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NHL 2K9 / NHL 09


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I'm bitter after reading this. I want an Xbox... :( I wonder if there will be somewhere I can buy an XBox in Turkey? I'm hoping they have some form of EB or some shit. The first thing I wanna do is buy one, I haven't owned a gaming system since Sr year about. I'm jealous reading all this fun! But when I get to Turk if I can get one I'm getting thsi game and want in on the EWB team.

I'll try out goalie, anyone else try that yet?

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I generally wasn't going to post stuff that came against the AI, but this was too funny.


In case it's a bit hard to make out (still trying to work out how to set cameras properly for replays)

Pass comes across from the boards, intercepted by the defender's poke check, which flicks the puck up and over the goalie, who anticipated 5-hole and ducked

I got my second assist of the game on that (H)

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As fun as Be a Pro is... I'm starting to get so irritated. My +/- is constantly in jeopardy because Karri Ramo is getting a ton of starts as Kolzig's backup, and he's great for the most part, but lets in shit goals. Easy, along the ice shots, from the top of the circle. It's ridiculous. Add to that, some games it seems like my defensive partner, Roman Hamrlik, just decides he's not going to do anything. I can't even count the number of goals we've given up because he skates in front of the guy, but just lets him take a shot.

I lead my team in goals, 11, and I've played half as many games as anyone else on the roster. Most of those goals came from me becoming pissed off and just taking over the game, playing out of position to create scoring opportunities, and calling for line changes whenever I was at 100% stamina.

The AI definately needs to be given a long, hard, lookover for next season, but the mode is still tremendous.

I'll be starting a Dynasty game in a week or so, to play alongside this. Hopefully by then, things have sorted themselves out, and I've either been dealt, or been given a competent partner.

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Supermarkets know pretty much fuck all about games. They can be cheaper, but especially with niche titles, you're better off in a proper game shop.

I got my copy at Gamestation, where I work, hence how I can be certain it's already out (Y)

We only got 3 copies of '09 on 360, none for PS3, about three copies for each for 2k9, and this is a proper game shop, I doubt even Woolworths or something bother getting any copies.

Edited by Dragsy
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Oh fucking hell. Would've probably spent most of the weekend playing it if I'd have known. As said before, I don't know the rules, but I don't care. If a game is regarded by many as the best sports game out there, I want it.

Hockey as a video game is incredibly easy to get into. And it is one of the best sports games ever.

Also, I am going to say Tuesday as 8 pm EST for a team game. If anyone is online when I am, we will play, but I want to see if we can have 4 or more for a game on Tuesday.

Edited by Toe
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I'm probably in the minority here... but I would have liked to have spent more time in the AHL. Also, I thought it was a little suspect that as a 3rd pairing defenseman, I was still being put out there for 20+ minutes per game. I actually had to manually make my shifts short because I didn't feel right playing so much as what is essentially a spare part.

Again, probably the minority here, but those are a couple issues I have with BAP.

I'd also like more interaction... and contracts and what not. Maybe start off with a one year deal, and then based on your performance, you get to pick and choose where you go, for how much, and for how long... I haven't finished a season yet, so who knows, maybe those things are in.

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