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Actors you just don't get...


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So which actors don't you get? Actors people love, but you don't understand why. So, who don't you get?

For me, it's Will Farrel and Jack Black. The majority of the movies they're in, I don't care for...I don't find them funny or really that talented. So I can't understand how people love everything they are in.

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I've never gotten Johnny Depp. I really don't care for him. The only movies I've enjoyed him in were Edward Scissorhands and Secret Window. Seriously, how do people consider him "the greatest actor alive"?

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Depp is definitely someone I dont get either. I feel he just gets parts in movies due to his buddy Burton being a director or whatever. Scissorhands was one movie I can getbehind, Secret Window I actually saw this week on tv which was decent. His portrayal in the Choc. Factory remake I hated, give or take a few scenes.

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I've never gotten Johnny Depp. I really don't care for him. The only movies I've enjoyed him in were Edward Scissorhands and Secret Window. Seriously, how do people consider him "the greatest actor alive"?

I enjoyed him in Pirates, but yes, considering him the greatest actor alive is a bit much. The fan boys/girls anger me to no end.

And no really an actor, but Tim Burton movies....Nightmare Before Christmas wasn't anything amazing, Corpse Bride was a piece of shit...and I'm not going to see Sweeny Todd just off based off the fact "ZOMG! JOHNNY DEPP! *ORGASM* TIM BURTON! *ORGASM"

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I like Johnny Depp, but anyone calling him the greatest actor alive needs to be slapped upside the head. He's more or less a really, really pretty character actor disguised as a leading man, in my opinion. The only time I can think of where he was the main guy in the film and I absolutely LOVED his performance was in Ed Wood. And I liked Jack Sparrow, but that was a bit more of an ensemble thing even though he was clearly the breakout star, character-wise.

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How can you not like Johnny Depp? Donnie Brasco, From Hell, Blow, Edward Scissorhands, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, Finding Neverland, Dead Man, Sleepy Hollow. I mean come on, the guy has been in some great movies and always gives a great performance.

Anyways I don't understand this Zac Efron kid. I find him neither cute nor talented, just plainly annoying. And he ruined my otherwise good theater experience during Hairspray with his lameness.

And Ruki, Tim Burton didn't direct Nightmare Before Christmas.

Edited by Pepsi
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How can you not like Johnny Depp? Donnie Brasco, From Hell, Blow, Edward Scissorhands, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, Finding Neverland, Dead Man, Sleepy Hollow. I mean come on, the guy has been in some great movies and always gives a great performance.

I imagine Depp's suffering from association because of really, really annoying fangirls. Which isn't a fair way to judge him himself, but it happens.

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I love that a topic hat started as 'actors people dont get' turned into 'Depp bitchout session'. For the record, I like Depp and loved him in PotC. If that makes me a fangirl, so be it. I'll go get my pompoms.

If you wanna talk about someone who is annoying based on fan girls, I'm picking Orlando Bloom. The guy bored me to no end as Will, and I liked Legolas, but for everything else I just shake my head at how people can think he's a decent actor.

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Good God I can't stand John Malkovich. The way he acts, the way he talks, nothing. He has never, ever, done anything for me. He distracted me in Con Air, he bored me in Shadow of the Vampire, and while I can admit he had a creepy glare in his eye, he just does nothing but make me change the channel.

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Good God I can't stand John Malkovich. The way he acts, the way he talks, nothing. He has never, ever, done anything for me. He distracted me in Con Air, he bored me in Shadow of the Vampire, and while I can admit he had a creepy glare in his eye, he just does nothing but make me change the channel.
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So which actors don't you get? Actors people love, but you don't understand why. So, who don't you get?

For me, it's Will Farrel and Jack Black. The majority of the movies they're in, I don't care for...I don't find them funny or really that talented. So I can't understand how people love everything they are in.

Ruki hit the nail on the head straight off.

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How can you not like Johnny Depp? Donnie Brasco, From Hell, Blow, Edward Scissorhands, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, Finding Neverland, Dead Man, Sleepy Hollow. I mean come on, the guy has been in some great movies and always gives a great performance.

Anyways I don't understand this Zac Efron kid. I find him neither cute nor talented, just plainly annoying. And he ruined my otherwise good theater experience during Hairspray with his lameness.

And Ruki, Tim Burton didn't direct Nightmare Before Christmas.

As well as What's Eating Gilbert Grape, good flick.

I have never liked Tom Cruise. I don't like any of his movies, nor do I think much of him as an actor.

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First off Johnny Depp is one of the greats of this generation... I'm not fan boy and I'm not here to piss anyone off but even in dull movies, Depp always does good.

Now then I'd say that Zac Efron is bad... lame bad.

Katherine Heigel... I just don't see it. I do not find her overly good looking and I do not like her acting at all... Knocked up was bad and she wasn't even funny in it.

Orlando Bloom, Russel Crowe, Adam Sandler, Jack Black, Will Farrel, Jon Heder, Anna Paquin (and as an X-Man fan that one hurt to say)... ugh... I've got a ton more!

Not to mention my least favorite of all... MANDY FUCKING MOORE! Seriosuly, she can't act, she's not hot at all and I just fnd her all aroudn annoying! She makes my skin crawl in a bad way.

Edited by arwrestling
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