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Avril Lavigne


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I've just booked tickets to see Avril Lavigne on Saturday in Cardiff.

It's more for the other half, and I wasn't sure whether she would rather a surprise Avril gig or a surprise Girls Aloud gig. I went with Avril because I like her music better than I do Girls Aloud. I think I'd prefer Avril with laryngitis over Girls Aloud.

I think I seem to pick all the unpopular-with-EWB bands, like Nickelback and now Avril Lavigne.

If it's any consolation, I want to see Kate Nash. Her MySpace also pimps Scroobius Pip, which means I want to see them as well by proxy.

Anyone else going?

This thread is about celebrating Avril Lavigne, and how her music doesn't rock my world but the idea of an Avril gig is far more appealing than it should be. Because it's Avril Lavigne.

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Actually, Avril has a fair following here, purely because she's fit (I was never a fan until she you know, started to be more 'girly')...not as much of a following as Girls Aloud, who have some of the catchiest tunes ever. :shifty:

Dan Le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip are awesome. They have a BIG following here. There debut album's just came out. I reckon you've more than definately heard "Thou Shalt Always Kill" sometime last year.

I saw Kate Nash on Monday. She was alright. But she struggled to really get people interested. If you do get to see her, try and get a "YOUR DRUMMER LOOKS LIKE A SEX OFFENDER" heckle heard...I was too far back. :(

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Kate Nash is a bit hit and miss for me. DLSvsSP (worst abbreviation ever) are immense though, definitely worth checking out. Girls Aloud aren't bad for a shitty girl group, my major gripe with them is that they did a song called Sound of the Underground, when they're so far above ground, being a manufactured girl group off a reality show for chrissakes, they wouldn't hear the underground if....erm, if they had some sort of direct phone line to it and the reception was really clear....or something.

Avril's first couple of albums were alright, not heard much since she went all bubblegum though (other than the singles, which admittedly are pretty catchy).

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I think my opinion of DLSvsPIP is well known.

Looking for my tenth gig, not sure where it's going to be, I'd quite like to hit them up a couple times before the mini tour, but it'll involve travel.

Anyone here from Southend or Middlesborough?

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Girls Aloud are brilliant. I'm in love with "Biology" at the moment, and "Love Machine" is one of the best pop songs this decade.

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Guest Dr. Potato Head

Avril was far more popular in Canada when she broke out than she ever deserved, so there's still plenty of anti-Avril backlash here.

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K, let me know when / where it is and I'll drive up there, picking you up along the way. I wasn't joking, I actually want to see Pip.

Where are you living now?

They tour like bastards, but they're currently on the festival circuit. However they have a three date mini tour the month after next, one is in Glasgow, one in London and one somewhere else. Check their myspace. That'll probably be your best bet for your first show, they'll be playing a full headline set which is always, always amazing. I'm not sure what else they're doing. There's one in London on Friday, but I can't make it :( I think it's quite small though. Pip will be doing a small spoken word tour as well if that's your thing.

Yeah, they tour their arses off, check the myspace for details.

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God-Awful, I'd love to, but I don't have tickets. If there are still some available nearer the time I'll almost definitely go. I don't normally book things so far in advance.

K, I'm living in Kent. So I was thinking that if they were gigging up north I'd have to drive up past you anyway. I really know nothing about Pip's shows - which are worth going to, etc, so I'll trust your judgement on it and go to whichever one you suggest, wherever that may be.

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God-Awful, I'd love to, but I don't have tickets. If there are still some available nearer the time I'll almost definitely go. I don't normally book things so far in advance.

If Sheffield Arena is a reflection of every arena, there's still tickets left but they're nosebleed seats.

I've got one in the standing area. I hope there aren't that many older men with denim jackets and women as the end of the Rockstar video suggests as those types really bring down the atmosphere. You get evil looks if you do anything more than stand there with your arms folded. That happened when I saw Alter Bridge.

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Hm, when me and Ad went to see Alter Bridge in Bristol it was pretty rocking. I was surprised as I was expecting a situation like what you described.

I still don't get what it is about Alter Bridge that evidently attracts 40-something year old men to listen to them.

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