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Coin Op's greatest 100 videogames. As voted for properly by you.

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Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion.

I played a bit of this today to see if it was worth it. Ended up trying to beat the king/emperor to death in the first minute before having his guards go to town on me. Then decided this was the worst game ever and I'd avoid it like the plague (in the face customisation, the beard looks nothing like a beard! It looks like he's just bruised around the mouth)

You are bad people, and should not be allowed to live.

....I miss playing Cops N' Crooks with you, we made an awesome team :(

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You my friend know racing games!!! This game blows racing games away 1000x though I don't consider this a game I consider it a simulation. It's soooo much more than a game! (ok that sounds stupid, but meh) I still run leagues more than I should lol...

My top 10!

1. Nascar Racing 2003 Season - As stated above. Over 20 different types of cars over 500 different authentic tracks. Open wheels, Dirt, 1955's, Trucks & Trans Am's just to name a few.

QFT, although Nascar Thunder 2004 was better.

LIES! To be honest I haven't played it, It was hard finding NR2003 as it is, But I have heard that the R&D feature was cool, Then again 2003 has stood the test of time, Heck, I played it online with a bunch of guys this morning, How many people can say they've done that with an EA racing game, Go on NASCAR 08 or 09 and see if you can find a race, Now continue with the voting.
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1) Final Fantasy VII (PS1)

2) Super Mario 64 (N64)

3) Elder Scrolls: Oblivion (PC/XBOX360/PS3)

4) Pokemon Red/Blue (Gameboy)

5) Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC/XBOX/PS2)

6) Halo 2 (XBOX)

7) Final Fantasy X (PS2)

8) Kingdom Hearts II (PS2)

9) Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (XBOX)

10) The Sims 2 (PC)

EDIT - Put Pokemon & KOTOR in the list and took out Civ 4 and Rome: Total War

Edited by Pidge
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Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion.

I played a bit of this today to see if it was worth it. Ended up trying to beat the king/emperor to death in the first minute before having his guards go to town on me. Then decided this was the worst game ever and I'd avoid it like the plague (in the face customisation, the beard looks nothing like a beard! It looks like he's just bruised around the mouth)

You are bad people, and should not be allowed to live.

....I miss playing Cops N' Crooks with you, we made an awesome team :(

It's the writing. Zaz has trouble playing games where he has to read writing.

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1 - Super Mario All-stars (SNES)

2 - Goldeneye (N64)

3 - GTA San Andreas (PS2)

4 - Guitar Hero II (360)

5 - Super Mario World (SNES)

6 - Sonkey Kong Country (SNES)

7 - Unirally/Uniracer (SNES)

8 - Super Punch-Out! (SNES)

9 - Mario Kart 64 (N64)

10 - Peggle (PC)

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1. Deus Ex (PC) - If you didn't put this here, you're wrong.

2. Age of Empires 2 (PC)

3. Pokemon Blue (Gameboy) - I still remember how amazing this was the first time. They're still among the best portable games you'll ever play, but nothing compares to the enchantment of being dragged into the fad when it first went big just by playing a game.

4. Diablo 2 (PC)

5. Counter Strike: Condition Zero (PC)

6. Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds (PC)

7. NHL 08 (PC)

8. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron (N64)

9. Goldeneye (N64)

10. Football Manager 2008 (PC)

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Fuck me. This is difficult.

10. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

09. WWF No Mercy

08. Pokemon Diamond

07. Tony Hawk's Underground

06. Banjo-Kazooie

05. Crash Bandicoot 2

04. Grand Theft Auto IV

03. Donkey Kong Country 2

02. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

01. Super Mario World

I'll probably hate that combination tomorrow. But for now, there you are.

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10. Bioshock

9. Mass Effect

8. Maniac Mansion II - Day of the Tentacle

7. Monkey Island II - LeChuck's Revenge

6. Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic

5. Championship Manager 03/04

4. Civilization IV

3. The Legend of Zelda - Link to the Past : lost count how many times I have played through this game. It was great then and it is great now.

2. The Elder Scrolls IV - Oblivion : absolutely fantastic game, changed the way RPGs are played for ever.

1. Outcast : simply brilliant, winner of "the most underrated game ever" and "best game no-one played" titles

Honorable Mentions: GTA IV, Max Payne -series, God of War -series, Monkey Island I, Fahrenheit, Zelda - Ocarina of Time

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1. Final Fantasy X

2. Championship Manager 2

3. NBA Jam

4. Fallout 2

5. Fallout

6. Grim Fandango

7. Chase HQ

8. V Rally 3

9. Pro Evolution Soccer 5

10. Command and Conquer : Red Alert

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1. Secret of Mana: - This game was the birth of my Hard-on for RPGs, Multiplayer, Massive world, and while not exactly a lot of side-quests, why did you need them? The story and game was fun enough to play through a hundred times...which I probably did. The sheer amount of fun and the quality of music in this game means its gotta be number 1.

