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Minor question, since when can the Doctor breath in space?

Did he bcome Batman when I wasn't looking?

Or the Enviroment shields might extend a bit further than the ship itself I suppose


Skip to 3.44

I know he is wearing a helmet but I don't think it has an oxygen tank, it was just increasing the time he could stay out there. It was explained in the episode, but I can't remember it too well.


You can see at various points in the following video that there are canisters at the back of the Tardis space packs.

If you followed the various passing comments over the years regarding the doctor he has explained that he can change his breathing patterns to need less oxygen and to be able to be in areas without oxygen however they are attributes that change over the course of the history to fit into the stories.

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Now got Time Warrior, Sarah Jane's first appearence! Her and Pertwee work together wonderfully, though it is sad knowning that the Third Doctor, Sarah Jane and The Brigadier are all gone now, three actors that worked so well together (along with Brigadier and the Second Doctor).

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Star Trek: The Next Generation and Doctor Who's comic series will crossover this May for Assimilation2.

IDW Publishing has joined forces with CBS and the BBC to bring The Doctor and his companions together with the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise.

"By joining these two sci-fi powerhouses, fans will be taken on the ultimate adventure through time and space," said Liz Kalodner, executive vice president and general manager of CBS Consumer Products.


Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation2, which will run for eight issues, is written by Scott and David Tipton with some input from Tony Lee. Fallen Angel illustrator J.K. Woodward will shoulder art duties.

The story sees The Doctor, Rory and Amy join forces with Captain Jean-Luc Picard and his crew to take on the joint threat of the Cybermen and the Borg.

"We are excited about this new adventure for The Doctor and the fact that he will be travelling with Captain Jean-Luc Picard and his iconic crew. This is a perfect partnership for not only Doctor Who's incredible fans, but also for the brand," said BBC executive Soumya Sriraman.

"We have just celebrated our most successful year yet. Doctor Who's latest season delivered record ratings for BBC America and it was most downloaded full TV season of 2011 in the US on the iTunes Store."

Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation2 will feature a variant cover design by Joe Corroney. A limited edition version with a rare wraparound photo cover will be available in selected retailers.

Also, I haven't watched since this episode. Someone care to catch me up?

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I read about that the other day and forgot to post it in here. I don't care how trashy it may or may not be, The Doctor/Picard teaming up? I'm sold.

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I wouldn't know where to begin catching someone up on Series 6 because it's difficult to tell what was throw away and what's actually going to matter in the future. And I can't help but think that if you explained it all on paper it sound like an utterly confused mess. That's not to say it was, even if I wasnt' the biggest fan of the last series, but that's certainly the way it'd seem.

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I wouldn't know where to begin catching someone up on Series 6 because it's difficult to tell what was throw away and what's actually going to matter in the future. And I can't help but think that if you explained it all on paper it sound like an utterly confused mess. That's not to say it was, even if I wasnt' the biggest fan of the last series, but that's certainly the way it'd seem.

It was though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I particularly love the use of a quote box, containing a quote given by A SOURCE.

Basically, it could be true (and would be great if it were true), or it could be a journalist at The Express playing Fantasy TV Producer.

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It's almost too obvious casting which is the only reason I think it might be rubbish. I can see him playing The Doctor had Smith not got it but not after him (at least for a few years), but to be honest I've reservations about them acting opposite each other, not least because I'm in no rush to see The Master again as such a key enemy to Tennants Doctor.

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Supposedly Benedict never wanted to be the Doctor, and actually I think he's telling the truth on that one. He does seem like someone who'd rather just focus on the acting rather than everything else around the role. And while I don't think there's any truth to the rumours about him being cast as the Master (not that it might not happen later, I just don't think its true now or was the last time the rumours did the rounds) I think he could be a lot of fun in the role. Although I do wonder if Moffat even wants to bring in the Master, he's supposedly not very keen on the Daleks and I think the same goes for the Time Lords so it'd be interesting to see if that last one stretches to the Master. And if they attempt some odd redesign like they did with the Daleks, which isn't a complaint so much on how they've been written but on their bodywork.

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Maybe, but I dont think it's hard to see, given the way they've been written, that he's probably not fond of the idea of writing a strong dalek episode and I think most writers would probably feel the same way about the Time Lords. I've never read him saying anything about the Master, so its not like I'm taking his words for it, I just wouldn't be too surprised if that was the case.

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Still have my money on a Smith / Tennant (the alternative living-happily-with-Rose version) crossover of some description for the big anniversary shenanigans.

Yeah, that's what I'm banking on too. With cameo from Peter Davison, and myriad former assistants and whatnot. Though I'm still hoping for the idea that was floated around originally, of every surviving Doctor making an appearance, even if makes for an absolute clusterfuck of an episode.

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Still have my money on a Smith / Tennant (the alternative living-happily-with-Rose version) crossover of some description for the big anniversary shenanigans.

Yeah, that's what I'm banking on too. With cameo from Peter Davison, and myriad former assistants and whatnot. Though I'm still hoping for the idea that was floated around originally, of every surviving Doctor making an appearance, even if makes for an absolute clusterfuck of an episode.

I'd love McGann's Doctor to show up. Out of all the Doctors his is the one where you can do pretty much anything with, we only saw him for one film, so you can fill in his backstory and show us what he was doing before/during the Time War. He could just be his Doctor from the film or during the Time War or even having just wiped out the Daleks and the Time Lords to show him that at least something good comes from that decision, allowing him to regenerate into Eccelston on screen at the end or something (like suggest he does that).

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