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NFL 2008

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Another Steelers helmet to helmet hit goes by with no flag . . . This league needs to be much more consistent.


Are you sighing because nothing was given for the horrendous clash? The commentators claimed it was perfectly fine, why wasn't it? I'm not debating it, I'm actually just asking the question as I really don't understand some of the rules they try throwing out there at times. I don't understand why it's fine to them but not to you?

That was a nervous final fifteen minutes but we're finally there. Cant wait for the Superbowl, it's coming back to the Steelers :wub:

Edited by Dirty Johnny 27
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Another Steelers helmet to helmet hit goes by with no flag . . . This league needs to be much more consistent.


Are you sighing because nothing was given for the horrendous clash? The commentators claimed it was perfectly fine, why wasn't it? I'm not debating it, I'm actually just asking the question as I really don't understand some of the rules they try throwing out there at times. I don't understand why it's fine to them but not to you?

That was a nervous final fifteen minutes but we're finally there. Cant wait for the Superbowl, it's coming back to the Steelers :wub:

Helmet to helmets are 15 yard penalties/fineable/suspendable offenses for everyone but the Steelers. They get away with it on both sides of the ball too, as was evidenced in this game.

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For the first time since Super Bowl XXXV that I've never even gave a shit about the Super Bowl.

The Cardinals, whether they beat the #2, #5, and #6 seed, still didn't deserve to be in the postseason. The playoff system is garbage. The playoffs should be for teams that played well all year. An 11-5 team couldn't get in but a 9-7 or 8-8 team (Cardinals, Chargers) could just for winning the division? As for the Steelers, well, I just dislike the Steelers. With all of that said:

At least the Eagles didn't win. Maybe Donovan McNabb is planning on leaving, especially with all that disrespect he has had to endure.

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They were one of the first teams to get a playoff spot, how do you really say they don't deserve to be in it? They sewed it up early and took games off. Then the playoffs start and they've roared through 3 rounds and are Super Bowl bound. To me, that sounds like a team that deserves to be there.

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They were one of the first teams to get a playoff spot, how do you really say they don't deserve to be in it? They sewed it up early and took games off. Then the playoffs start and they've roared through 3 rounds and are Super Bowl bound. To me, that sounds like a team that deserves to be there.

True. However, by allowing a team that lets say, is 9-7 in the playoffs because they won a weak division is just making the playoffs look meaningless. You've got an 11-5 Patriots playing their best football and on an amazing streak but couldn't get into the playoffs because of a good division whereas all Arizona had to do was get a 7-3 record and take a break off. I'm not doubting the Cardinals whatsoever. I fully believed they'd beat Atlanta, meh at Carolina, and beat Philly (or at least praying). This is no thrash on the Cardinals, I just believe the playoff system is crap and makes the postseason look more foolish.

'Zona would have got in anyway, though. The NFC absolutely blowed this year.

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I've been saying for a few years that the NFL needs to revamp things; so does MLB, because the first year they switched to the current division system the entire AL West had losing records.

I will be pulling for the Cardinals in the Super Bowl - because I don't like the Steelers and because the last time the Cardinals won the championship was in the 1940's - but at the same time I find it ludicrous that a team with a .500 record can even get a shot at winning a championship.

Oh, and I hope McNabb does go somewhere else - and wins the Super Bowl the first or second year with his new team, provided its one I can stomach - because I'd love to see what it would to do the Eagles' fans.

Edited by GhostMachine
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How else do you want them to do it. The divisions and the scheduling is perfect right now.

No, it really isn't. The scheduling is but the way they decide who goes to the playoffs? No.

Look at the AFC West. A 8-8 team won the freaken' division, whilst multiple teams with better records (New York Jets, New England Patriots, Dallas Cowboys, Chicago Bears, Tampa Bay Buccaneers) missed the playoffs. What that means is that all you've got to do is win 8 games, clinch the division, and you're automatically in the playoffs, despite how bad you are? Not a good way to decide the playoffs in my opinion. I'd just put it blunt; the six best teams of each conference go to the playoffs and in tie situations, just use the tie breaker rule. You just can't tell me that winning the division should clinch you a homefield advantage and a automatic spot in the playoffs is fair for teams with better records out of the playoffs or teams in the wildcard whom have a better record but not given the privilege of home field. Let's use last year as an example. Didn't happen but what if the Patriots were shitty with one of the worst ranked defenses and worst ranked offenses yet went 7-9 and won the division because of a tie breaker win over a 7-9 Buffalo Bills, 4-12 New York Jets, and a 1-15 Miami Dolphins? Would they have deserved to be in the playoffs over a team that didn't, lets say a last year 11-5 Browns who didn't make it?

