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Trying To Remember A "For TV" Serial/Movie. Survival/ End Of The World/Trains/etc.


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I remember a while ago (Like a long while, years) there was a television drama series on British Terrestrial television. For some reason I started thinking about it today, and I seem to remember it being quite good.

I think it was a british production. I seem to remember the plot revolving around a group of passengers on a train (the tube?) that goes through a tunnel, then X happens, and when they emerge on the other side, society has broken down?

The story I think was a survivalist tale about a group of strangers who have to work together in the decaying remains of civilisation.

Think Lost meets that episode of Futurama where Fry meets Pauly Shore (Only without Pauly Shore).

I know at least one member of EWB has seen this, because it's been discussed before. But fuck knows if it's a current member, and fuck knows which incarnation of the board we talked about this on, like I say, it's been a while.

Basically I just want the title, and hopefully I'll be able to do some research when I get home. I'm a bit limited in what I can search for at work, or I'd try and brute google into giving me the title >_>

Any help?

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Beautiful. Thanks Kaney.

I had punched every permutation of train related themes through Wiki (The Train, The Tube, The Tunnel, The Subway, etc)

Thanks man, that's great. Appreciate it.

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I'm four episodes in, with two left to go. It's pretty good actually.

Recommending it as a fun timewaster. It's pretty tense at times. It's pretty much just lost, but more british. I swear down at one point a dude complains that there's no tea and crumpets anymore.

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I was looking at this during the week on Wiki and wondering if I could find it anywhere on DVD, I missed the last two episodes.

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This show was awesome. I can't believe it's never been released on DVD, I remember looking online for it about a year ago and not finding anything.

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Fuck me, episode five. Shit just got real. Real interested to see how this ends.

The wiki article on this series mentions a whole bunch of other post-apocalyptic Britain shows. I'm definitely gonna try and track those down as well.

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I remember this being a great show, but I don't remember much about it bar a few random scenes and the memory of me really enjoying it.

I think ITV hyped it quite a bit when it aired, so it's strange it's never made DVD.

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Actually, it had quite a strange lineup

Maggie from Teachers with short hair and heavily pregnant, unfortunately not her 'large boobed Policewoman with a thing for strolling round in her underwear' character from Teachers.

The old grey haired guy from London's Burning

The Asian girl from This Life

and best of all,

Ralph Brown, the upside down sleeping roadie from Wayne's World 2.

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I remember seeing like the first five minutes of the first episode, then something happening and I wasn't able to watch anymore of the series (some kind of clash, or parents wanted TV). Where is Keith watching it? I know he's not a dirty pirate, yet he's on episode 5?!?

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Oi, Ralph Brown is from Withnail and I. That is officially how he is introduced.

Yeah, esecially considering his character in Wayne's World 2 is just Danny from Withnail anyway.

'Withnail and I' is one of those films everyone should have watched at some point, yet I never have.

Sorry :(

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