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WWE Legends of Wrestlemania


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So this freezes for me everytime I leave the dashboard. I take the game out, and bam. Big fuckoff scratch mark. Haven't even played any of it yet.

It's about time Fate started compensating for my silly decisions.

It's not one of those nasty circular looking scratches that they were on about on Watchdog the other night is it?

I don't know what they were on about, but it was a small, circle-ish mark, I suppose. Gamestation tried buffing it and when that didn't work, they claimed it was likely a manufacuring fault, and replaced my copy.

Reiterating what I said in Hate thread, fuck this game for giving me a perfect Doink face, and then not making it remotely possibly to create his costume.

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Okay what the fuck. How is it possible to win the test of strength against Hogan at the start of Wrestlemania 5's Relive challenge? No fucking thing I do at all will keep the bar in Hogans side, I've tried mashing, hammering one button, alternating, absolutely fuck all is working for me.

Edited by Kaney
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Reiterating what I said in Hate thread, fuck this game for giving me a perfect Doink face, and then not making it remotely possibly to create his costume.


I'd say this was a pretty good Doink. The formula's still not up, but I'm guessing it'll eventually be on caws.ws.

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I'd say it's a massive pain in the ass arranging things like the lines that form his collar and tie considering how the model reloads everytime you move the design, making it incredibly arduous and time consuming for no apparent reason, considering ever smackdown game simply moved the design on a constant model. And having spent an hour or two trying to recreate that myself, without the formula, the only way I can imagine it's possible to achieve that outfit is with painstaking hours of placing designs over half his torso.

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I really wish they would just make a CAW uploading system similar to the way most sports games make sliders and rosters that are created by other people to be uploaded and downloaded by anyone. The system they used before in the SVR was a good idea but a pain in the ass for anyone who didn't have any good CAWs to trade.

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I'd say it's a massive pain in the ass arranging things like the lines that form his collar and tie considering how the model reloads everytime you move the design, making it incredibly arduous and time consuming for no apparent reason, considering ever smackdown game simply moved the design on a constant model. And having spent an hour or two trying to recreate that myself, without the formula, the only way I can imagine it's possible to achieve that outfit is with painstaking hours of placing designs over half his torso.

Most great looking CAWs are like that, sadly.. and I hate it for that. And when you look closer, they're not even all that great... I mean, it's just basically different colours, not textures so it looks like the guy is wearing 2D clothing.

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The annoying thing about CAW's is they haven't fixed the issue it had on SVR 2009 in that the moving of designs and stuff is jumpy. On the older games you could see where it's moving to as you move it, whereas this years batch of games it jumps past.

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Jury's still out on this one for me. The CAW mode is great - finally giving us stuff like decent capes, and Haku hair, yet in typical THQ one-step forward two-steps back fashion, the ludicrous fact that you've got such a limited amount of finishers to choose from for your CAW. That's somewhat unforgivable.

The controls I haven't found awkward at all, but it's the first wrestling game I've played on the 360, so it's not like I've had the Smackdown games to get used to, the learning curve's been the same as it would have been with any other game being played for the first time.

So far it doesn't seem to be especially in-depth, although I guess it was never meant to be, and it's harder than I thought it would be. The Legend Killer mode is good fun so far, though I haven't tried much of Rewrite/Redefine/Relive so far, only the Andre/Studd HIAC.

My only real gripe in the gameplay is that, probably largely because of a relatively limited base of moves, there seems to be so little individuality. Maybe it'll be more apparent with the likes of Hogan, Rock or Austin, but with the characters I've played as/against so far, you never feel like you're really playing that wrestler, which for a nostalgia trip game like this I'd think smaller individual touches should be essential.

Even so, with the nostalgia value and all I reckon it could be good fun multiplayer, though I don't know when I'll get the opportunity to try that out.

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So I rented the game tonight and played it for a few hours, I'll give some quick thoughts.

The gameplay is a little odd to get used to, especially for someone used to Fire Pro. Though after about five matches or so I got the hang of it. The game is pretty easy and I'm at the point now where I can win a match in a minute or less. Which pays off in Legend Killer mode. Though I'm not looking forward to the next Legend Killer tier I have to go though. Probably going to take some time. The Relive/Redefine section is pretty good though it can get pretty frustrating. During the Austin/Michaels match I got stuck trying to get back and forth from the entrance way to ringside which took way to long to figure out. With the way the gameplay is set up, some of the challenges are hard because of certain situations that hardly ever happen. I'm glad I didn't spend 60 bucks on it and rented instead. I can't imagine wanting to play too much more after my five rental days are up. I'm only four achievements away from 1000 points and after you finish all the challenges there isn't anything except more matches. Good casual game but doesn't have much lasting appeal. Probably the perfect game to get if it drops price during the summer. To tide one over until the next SVR game in the winter.

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What does the "Vengeance meter" thing in tag team matches actually do? I had a great tag match as Flair and Arn vs. LoD, but had no idea what the sod that bar did.

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Do I need the actual SvR 09 disk to import superstars? I'm thinking about trading in SvR and some other games to get this.

And if I don't need disk, will I still need to unlock everyone in the game to get them in LoW? (Even though I'm fairly certain the only decent unlockable was Tazz)

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