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Pimp the unpimped!


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I saw Equilibrium in high school. Everybody was telling me how mind blowing it was and I had to see it. I liked it, I'd watch it again, but the people who pimped it to me, overpimped it. Still, it's worth watching at least once.

My pimp is for the film Cop Land.

Plot summary stolen from IMDB, because they give it a better description than I probably could.

Policemen have always been the idols of Freddy Heflin. Due to being slightly deaf, Heflin could never pass the physical to become a police officer himself. However, because of his friendly, amiable nature, he's managed to get himself elected Sheriff of a small New Jersey county outside of New York City, and he lives in a town where many NYPD cops also live. Mo Tilden is an Internal Affairs investigator for the NYPD, and his investigation of some crooked cops leads him to this small town, and to Sheriff Freddy Heflin. Heflin begins to help Tilden, and discovers that some of his heroes may have feet of clay
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Has anybody here ever heard of State of Grace? I just now remembered about the movie, and remembered how fucking awesome it is.

It's a mob movie released in 1990 starring Sean Penn as an undercover who goes back to Hell's Kitchen after being MIA for years to round up his old buddies, which include mob boss Ed Harris and Harris's brother, Gary Oldman, in one of his better performances. It's truly a great movie, with the only set back being that it decides to go all John Woo on the finale, which doesn't really fit in with the rest of the movie. Still, considering the previously mentioned three, as well as John C. Reilly and John Turturro being in the film, and the fact that everything before the finale is right on par with some of the better gangster movies out there, I definitely say it's well worth looking up.

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This is Spinal Tap has been criminally underpimped in recent years. It seems to slip under a lot of people's radars, but it's a fantastic movie.

Depends where you are looking. It usually gets held up over here as one of the best comedies of all time.

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