2. Fallout 2: - So you do this little training bit and then what? WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT. This game is so ridiculously open ended for its time, and with the amount of ways to end the game, the amount of ways to progress, and most suprisingly to me, the amount of ways you can end any single quest is just sheer magic to me. Its the last game I played on my PC, and Ill probably play it after writing this. Fallout 3? Holy shit I cant wait.

3. Baten Kaitos: - Not many people of this earth have played this game, and even fewer hold it in as high regard as I do. Most will tell you its one of the better RPGs out there, Ill tell you its the best. I could write pages on this, but Ill summarise. The SHEER amount of inventory customisation was absolutely amazing, and was such an easy system to manage. The battle mechanics were spectacular. The story contains some brilliant moments, including the GREATEST twist I have ever seen in video gaming, if it wasn't marred by the voice acting. And the music. This music is the only Gaming OST I listen to recreationally, and probably will forever be. If you have a gamecube, get this game while you still can, its fucking genius.

4. Smash TV: - For me the definition of Multiplayer Arcade Fun. Ridiculously hard but with the same level of fun. With the over-enthusiastic gameshow host being turned into a Mutoid Man for the last boss (zomg spoilers) being the pinnacle of brilliance in gaming.

5. Final Fantasy Tactics: - When games have mechanics and storylines this good, everything else doesnt really matter. So much to do, and probably the most balanced Turn-based strategy there has been make this my (oddly) favorite in the Final Fantasy series.

6. Red Alert 2: - Oh man, the birth of my Online world. This game sucked out so many hours of my life I could start and end a war in that time. Which is ironic. Excellent Single Player and Excellent multiplayer. Except you had to play a multiplayer game in order to unlock the free-for-all Single Player Skirmish Option so that the 7 Insane level computers didn't come a stomp your ass in 30 seconds.

7. Front Mission 3: - While FFT may take my Turn Based strategy crown. This game was a revelation to me, it came at a time when the PSX was dying on its ass for me, and I bought this because the back looked cool. Turns out, the game is cool. Pretty amazing amount of customisation for each pilots mech, and pretty challenging to boot as well. Good stuff.

8. Final Fantasy VII: - Ahh my angel. I played this game more than I played any of the rest in my list by far. I remember when my cousin got a PSX before me and got this game, and I was so jealous cause I wanted it so much. When I finally got it, I couldn't put it down. Still has for me the best boss music of any game that isn't Baten Kaitos ever.

9. Disgaea: - One of the funniest games I have ever played. The cut scenes are a joy, and the character customisation is just as much of a joy. Brilliant fun, but on the same coin, pretty fucking hard at points. And the music, which is usually a big part for me in games, lacks, tremendously.

10. Mass Effect: - In my eyes, the best story told in gaming, not sure if its because it has the graphics and voice acting to accompany it, but its simply fantastic. And the game itself is chock full of shit to do, some of it, mighty repetitive, but some of it is excellent. And Wrex is a fucking badass.

Edited by Sterrob
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1 Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

2 Mass Effect

3 Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2

4 Pokemon Diamond/Pearl

5 Marvel Ultimate Alliance

6 Pokemon Yellow/Red/Blue

7 Jade Empire

8 Super Smash Bros Brawl

9 Baldur's Gate 2

10 Banjo Kazooie

Edited by mystikz
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1. Final Fantasy XII

2. Final Fantasy VII

3. Munchworld: Abe's Oddyssey

4. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

5. Super Smash Bros. Brawl

6. Super Mario World 2: 6 Golden Coins

7. Goldeneye

8. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

9. Sonic 2

10. Super Mario 64

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I was going to write out full paragraphs for every entry, but I've taken so long to come up with my list, and I'm off on holiday for a week, and you fuckers won't read it anyway, so I've jsut saved the stuff I had written and I'll post it in the results debate thread when it's done.

1. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time PS2

2. Street Fighter II (Championship Edition) Megadrive

3. Sonic The Hedgehog 2 Megadrive

4. Skate. 360

5. TimeSplitters Future Perfect PS2

6. Tetris Various

7. SSX3 PS2

8. Rock Band 360

9. NHL '08 360

10. Rainbow Six Vegas 360

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