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I do hope they find a way of adding more regenerations because if Hurt is one of the 13 lives of the Doctor that means in 3-4 years it will all be over.

Also if one was to be really anal about continuity then Matt Smith should be an incarnation past the 13th (including Hurt) if you were to count the past faces seen in Brain of Morbius.

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Can someone explain about the last 10 minutes. I got excited at the big ending but then I realized I had like no clue what really happened

Doctor Simeon/the Great Intelligence went into the Doctor's personal timeline and rewrote it, causing him to die at loads of different points in his history. Jenny disappeared because of the changes and Strax had never met Vastra so he was evil. Clara went in after the GI and undid the damage, splitting herself into 1000s of copies in the process. This brought Jenny & Strax back. The Doctor then saved Clara by also going into his own timeline and then right at the end his 'greatest secret' was revealed to be a previously-unknown incarnation played by John Hurt who will be returning in the 50th Anniversary. The only thing that didn't make much sense was the Doctor suddenly being able to see and interact with River, unless I missed them explaining how that was possible

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Possible theories about John Hurt:

1. He's between 8 and 9, but not acknowledged by future incarnations because he did something so horrible that they reject his existence....or at least his right to the Doctor name....or maybe even buried their memories from that time period so they didn't even remember he existed, until Smith encountered him.

2. He's the Valeyard. Like it or not, the whole Valeyard thing was never resolved, since he was shown to still exist at the end of Trial Of A Time Lord. (I'd say no to this, due to the line spoken)

3. Hartnell through Smith's numbering is correct, because Hurt is the Doctor before he took the name and possibly did whatever caused him to flee Gallifrey, with the name not taken until he regenerated into Hartnell.

4. He's actually a future incarnation whose existence Smith is somehow aware of.

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3. Hartnell through Smith's numbering is correct, because Hurt is the Doctor before he took the name and possibly did whatever caused him to flee Gallifrey, with the name not taken until he regenerated into Hartnell.

Except they rather ruined that. The Doctor doesn't flee so much as he plans his trip, dresses accordingly with Susan, casually strolls to the TARDIS and gets watched by a couple of people who don't care about somebody stealing a TARDIS. He doesn't exactly seem in a hurry.

I'm with Benji on this episode, it was alright, had two great moments and not much else really. I expected the cliffhanger, it was the right thing to do, but I'm a bit tired of set up episodes.

And I'm so tired of people dying and coming back instantly in crap ways.

Like I say, it had two great moments, which were fun, but this wasn't even the best episode of this series.

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The problem with the OMGWTF ending for me...

At the start of the series there were suggestions of Matt no longer being The Doctor and a similar report of the time suggested John Hurt would have a big role to play in the anniversary special so half anticipated the twist at the end.

Looking up some theories I've since found an article from a couple of weeks ago wherein John Hurt revealed he was playing The Doctor in the anniversary special so it wasn't exactly a well kept secret in the end. Clearly nobody on here reads The Sun!


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How anyone can criticise that is beyond me. That was, to me, one of the best episodes since the beginning of "New Who". They've done a very good job this series of scattering references to older episodes far more liberally than usual, but never in a way that was distracting. To have an episode that just embraces Doctor Who's past, rather than trying to pretend that it's all just about Tennant and Smith, is wonderful.

Vastra, Jenny and Strax continue to be absolutely brilliant every single time, and outright heartbreaking in places. I love those characters so much. Vastra manages to convey so much emotion while doing so little, and make me care about what could so easily have been a one-joke character. Richard E Grant was absolutely phenomenal too, and I really hope it's not the last we've seen of him.

I'm a little cautious about the anniversary, as "New Who" has never had a great track record with two-parters, but I'm optimistic.

As much as people can complain about characters being killed off with no long-term implication, and I'm right with them on that, "I've been murdered, ma'am" absolutely got me. I was tearing up at that, and again when Jenny "died" the second time. And I loved Vastra's line to Strax about not having found the heart to be so simple...

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I work as a cameraman for a friend who does an internet show about pop culture. He got invited to the Peabody Awards this afternoon to cover the red carpet. Guess who I got to meet...

I'm the fat SOB being touched by The Doctor and Stephen Moffat


Matt Smith is bald now for a movie. Jenna smells like a delicious spice rack and has the softest skin you've ever felt. Moffat stinks of cigarettes and is an encyclopedia of Who knowledge. Reporters were asking him questions, some really obscure ones concerning the show back in the sixties, and Moffat was able to answer everything. He said there are a lot of unanswered questions from the original run that he wants to answer before his time as Executive Producer is up. He confirmed that John Hurt is The Doctor, a version never acknowledged, and that Matt Smith's incarnation is now the 12th.

Anyway, I spent about twenty minutes with them since they were the last award and most of the press had cleared out by the time they came around, and they just sort of hung around eating the free food. Smith was wearing the boots he wears as The Doctor because they gave them to him and they're the only shoes that don't hurt his feet due to the amount of running and time spent in them. I'm just thinking of random things said or observed. Jenna has a mouth like a sailor and had to be reminded by the BBC publicist not to curse so much between interviews because she doesn't know who might be filming her.

Anyway, that's it. Was fun. Got to fangirl out a bit.

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Lucky motherf.....!

All I have to say is, if we only see John Hurt in the season finale and the 50th Anniversary show, I hope (but doubt it) that they get him to do some Big Finish audios. He's been on my very short list of actors I'd think would make great Doctors for a while now. (Also think he would have made a great Master. The only other actor on my list I think would be great as either is Robert Carlyle.)

And I hope at some point the situation with The Valeyard is cleared up. He wasn't wiped out of existence or killed, since he showed up as the Keeper of the Matrix at the end of The Trial Of A Time Lord. And The Great Intelligence did mention The Valeyard. I can't see any reason for him to be mentioned at all if he's not going to be used at some point.

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How anyone can criticise that is beyond me. That was, to me, one of the best episodes since the beginning of "New Who". They've done a very good job this series of scattering references to older episodes far more liberally than usual, but never in a way that was distracting. To have an episode that just embraces Doctor Who's past, rather than trying to pretend that it's all just about Tennant and Smith, is wonderful.

I thought it was fun that. Though I don't think we got any Paul McGann? He so rarely gets mentioned. :(

It was pointed out to me yesterday that Clara has probably been intentionally written as inconstant as she has been, because it has been referenced and I clearly missed it.

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