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The All-Purpose Watchmen Thread *SPOILERS*

GoGo Yubari

Let's voting!  

71 members have voted

  1. 1. How would you rate it?

    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7
    • 8
    • 9
    • 10
  2. 2. This poll goes to eleven.

    • 11
    • Dammit GoGo we're never letting you do one of these again.
  3. 3. The length of the movie was...

    • Too long!
    • Too short!
    • Juuuust right.
  4. 4. I, ________, recommend that you...

    • Buy this movie on DVD the very second it comes out, in a Moloch the Mystic costume (because everyone else will be Rorschach).
    • Put it on your Netflix queue or just rent it from a store if you're that draconian.
    • Watch it on TV, the TNN edit should be phenominal.
    • Avoid, avoid, avoid.

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Bizarrely, one of the guys in charge of a lot of the viral marketing for Watchmen is a friend of a friend - he was working some lowly marketing job, bottom of the rung, made one suggestion for a viral ad and they stuck him in charge of all the viral stuff. Mental.

He made this, which is rather good;

Looking at it, I think he's fairly heavily involved with that New Frontiersman site too, by the looks of things.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Got four clips from the movie below:

http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showb...icle2246642.ece (Fire Rescue)

http://www.totalfilm.com/news/world-exclusive-watchmen-clip (Police Riots)

http://www.comcast.net/entertainment/reeln...vewatchmenclip/ (Rorschach and Dan)

http://video.msn.com/video.aspx/?mkt=en-us...rom=&fg=rss (Veidt and Dan having a conversation)

Couple of early reviews out first, most good. Wil Wheaton's is probably the best one for lack of spoilers and obvious enthusiasm for the movie/book.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gonna hopefully go Saturday or Sunday. Reviews so far make it seem really meh, with some critics stating that it's "too" faithful to the novel. I'm sure I'll enjoy it, though - imo the only way you can do Watchmen proper is to be "too" faithful.

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Just got home from seeing it. Brilliant movie. I didn't read the comics but..

I was told there were giant psycic squid or something. I think that the ending that they went with made much more sense than that could've

It ran almost 3 hours, but it didn't really seem like that. If you're on the fence about seeing it, I'd strongly advise you go.

Edited by Hellfire
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In the comics, Adrian's plan is to fake an alien invasion. He utilizes a team of artists, writers and a bunch of human brains (iirc) to make a fake alien that gets transported to the middle of NYC and blown up, killing a large number of people in hopes of uniting the world against a common threat. A threat that doesn't actually exist.

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Saw it yesterday. The movie certainly knows what it wants to do, and certainly takes its time going through everyone's back story. I found it entertaining throughout, but I can see people losing interest. Anyway, it certainly managed to keep the mood and theme of the graphic novels, without coming off too cheesy or pretentious. The new ending works well, although:

Wasn't it Jon in the comics who told Ozy that 'Nothing ever ends?" (I can't remember, and I don't have the thing with me right now. In the movie they have Silk Specter II say it to Dan, which doesn't seem as impactful. Meh.

Other than that, I liked it. 4/5, methinks.

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I simply loved the movie. I didn't quite know what to expect, because even though I was hyped, I didn't think it could make the comics justice. I was completely and utterly wrong. I think it's the best adaptation it could be, and I recommend it to everyone. Brilliant movie. And the new ending... I say if they had to change it, then this is the best change they could make. Completely believable.

10/10 in my book.


Edited by Johnny Latino Heat
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Fine, fine film. I've never read the novels because I'm of the persuasion that going in cold to something makes it less impactful, though, I'd imagine that the new ending made it relatively happy.

Though, that's also a pretty fucking miserable ending, too, and I like endings that satisfy the studio by being upbeat but...really aren't.


Silkk Spectre and the one who's Dan ( :shifty: ) having sex to Cohen's version of "Hallelujah" was a wonderfully cheesy moment that was so so endearing to me. Then again, that could be because I'm seeing Malin Akerman's tits again, I don't know.

Also, Jackie fucking Earle Haley. What a fucking awesome man.

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I'm assuming the only real moron here is that woman.. seriously. Yes, it's marketed as a superhero movie, but shock, that doesn't necessarily make it kid-safe. Not to mention that seriously, if you're taking your kids to see Watchmen you're disregarding the big fat fucking R RATING it's had since, what, last summer? Fuuuuuuuck, how stupid are people?

EDIT: Actually probably better to disregard her shit. Just looked her up and she's a total nutjob.

Edited by KC 'Cloudy' Day
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I thought it was rather amazing. My only gripes were the "fasty/slowy" Zack Snyder action scenes; obviously it wasn't done as much as in 300, but once I saw the first one, I thought "oh... this again?" It worked, it just kinda stuck out. Also, I thought the soundtrack stuck out at times, it wasn't a bad soundtrack, I just was not expecting to hear:

99 Luftballoons, and Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah"

At any point in this movie, so it was a bit jarring. I suspect it won't be as odd on the second viewing.

But overall, AWESOME movie. I liked the ending change and I felt the material was eerily relevant to our current political, economical, and global policies.

Edited by Zero
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I saw it at midnight last night and loved it. I was skeptical going into it after hearing that they changed the ending but I feel like the new ending worked a lot better with the movie because it probably would have seemed a little absurd to those who didn't read the comic. One gripe I had was:

They shoved down your throat the fact that The Comedian was Silk II's father. It was almost subtle in the novel but they make a huge point of throwing that out there in the movie
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