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With the Amy love or or hate her thing I wouldn't be to shocked to see her replaced next series not that I am saying she will be or I want her to in fact I think it's more likey she will do at least 2 years but no more than that as 2 years is pretty average for a companion in fact if you just count the new series 2 years is a long time.

I do think she may have to tone down on thew short skirts though as that is getting complaints and it's not like it will change anything storyline wise if she wears a longer skirt

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I did quite like that episode, very similar in tone to the first-ever Silurian episode they did way back in 1970. Smith was nicely offbeat - I liked his "love a big mining thing" line and the callback to the sonic screwdriver 'not doing wood' - and Amy was fun when she was trapped in that glass box/coffin/cell thing. Actually quite liked Rory in this one, he was only okay last week and he wasn't given much to do in the vampire story, so nice to see him actually doing something properly and doing it well.

Next week's looks like fun, too.

Definitely the second-best thing I watched yesterday.

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I loved how much of a tribute to the Pertwee Years yesterday's episode seemed to be, with nods to Doctor Who and the Silurians, The Sea Devils, The Green Death and Inferno.

I'm really excited to see how this series pans out, its jus wide open for so many things to happen, I'm keen to see how Moffat writes a series finale, after the grand scale of RTD's endings

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Enjoyed the episode, and I do like 'enemies' that originate from Earth in some way (I think just because they always seem to have more thought behind them than simply "THEY CAME FROM OUTER SPACE"), so look forward to a more heavily Silurian episode next week.

One of the little bits that stood out for me was when Rory briefly snapped at The Doctor for his "I tried to protect her" talk ("Well you should have tried harder!"). Since they seemed to get Rory's role in Amy's character development largely done in the dreams episode (they'll probably flip their relationship back in contention again just before/during the season finale, but it's on the back-burner for now), it seems Rory's role at the moment is to prod The Doctor on his inadequacies, namely his desire to protect everybody/his failure to do so. We had a bit of it in another episode when Rory talked of how The Doctor was dangerous because he made people want to impress him - and I'm glad to see the theme continuing.

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Whaaaaaaaaaaat the fuck? Did not see that coming. I am not sure at all how I feel about them forgetting straight away as well. I hope there is more to this and the memories will somehow resurface.

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Called the Tardis explosion as soon as he mentioned shrapnel/debris.

I imagine the finale will involve a lot of this being undone and Amy/Rory heading off to live a happy life together. Maybe.

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That was shocking...the episode as a whole I generally didn't like, I've found the two-parters have worked that way this series - the first episode is almost all rhetoric and, as such, really quite interesting, but the second parter is lots of running around corridors, waving Sonic Screwdrivers and then topped up with a spot of moralising, and it really just made the Silurians look like idiots in that, really, they didn't actually do much of anything.

I love Rory as a character, so it'd be a shame to see him go, but looking at he pretty much does just seem to have only been there in the first place so that they could kill off a central character. He was about as expendable a companion as there has ever been. Still a shame his death was so abrupt, though - I like a death to come from out of nowhere, but not right at the end of the episode without much time to dwell on it. Under the circumstances, though, I expect he'll be back - the camera showed the engagement ring falling off the TARDIS controls clearly enough for it to be a plot point, and I imagine that will jolt Amy's memory into somehow bringing Rory back, or else getting her upset enough to want to leave the Doctor.

TARDIS explosion, interesting. Will have to see where it leads, because I'm not entirely sure what might happen there.

Also - "have you got any celery?"

Edited by Skummy
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Did he have to go out saving the Doctor? Why couldn't it have been Amy he saved? That would have meant something, but his actual death was just pointless. I mean, the Doctor can regenerate, it's not a big deal. Rory basically died so the Doctor wouldn't be mildly inconvenienced. And the fact that the Doctor doesn't show any guilt about it, even though it was his fault they were still there at all because he wanted to play with the crack, makes him seem like a bag of dicks.

Guess I still haven't accepted Smith as the Doctor. I liked Rory quite a bit, but I feel like I'd be more willing to empathise with Eccleston or Tennant's Doctor...

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Did Rory even KNOW the Doctor can re-generate? Besides, as Tenny's doctor noted, it still feels like death, some other guy gets to go swanning off across the universe. Even if he did know the Doctor can regenerate, Rory wasn't the type of guy who'd just stand there and let him get shot.

And I think he'll be back somehow in the finale anyway.

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Has Rory (or Amy, for that matter) been made aware that the Doctor can regenerate? As far as he would have known the Doctor was about to be killed, which is a bit more than mild inconvenience.

I don't know how you can say the Doctor didn't show any guilt about it either, he was desperate to make sure Amy remembered him so he wasn't wiped from history completely.

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Rory didn't know, but we know that his heroic sacrifice was totally needless. The Doctor knows too, but (and maybe this was the acting) even though he was sad, I didn't get the sense he actually felt responsible. Either way, it's going to be really hard to watch the Doctor and Amy being all goofy in future episodes, knowing that he got her fiancé pointlessly killed, and she doesn't even remember him. :/

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Rory didn't know, but we know that his heroic sacrifice was totally needless. The Doctor knows too, but (and maybe this was the acting) even though he was sad, I didn't get the sense he actually felt responsible. Either way, it's going to be really hard to watch the Doctor and Amy being all goofy in future episodes, knowing that he got her fiancé pointlessly killed, and she doesn't even remember him. :/

Considering the fact they had to escape the very same thing before it would kill them and he was desperately trying to get Amy to remember, I'd say he didn't have time to act as if he was responsible. I'm wondering if the memory thing might have a similar effect on Amy as it was supposed to with Donna's metacrisis (but since she never properly remembered, we never saw), I doubt it, but you never know.

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