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you just know Xing Ki is going to die. I still think he was a letdown considering he was supposed to be as smart as Lelouch and strong as Suzaku and has done almost nothing since like turn 9. I'd hope Kallen makes it, it's way more likely C.C dies. probably a few worthless characters like Tamaki and Chiba also. As long as Oghi and Kanon die, I guess things will be okay.

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Cornelia's completely anticlimactic death, officially making the entire series with a couple of minor characters who will probably die too one big pissing contest between incredibly unlikeable characters. I have better things to do than get angry at an anime I used to enjoy.
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Cornelia's completely anticlimactic death, officially making the entire series with a couple of minor characters who will probably die too one big pissing contest between incredibly unlikeable characters. I have better things to do than get angry at an anime I used to enjoy.

I agree, that was pretty anticlimactic. Still enjoying the series though.....at least they still have Kallen alive! And I figure, there is only 3-4 episodes, not gonna quit now.
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Yeah, see, that was sort of my mental state. I hated what Geass turned into but hey, only three episodes left. But augh, whatever. I'm just going to read the summaries from here on out, it's not worth bringing myself to care about anymore.

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Now watch the series turn itself completely around and do something so amazing that it causes all who watch the final episodes to have their heads explode from a braingasm, causing all episodes brought up online to go offline, and leaving GoGo in the dark, unable to get back into the series that made him hate it and redeemed itself at the last possible moment.

Then again, at least his head will still be in-tact.

... then again, ignoring the aforementioned "braingasm", apparently the chances of Geass turning itself around in the end are pretty much zero, from what I've been told from others who're following it. I'm almost apprehensive to pick it up and try to watch it myself >_>

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It's not going to turn around. It's sort of become blatantly clear that the staff is just pulling shit out of their ass at this point. Odds are the finale will be pretentious and annoying and every likeable character will die for shock value.

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It's not going to turn around. It's sort of become blatantly clear that the staff is just pulling shit out of their ass at this point. Odds are the finale will be pretentious and annoying and every likeable character will die for shock value.

with all they've pulled off the last 5 episodes or so I doubt much there could be much shock value left. unless some zombies or cyborgs pop up.

and about cornelia

I can't believe people think she's dead from that. it looked like it barely hit her. no way does she not come back from that. I mean she's been worthless this whole season so but they can do something better with her still.
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...... you call building a mech with a gun functional enough to fuck up V.V. with SPARE PARTS with no outside help "worthless?"

My god, man. Stop being wrong about everything.

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Yeah Cornelia was a fucking badass on her quest to clear Euphie's name, hardly "worthless".

Also, does anyone think that Diethard is pulling a Jeremiah of sorts? People are coming up with all these inane theories that Diethard is still on Lelouch's side based solely on the fact that Diethard smiled at Lelouch when Lelouch glanced at him. I guess it's not too far out of the realm of possibility (It's CG and all) but it seems like a theory that's reeeeeeally stretching it.

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Best Avatar-related thing ever. The reactions of the characters to their fanbases' pairings for them. I don't know why, but when I saw this, I couldn't stop laughing... I'm a colossal dork.


I don't know which of the expressions kill me the most. I think Azula and Iroh are some of the top ones though.

Edited by The Mask of Norro
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Soul Eater 24:

Finally! Epic battle time! We get to see Shinigami start kicking ass a bit, a bit of a backstory on why he doesn't seem as menacing as he should (the mini-flashback had me laughing) Asura looks like he's leaving to fully recover, then should come back soon. I'm 5%-10% sure that Asura is Death The Kids real father. Next weeks flashback on his origins should be pretty cool. Maybe finally get a glimpse of Maka's mom.

As for Medusa, I guess the rule of Soul Eater is that pretty much NO ONE DIES (except for the first couple episodes, but those don't count :shifty: ) She dies, comes back for "one last scare", dies again, and now she's a snake. Yeah.

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