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That's episode ten, if it was the one with the interns comedy show.

I love Sunny. I don't know what it is about her, I just want to take her home with me and love her forever. :wub: Though Jo is by far the more interesting, but they need to calm down with the 'LOL SHE LIKES FAT DUDES' joke. It's getting old. If this is the last series, I'd rather see her devlop more as a character than repeated refrences to her love for fat guys.

Which brings me on to my next point, they can't end Scrubs with this series being so good. :( I just don't see how they'll give us a satisfying ending with only one more series.

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That would be this weeks batch.

Another two great episodes here. I actually care about the interns they have and IF they make a series based around them with a few guest star spots from the original cast, I think it could be okay to good. Sunny being overly happy and Jo just being the bitch that says whatever she wants with the "I dont give a fuck" attitude would be two good characters for that.

Getting rid of the lazy bastard in favor for the kid from Little Giants is great for me, and Sunny Day telling him if she gets drunk enough shell show him her ass and his reaction of just "meh. alright." was good.

Im glad Ted is getting a girlfriend as well. He's gotten kind of tiresome being the lonely bald depressive guy, so giving him some happiness should be good.

Sketch show episode was great just for the two kissing and from then on JD and Turk trying to keep their distance, and of course the return of 'Guy Love'.

EDIT- I wouldnt mind if they ended the Scrubs series here. It's been really good thus far and I'd rather it end on a high than end with a below average season. I dunno what I would think of a JD/Elliot wedding finale. On one hand I'd be happy that the whole JD/Elliot thing is being taken seriously for once, but on the other I would think something better could be done. I'd prefer if something happened that forced the two to seperate. It'd be the tired old shtick of the two breaking up, but making it more serious of a thing, maybe redo the whole Kim/JD thing with either JD or Elliot moving away for a better job or something like that.

Edited by Vitamin E
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I dont see what else they could do than a wedding that would be satisfying. I don't see the problem with it really, it seems like it'd be the perfect way to end it. But then again, Friends didn't end with the Rachel/Ross wedding everyone always thought it would and that was still a good last episode, so we'll see what they come up with. Though, like I said, I'd be perfectly happy with a wedding ending.

Also, what was the deal with bringing in Courtney Cox for just three episodes? Had they planned for more or was it always going to be that way? Not that I didn't enjoy her cameos, but it made her seem a little pointless only being around for that short a time. Coulda just gone right ahead and appointed Dr. Cox.

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  • 1 month later...


Just watched it. Definitely the weakest episode of the season so far. Just felt really flat the whole time. I hope this is just one show that didn't work and not indicative of the writing staff running out of ideas. I also thought it was weird that Elliott was nowhere to be found, only to show up for the last few scenes. Cast members were supposed to be taking episodes off to save money, so it's kind of weird that they brought her in solely for a flat gag that wasn't crucial to the plot. I'd rather see more from the interns.
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Guest Mr. Potato Head

I'm assuming that this week was the unofficial start to the second half of the last season...and since there was nary an intern to be seen, that gives me a bad vibe.

Plus Jordan seemed to be acting weird, but that could be because I've been watching Drew Carey Show reruns a lot lately. :shifty:

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I can hardly believe his, but I suppose it's possible. Kolby Ghosh of Zap2It is reporting that Steve McPherson, president of ABC, has informed Bill Lawrence that he is open to a 9th season of the show. The interest comes on the heels of some strong performance in male demos that ABC traditionally falters in, and is reportedly contingent upon roping in Braff to do a number of segs. Man, this show is like a funny cockroach. It would probably survive a nuclear holocaust.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

As I said near the beginning of the season, if they flesh out the interns a lot more, they could get away with only limited amounts of the main cast (mainly Cox). At least for a season or two.

And bring back Ed. <_<

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As I said near the beginning of the season, if they flesh out the interns a lot more, they could get away with only limited amounts of the main cast (mainly Cox). At least for a season or two.

And bring back Ed. <_<

Ed and Cabbage for Coffeebucks employees in a mirror of JD and Turk? :wub:

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I agree, they're really making the show better as opposed to most shows that try to highlight some of the lesser known character, but fail.

I have to get this off my chest, FAMOUS JETT JACKSON! While I forget his real name, that was the first thing I thought of when I saw him on last nights episode.
Edited by Lj.
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I concur with LJ. The second I saw him that is the first thing I thought of, and Im glad he pretty much bitched all four of them out, especially Cox, who REALLY needs to become more than going on long rants about JD being annoying. I know it's his character, but as the Chief of Medicine Id like to see him become more than someone who talks shit to people and gets away with it.

The interns are great. I was hesitant about a new season being dedicated to them, but now Id like to see it. And fuck, Sunny, Denise, and Katie are fucking fit. Please do some fantasy sequence with the three of them in barely nothing in bed with eachother.

This episode I really liked. Im glad they kept Howie on and please let Derek (Jett Jackson) stay on as well. Let him be the one that bitches the doctors out on shit. Seriously. Derek, Howie, Sunny, Denise, and Katie having their own season I can love. Throw Ed back in there for a few episodes, have the main characters make a few sporadic appearances, and let Kelso stay in the same role he has now, and it could be a great season.

Oh, and Janitor fucking with JD like that, and seeing that old JD and Turk dressed as pimps sequence only reversed was as great as the 'Guy Love' song playing in that Turk and JD stop hugging episode.

Oh, and is anyone else here keeping up with the Scrubs: Interns webisodes? Just watched the first three and I just love them. If they get their own season, let that be their theme song instead of the current Scrubs one. Even though its only five-ish minutes each, I think these guys could do some good with a full 20 for 20 episodes. And I must say, Id pick Sunny over the other two.

Second edit: Jimmy the overly touchy orderly is great. Throw him in as a regular cast member for a next season. Edited by Vitamin E
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  • 2 weeks later...

They were only half as good as the episodes in Las Vegas when they finally got married! :w00t:

Anyway, so that I'm actually adding to the conversation, the episode was pretty good. Nothing amazing and didn't have many laugh out loud moments, but it was still good. Elliots fears of ginger kids was the best bit. I really hope they're not running another "LOL MAYBE THEY DONT BELONG TOGETHER, WHO KNOWS!?" storyline, I'd rather they ended up together than have them break up again.

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