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2008 MLB Season


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A couple of interesting moves in the last 24 hours away. As an Angels fan I like that the Angels added some thump to the lineup but not sure what to make of it coming at the expense of Kotchman. Casey was one of my favorite guys on the team. I like that we didn't give up a highly regarded prospect in the deal though.

Just moments ago the Yankees traded Kyle Farnsworth to Detroit for Pudge.

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I still can't believe Detroit traded Pudge to the Yankees for Kyle Farnsworth. Wow.

And if that trade is true.. I really don't understand it for Boston. Yeah, Jason Bay is a good player but why the hell are they getting rid of Manny? I hope they start losing for the next few years now so we can hear about the curse of Manny.

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Here is what I don't understand...when Rameriz does something stupid or says something stupid everyone goes..."Oh, that's just Manny being Manny." and then just disregard it. However, when Barry Bonds does something that make such a huge fucking deal about it. What the fuck?

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Considering I'm in New England and at the core of all this stupid Ramirez bullshit, I'll clear it up.

It started when Manny took time off for an injury, but the injury was never specified and he still demanded time off for it. Red Sox kicked around the idea of suspending for fining him for seemingly faking an injury and Manny got pissy. Then John Henry, the Sox owner made some comments which got Manny even more pissed and he started demanding a trade. And being the consumate professional, he also started dogging it on the field, he was clocked at 6.0 "trying" to beat out a double play at first. Thats slower than Benji Molina.

Now, the Sox are finally going to go through with trading him because he's in the final year of his contract in Boston. The team has a huge option they could pick up, but Manny is not longer putting up the numbers to justify that. Manny seems to think he deserves at 4 year $100 million contract, which is completely absurd.

So basically the Sox could hold onto him for 2 months, during which they have no idea with how much heart he will play, and then have him leave at the end of the season and get nothing for him. Or they can dump him now, get the younger Jason Bay who current has 2 home runs more than Manny and only 4 RBIs less. Bay is locked up for the next year at a nice rate and while not as intimidating as Manny at the plate, he's not going to make their playoff chances any worse.

Plus they may pull John Grabow in the trade too and the Sox always want relivers. The Sox have suprisingly found a trade that gets them a younger power hitter and great fielder (Bay's made 17 errors in 5802 innings) who's an all star and obviously have the potential to be one again and on top of that they get another reliever too. This is the best possible deal they could get for Manny, if they don't have to give up to many good prospects, but even that shouldn't be a worry as the Sox draft well.

Manny is a giant douchebag, who's now trying to his situation to that of Pedro and Nomar when they left Boston. Of course both those moves of trading Nomar and letting Pedro go were GOOD for the Sox, and Nomar and Pedro haven't been close to their former numbers since.

In other news, Griffey might be headed to the Chicago White Sox

Edited by Maxx
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The Manny trade has to happen for the reasons above. They let Nomar go for what could at best be called a "locker room and clubhouse upgrade" and they won the World Series. The organization is very smart and definitely knows what to do and if they can get Bay or Manny that'd work out well. Bay's playing as well this year as Manny has.

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I would consider Bay a big upgrade at this point over Manny. While Ramirez can swing the bat better at times, Jason Bay is great in the field and is a faster baserunner while being no slouch at the plate.

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According to Jayson Stark, the Jays have entered the mix for J-Bay. I was kind of intrigued until I saw this:

The latest team to make a run is Toronto. It seems doubtful that the Blue Jays would give up the three-prospect package Pittsburgh is looking for, almost certainly starting with outfield phenom Travis Snider. But Toronto and Pittsburgh were still talking as of Thursday afternoon.

Oh FUCK OFF JP. His legacy of drafting over the last 7 years has been sketchy enough, he's going to fucking trade away the best of his prospects?! This team isn't making the playoffs. If you needed proof, look no further than the absolute stinker performances they put in against the Rays this week. Plus the three prospects they want? Considering how shitty the farm system is right now, one would assume that the other two would involve either Brett Cecil or JP Arencibia. One is stupid because this team has a complete fucking absence of top starter prospects, and the other is stupid because catching is the weakest position in baseball right now and Arencibia is having a great year in New Hampshire. I'd like to see Jason Bay in a Jays uniform, but not at the expense of the team's future. We may not be that far off, but this is not the year.

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What? You don't think the Jays getting Ibanez would be a blockbuster? :shifty:

EDIT: Also, the Pirates wanted St Travis and Shaun Marcum. Even JP's smart enough not to go for that.

Edited by GoodGodWhatAB-Jay
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NESN says Manny is going to the Dodgers, Bay is going to the Red Sox and something is going to the Pirates, apparently it just got squeaked in before the deadline

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Manny Ramirez (BOS) to the Los Angeles Dodgers

Jason Bay (PIT) to the Boston Red Sox

Craig Hansen (BOS), Brandon Moss (BOS), Bryan Morris (LAD), and Andy LaRoche (LAD) to Pittsburgh Pirates

I am pumped that the Dodgers got Manny for next to nothing. Bay will work well with all the protection in the Boston lineup while Pittsburgh, well, the LaRoche brothers can play together possibly.

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