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NFL 2008

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The Falcons' defense dropped the ball this Sunday and allowed the Bears to score on their last drive. But Ryan and Jenkins pulled off a pretty spectacular play and won the game.

Eh, I think that had more to do with the Bears' poor decision to squib kick and the decent return the Falcons' special teams put up. Then it's a pretty simple pass play from Ryan to Jenkins and again, poor coverage decision by the Bears.

EDIT: Things just got interesting (well alright, more interesting) in Dallas. Romo has told the coaching staff that he can play Sunday against the Rams. Apparently Brett Favre encouraged him to try and play during a phone call. Just need to see if Wade Phillips will take the risk of him injuring it further.

This is annoying for my fantasy team, though. With Romo thought to be out for four weeks I just traded for Brett Favre.

Edited by AD
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As for the MVP discussion...to me it's about the one guy whose absence would be the most harmful to his team.

That leads me to two names...Drew Brees and (surprise surprise) Ben Roethlisberger.

Sure the Steelers have a great defense, but without Ben they're done. The Saints have a decent defense but their offense can't go without Brees. Brees has the better stats, but I'd argue that Ben is more clutch and accomplishes more with his throws than Brees does. But it's a close call at this point in the season for me.

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Maxx and AD, just curious what you guys think about Romo maybe playing since you're Cowboys fans. Would you rather him take the health risk or sit it out and maybe get behind in the standings?

Of course none of us are completely aware of the situation and how his finger actually is and Wade Phillips has said he would need to participate in a full practice for them to put him in which he hasn't done as of yet.

From what I know of the situation, I would prefer him to take a game or two off and come back for the Giants game. While the Rams may have beaten Washington, they're not the best team in the league and I think we can shut their offense down and do enough on offense ourselves with Brad Johnson to win the game. Then we face the Bucs defense who could really make Romo pay if he were to play and throw a few off-target passes and they'll probably heap the pressure on him and possibly make the injury worse.

Plus, giving Roy Williams a few games to learn the offense would be beneficial. An awry Romo pass due to his bum finger plus perhaps some mis-understanding from Williams and it could turn into points against us pretty easily. If he takes a couple of games off then Williams can get used to the offense with Brad Johnson and then by the time the Giants and the Redskins games roll round, Williams should be up to speed enough and Romo should be significantly healthier.

Then again, if it feels good and he can throw without much limitation then it wouldn't surprise me to see him at least try to play and if it is that good and the coaches are happy, then go for it.

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I'd like to see him at least take the Rams game off, only play if nessicary in it. I want him to get as much practice in with Roy Williams as possible however, as if we're going to do anything in the playoffs, those two need to get comfortable with each other.

I just worry Tony, especially after that call from Favre, will try to gut it out regardless of how much it is affecting him. If the coaching staff thinks the injury won't hinder his performance, then by all means put him out there against the Rams, even if its only for a half or so.

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So Romo practiced today and Jerry Jones thinks there's a good possibility of him playing Sunday but the decision will ultimately be left to Wade Phillips. I have a fantasy dilemma if he does, do I start a less than 100% Romo with all those delicious weapons at his disposal, Brett Favre against a poor Raiders defense that Drew Brees demolished last week or Matt Schaub against the worst team in the league, the Lions? Any thoughts would be appreciated >_>

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See? Favre's a fucking cunt, always meddling in stuff that doesn't need his two cents, does ESPN really need another excuse to bring his name up?

...what else has he meddled in exactly?

And I get that you're a Bears fan but jesus christ do you ever have anything positive to say about Green Bay and/or Favre?

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Schaub plays for the Texans and they suck as much as the Lions, That and the week Farve had a bye he had to go and get sick, So I lost to the undefeated team in my FFFF league by a handful of points and If Drew Brees demolished the Raiders defense, Take a guess at what Farve will do with that Bullet arm of his, Even IF Romo plays, Hes going to be playing with that fucked up finger and that could put him out after the first play and even up he plays a full game who says that finger isn't going to effect his passing game?

Slogger's Choice: Start Brett Farve

Edited by Trainer Slogger
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See? Favre's a fucking cunt, always meddling in stuff that doesn't need his two cents, does ESPN really need another excuse to bring his name up?

...what else has he meddled in exactly?

And I get that you're a Bears fan but jesus christ do you ever have anything positive to say about Green Bay and/or Favre?

Running joke, ahoy!

I have very little positive to say about Green Bay. Their uniforms are fucking horrible and the cheesehead thing is goofy as all hell. Favre was a great quarterback, but too many media-folk make too many excuses for him and he doesn't look after the ball well. It infuriates me that he gets away with stuff like managing OT-touchdown throws of like 50 yards with horrible throwing mechanics -it's luck sometimes, it's not just Brett being Brett, and that everyone all but forgets his past substance abuse, yet they'll immediately bring it up on any incoming rookie or struggling vet. And the stuff the past few offseasons is just irritating beyond belief. Not totally his fault, obviously ESPN is partly to blame with their blanket coverage.

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Schaub plays for the Texans and they suck as much as the Lions, That and the week Farve had a bye he had to go and get sick, So I lost to the undefeated team in my FFFF league by a handful of points and If Drew Brees demolished the Raiders defense, Take a guess at what Farve will do with that Bullet arm of his, Even IF Romo plays, Hes going to be playing with that fucked up finger and that could put him out after the first play and even up he plays a full game who says that finger isn't going to effect his passing game?

Slogger's Choice: Start Brett Farve

You spelling Favre wrong and saying the Texans are as bad as the Lions immediately nullifies your vote >_>

Put Houston in a different division in the AFC and they're at the very least a .500 team.

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I should qualify that, My spelling was off as it was 8 in the morning and I had just awoken and I SHOULD have said that the Texans are as bad as the Lions, In the win-loss category, Yes the Texans have 1 win, So I really should have said that they are NEARLY as bad, Record wise.

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The Texans have had a really tough schedule up to now, it doesn't help that they're in the same division as the Colts, Titans and Jaguars. They should demolish the Lions, really. Win-Loss records don't really count in fantasy anyway, it's all about the numbers they put up. I already have Owen Daniels and Kevin Walter, though, I don't want to put all of my eggs in the Houston Texans basket. Favre's probably the way to go.

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For a lack of a better place to put this, one of my fantasy teams has six byes this week. The only person currently on my bench that isn't on bye is Neckbeard (I have Peyton Manning ... and Matt Ryan, I really dunno why I got three QBs here.)

So... Peyton vs. the Pack or Orton vs. the Vikes?

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I'd probably start Neckbeard since Peyton has to play against DB's that can defend.

Edit: And since I'm here, I'm trying to decide if I wanna start Cutler or Roethlisberger this week. I haven't started Big Ben since Week 1 but I have a feeling that he'll do better against the Bengals DB's than Cutler will against NE.

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