't follow much after she was chained up except give the obvious notion that she was in prison, probably staying there for just as long as her father does >_>

And now, let us take a moment to remember our friends, boomerang and space sword.

Okay, so maybe I could formulate something through my excitement. Still, I could go on about this for ages so let me stop myself before I take this beyond the realms of a "long Norro post" and into something far more frightening.

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The Avatar Finale in summary:

Basically really really awesome except for how badly they screw over both Azula and Ty Lee. Damn it, Avatar.

Wow. Just amazing. I watched it last night and stayed up until 10 past 1 despite having to get up in a few hours to go to work, and I'm surprised I managed to sleep.

We know that the Avatar team can do some amazing choreography in the battle scenes, but they really out did themselves this time. Aang vs Ozai never had a moment where I wasn't on the edge of my seat, Azula vs Zuko was a beautiful fight, and even Katara managed to look good against the Fire Lord (:shifty:).

I disagree with Azula having been screwed over though. They were building to this from the very beginning, and it worked really well. Azula losing her noodle was the perfect touch, just as she grasps her power firmly, she loses grip of her sanity. Brilliant. I don't care that Katara was the one to eventually defeat her.

And the score. Breathtaking. Every scene has a track the fits perfectly. My one gripe was the ad breaks and the chapter breaks. Ugh, they kept interrupting the music. :(

And they even managed to set up for a spin-off if they really want one (though I hope they don't, not if they can't keep the quality up anyway), with Zuko demanding to know where his mother was.

Most importantly though, Avatar State Aang kicks all kinds of ass.

For anyone who hasn't watched Avatar, you really need to, and right from the beginning.

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