Edited by DontBeAnAssClown
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Its a national organization. Division wnners get into the playoffs so all parts of the country get a team in the playoff. Your proposed system could completely screw over one half of the country.

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That is pathetic. Divisions create rivalries. The winner of those rivalries gets a home game. So you want there to be a division that doesn't get a playoff spot?

I specifically said that giving division winners who absolutely suck (see 2008 Chargers) a definite playoff spot because they won the division is stupid and gives the playoffs less credibility.

I never said I wanted there to be a division without an opportunity to go into the playoffs. I am just saying that winning the division shouldn't mean anything more than "good job to ya" but having one of the best records among the conference is much more difficult, which is why I don't like the current playoff system that gives 7-9 division winners definite playoff spots but not 11-5 teams who don't win the division.

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The NFL has the perfect amount of teams in the post-season. Most years there aren't going to be 11-5 teams missing out, and there aren't going to be 8-8 teams winning divisions, or getting wildcard spots.

I am obviously ecstatic about Pittsburgh being in the Super Bowl, even if there were a handful of questionable calls (Although Baltimore really looked pathetic on offense anyways). The worst offense was definitely that roughing the kicker penalty, but it didn't lead to any Steelers points. Philly choking should have been something I saw coming though. Never thought I'd see the day Arizona made a Super Bowl, but I obviously hope their run ends there :shifty:

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Its a national organization. Division wnners get into the playoffs so all parts of the country get a team in the playoff. Your proposed system could completely screw over one half of the country.

So you'd rather reward mediocrity by giving a team a spot in the playoffs simply because they're the best team in a shit division, while teams with far better records don't get in?

I'm sorry, but if you have a division where every team in it is mediocre or crap - in ANY sport - I don't see why leaving that division without a playoff team should be a problem. At the very least, they should make it harder for that team to reach the championship, since they got into the playoffs by luck; make them play every game of the postseason on the road, or something.

*edit* Hajj, I didn't watch most of the Ravens-Steelers (but I did see the roughing the kicker, and that was bs), but frankly if there were questionable calls that went in the Steelers' favor, I'm fine with that. Because there were a few that helped the Ravens beat the Titans (not that the Ravens probably wouldn't have won anyway, considering how the Titans were playing). And I don't just mean the delay of game on the Ravens that wasn't called late in the game, either. (Ravens got away with pass interference a couple of times - and the announcers even called them on it after one of them - and a penalty against the Titans for a Titan yanking a Raven off another Titan after a play should have been against the Ravens, because the Ravens player kept holding onto the Titan way longer than he should have after the play was done)

Edited by GhostMachine
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Though I will no doubt be labeled a "homer" I am going to share with yinz a few media perpetuated myths that I think were effectively killed by the AFC Championship Game tonight.

1.) It's hard to beat a team three times in one season.

2.) Even though they are statistically less in every category but one, the Ravens defense is better than Pittsburgh's. (ESPN was guilty of this one.)

3.) Ed Reed is the best safety in the NFL.

Did Ed Reed even play? Just kidding. Ed Reed's a great playmaker but Troy Polamalu is just on a different level. He's everywhere. I understand that with Ed Reed's position he's the guy who is mainly supposed to roam in the defensive backfield, but he doesn't come close to matching Polamalu in my opinion.

- Joe Flacco looked scared out there at times. What's funny is that he was EXACTLY what the media and fans portrayed Ben Roethlisberger to be in his rookie season. A "game managing" quarterback who was protected by a stout running game and a good defense. The end result was ultimately the same but the difference was Ben made more plays and actually won some games with his big play in clutch situations.

That said I really think Flacco's gonna be good. The AFC North should finally have a rivalry that lasts longer than a year or two now.

- I don't know what other posters are talking about but both big hits by Steelers players were clean. Limas Sweed laid that dude out with a hard shot no question, but it was Limas' arms and shoulders that hit him and propelled him back. I did not see any helmet contact, but if it was there it was entirely incidental.

As for Ryan Clark's hit, once again he clearly turns his body to lead with his shoulder. McGahee wasn't a defenseless receiver and he ducked his head to brace for impact. The helmet-to-helmet contact was again incidental and it's a shame that McGahee got hurt. I'm glad he was at least moving, hopefully it doesn't negatively impact his career long-term.

- Though the officials absolutely sucked ass all game (giving the Ravens 7 of their 14 points with a questionable PI call) the worst call of the game was without question the "roughing the kicker" call on the Ravens. That was terrible. He barely even touched the guy let alone roughed him. I don't know if that was a "make up call" or what, but it sucked.

- Talk about a close game, if one or two plays play out differently the outcome could have been drastically different. From a Steelers win in a blowout (or even a shut out if not for the two PI calls), to a close Ravens' win. What a game.

- The first half took over an hour and a half to complete. Insane.

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