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Mafia Game Waiting List


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Yeah but then the medium queue takes even longer or we have to scrap either the poll, traditional or large, none of which are brilliant ideas. Unless RW is nice enough to extend the cap to 7 games (it worked alright at Christmas when RW ran his Game Cube Mafia game).

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Yeah but then the medium queue takes even longer or we have to scrap either the poll, traditional or large, none of which are brilliant ideas. Unless RW is nice enough to extend the cap to 7 games (it worked alright at Christmas when RW ran his Game Cube Mafia game).

Who cares about the medium queue? Nobody actually plays in those games :-/

Also, scrapping the traditional slot could work. People play exactly the same whether the game's traditional or not, they just moan more about being out of their depth when it's traditional.

Edited by Pesci
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I like games around 15-20 players, like NFL QB which has probably been my favourite game here so far. Less and there is no room for error. More and the game gets bogged down with lurkers and inactives.

I created you Jesusmonkey, and I CAN DESTROY YOU!!!

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Why not take out the Traditional Game slot and any future trad-games that are run are put under the category their player number falls under? That'd free up space for a second small game slot. It doesn't kill trad games, it just moves them to new categories. I think I can agree with Pesci on the idea, really.

Edited by The Mask of Norro
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I think YoungB's game proved that not every role needs to have an ability for a game to succeed. People just need to want to play it. I'm not sure how that's achieved when you need 20 guys who are all going to contribute, but I don't think we need this massive dividing line between traditional games and themed games any more. Most traditional games are themed anyway :-/

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The way I see it, our current system was perfect when we first implemented it. It was exactly what we needed, and it was something that really helped bolster activity in the various game slots the games were being placed in.

But, things have changed now and with the way game-runners are handling their games now versus how they used to, I just think it would be for the best to integrate traditional games with the rest of the others now. We need another small game slot anyway, as it's required for new game-runners to do a small game first, and not many of them will be willing to when the line to start one is as long as it is with only one game allowed to run at a time.

Edited by The Mask of Norro
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