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Official Premiership 2008/09 thread


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That was a HORRIBLE time to concede cos Villa had all but given up and the match would have died up nicely and nowe it's gonna be fight fight fight to the final whistle. Ugh, unhappy days for the old heart.

EDIT: Lennon has been spectacular for the whole match and that last bit of running to the corner flag has been great from him.

Yay. A huge win for us and only our second win EVER At Villa Park in the Premiership. Europe here we come :shifty:

Edited by ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster
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Thank you Tottenham, you legends.


You call your rivals, legends?


You lot are their bigger rivals this season :rolleyes:

Also this isn't a snide comment or anything, just asking about a few points on bbc forum - if Villa finish sixth (possible) then will Ashley Young and/or Barry leave in the summer?

Edited by ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster
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Ahhh, how fucking glorius was yesterday? Scotland nearly beating Ireland, Wales winning, Man United getting massacred (I don't even like Liverpool much, but God damn that was awesome. And Dossena has now scored 2 in 2 games against two of the supposed best teams in Europe)...

And then to top it all off, one of my favourite analysis packages ever on MOTD: Wayne Rooney screaming and hollaring whenever anyone else put a foot wrong, followed by extensive footage of him being absolutely fucking useless himself. Lovely.

And I didn't even mention my favourite moment in football for YEARS: last man Vidic hauling Gerrard to the ground BY GRABBING HIS TESTICLES and being sent off for it, then wondering why. Gerrard with no balls, Vidic with a suspension, Utd with no points, Arsenal putting four past Blackburn... re-fucking-sult! The only slight downer was Middlesborough's 93rd minute equiliser.

So West Brom are going down, hopefully we can get rid of Boro this season too. That leaves one spot for Newcastle to fall into... lovely. Michael Owen in the Championship.

Madrid, lol

And Wayne Rooney shit? I'm the first to admit United were horrendous, but Rooney and Carrick were the only decent players for United all day. And it was fucking great to see that he kept his cool despite what was going on, which isn't really a great plus when you get beaten 4-1, but it's nice to know he can control himself more nowadays. And how you can judge a performance through MOTD is beyond me (Y)

If you'd bothered to read my post at all (I know it's a bit long for a Mancunian lad... OH WAIT), I never once called Wayne Rooney shit, nor did I judge his overall performance from MOTD clips. All I said was, they showed several clips of him throwing a hissy fit any time anyone else did the slightest thing wrong (mostly not passing to Rooney when they had the hint of a chance to), throwing his arms around and yelling like a toddler. Then they showed clip after clip after clip of him fucking up, sometimes quite embarrassingly, and expecting everyone to pretend it never happened. Because he's Wayne Rooney, and he's the only one allowed to make mistakes.

Never said he played badly, just pointing out how much of a fucking toddler he can sometimes be. But I guess these days that's known as 'passion' :rolleyes:

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Our next three fixtures are Newcastle away, Man City home, Wigan away. Villa's are Liverpool away, Man Utd away and Everton at home.

Three very winnable games for Arsenal, three very difficult games for Villa. Hopefully we can open up a 9 point gap before go to Anfield. Realistically I think we may be able to open up a 7 point gap (provided we win all three games of course).

According to my predictions on the BBC sport website, I have Arsenal down for 4th by three points, that will do me fine.

Edited by Gooner27
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Our next three fixtures are Newcastle away, Man City home, Wigan away. Villa's are Liverpool away, Man Utd away and Everton at home.

Three very winnable games for Arsenal, three very difficult games for Villa. Hopefully we can open up a 9 point gap before go to Anfield. Realistically I think we may be able to open up a 7 point gap (provided we win all three games of course).

According to my predictions on the BBC sport website, I have Arsenal down for 4th by three points, that will do me fine.

I did the same thing (before this weekends fixtures) and tried to be as honest as possible.

I had Arsenal taking 4th on goal difference. :unsure:

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