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Darren Aronofsky's The Wrestler


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I just started watching this, but I can already tell this is going to be the best damn movie with wrestling as a central point ever made.

*Cough* Ahem...


On a more serious note, I saw the film a few days ago. Bah Gawd, It was definatley one of the best films I've seen all year. Also, just so ya'll know, there's an added bonus of Marisa Tomei's naked boobies. :)

Excellent film, the ending sequence was heartbreaking and the scenes with his daughter... :( Made me wanna give ol' Mr. Rourke a great big hug. Such a sad film.

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Wow. Really makes you think about what they go through to entertain us. The scene where they are signing autographs really puts it into perspective. For every Hulk Hogan, there are a hundred guys who never made it and are broken down wrecks because of the business. Great movie.

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I think what surprised me most about this movie is how many people were actually shocked at how these guys are treated, live their lives and what lengths they go to.

It hasn't been a secret that life for a former star on the independent scene isn't exactly glamorous.

This film reminded me of the DVD where some cameras follow Raven around as he goes to vintage stores and travels to and from shows.

It's not a pretty life, but to a lot of these guys, it's all they know and/or all they want.

To remark about the movie... it was amazing. I loved watching it, and each day since I've felt a little bit more towards it. It's one of those films that my love will grow for over time, and I'll probably be able to watch it a lot.

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This film reminded me of the DVD where some cameras follow Raven around as he goes to vintage stores and travels to and from shows.

It's not a pretty life, but to a lot of these guys, it's all they know and/or all they want.

That would be On the Road with Raven. Which it reminded me off too.

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Also, side effect of watching the film: I heard the full version of Bruce Springsteen's song from the soundtrack, and I think the first time I heard it, I pretty well cried. >_>

Mind you, lyrically, it's rather cheesy at points, but that's almost a hallmark of every Bruce song. But it's the best thing I've heard from him in a long while.

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This is one of the most powerful movies I've seen in god knows how long. Mickey Rourke is absolutely amazing

The look he gives at the end, before the Ram Jam when he realises Pam isn't there anymore is just, wow. I assume he dies at the ending with the impact from the move, like Hobo said which is why we don't see it, but wow. I'm just at a loss for words, it's one of the best written characters in a long time. Randy actually does feel like a real person.

Such a sad movie, even from someone who rarely watches wrestling anymore, it has so much going for it. I was all for Ledger's Joker getting an Oscar for best performance, but from the movies I've seen Rourke's performance is the closest thing yet to blowing it out of the water.

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...the nominations haven't been released yet?:P

But yeah, amazing movie. I wish I could add more but all of it's pretty much been said. Rourke was at the top of his game. I mean, I knew he was a badass before the movie but he just flat out out-acted everybody this year. He better win Best Actor.

Edited by Livid
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...the nominations haven't been released yet?:P

But yeah, amazing movie. I wish I could add more but all of it's pretty much been said. Rourke was at the top of his game. I mean, I knew he was a badass before the movie but he just flat out out-acted everybody this year. He better win Best Actor.

...the Golden Globes. The one that Rourke already is nominated for best actor for...

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The scene with the hardcore match was done beautifully with the flashbacks. Honestly, it had me think of things I'd never thought of before and reconsider a lot of what I thought about hardcore wrestling before. Some of it made me cringe, even though I'd never had those feelings towards any death matches before.

The inclusion of CZW and ROH was a nice cheap thrill for me.

I couldn't imagine anyone who isn't a smark fully understanding this movie, though. Then again, I think and hope this could open a lot of people's eyes to the business where they've been very close minded before.

EDIT: Also, any movie that completely rapes hair metal is good enough for me.

Edited by Nerf
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JBL wrote this on his latest WWE Universe blog:

A lot of people ask me about The Wrestler. I thought it was awesome and extremely well written. This was the business I broke into many years ago. However, that business has changed - and for the better.

In the last six months, I have had MRIs, concussion tests, HIV test, trauma test, drug test and even my cholesterol tested - which was the only one I failed. This business in WWE is really a corporate environment these days - it has changed for the better. I am glad for my old days, I wouldn’t change a thing. But the WWE has done so much to clean up the abuse that the business as I knew it was so known for.

All that being said, I loved the movie. Even with all the negative stereotypes in the movie, this was a part of what I did to get to WWE and it was fun to watch. A little scary to watch, but fun.

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That's a very intelligent response from JBL... but I do have to bring up the fact that the movie isn't about a wrestler who's at the top of his profession...

It's about a wrestler who's had his time at the top, and has found himself cast aside and working wherever he can to get by... and doing whatever he needs to do to get by.

The film is not an accurate representation of the WWE... but it's a very fair and realistic portrayal of the life of an independent wrestler.

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