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I don't think they'd schedule a live show to announce it (which I think is a bit silly tbh) and then let the guy tweet about it! :P

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I seem to remember also that, during a recent Press release, it stated this would be the Twelfth Incarnation of the Dr and that "time is running out for him"

Makes you wonder if they have an end game in sight and are using the 13 regenerations thing as gospel

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I seem to remember also that, during a recent Press release, it stated this would be the Twelfth Incarnation of the Dr and that "time is running out for him"

Makes you wonder if they have an end game in sight and are using the 13 regenerations thing as gospel

Only if they're really, really stupid. Which they're not. They don't even need to write themselves around the 13 regenerations things really, despite people seeming to think they do for some reason, but they certainly won't decide to give up on the show because of it. Its proven that its an idea that can be rested and brought back later. They'll rest it at some point, inveitably, but they'll leave it for a return.

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So why did Eccleston only last one season? I like him as an actor, and he seemed to have great comedic timing for the comedy lines in the show. Granted, I just started watching the show and the only Doctors I know so far as Eccleston and David Tennant...

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Funny thing about Capaldi, if you check 'Word War Z' profile here: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0816711/


Four Doctors!?

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Regarding Eccleston's departure, this article quotes him as saying "I left because of politics. I did not see eye to eye with them. I didn't agree with the way things were being run. I didn't like the culture that had grown up around the series. So I left, I felt, over a principle."

I think it all worked out for the best, that being said. Eccleston's portrayal of the character was great but the season itself was all over the place. After figuring out what worked through trial and error with that run and finally deciding on an identity to stick with for season two, it was nice to get a new Doctor to have sort of a clean slate. It made the show's transition to something smarter, something with less... giant farting CGI lizard babies... go a little more smoothly, I think. Still kind of hoping they secretly wrangled Eccleston for the 50th after all though because he himself was great as the Doctor and to see him in a more fully realized version of New Who would be amazing.

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As much as I'd have liked Ecclestone to do another series as I loved his portrayal of the Doctor, I think the fact that he only did only did one series really works well for introducing the show. He gets a pretty strong character arc and they manage to get the audience used to the idea of regeneration very early on. It just works quite well. In fact it works so well that its quite easy to believe that him leaving after a series was the plan all along.

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