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Sequels You Want


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And on the subject of impossible - but why the hell not: Buttercup's Baby.


I've been waiting for that book forever. In 2004, William Goldman promised to have it done by 2009, but he said in an interview a year ago, "I desperately want to write it, and I sit there and nothing happens and I get pissed at myself. I got lucky with The Princess Bride the first time, and I'd love to get lucky again."

I need to read that book. :(

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I've been waiting for years for someone in Hollywood to make good on the sequel promised at the end of Super Mario Bros.

I accutally enjoyed that movie, and I do want a sequel.

The sequel just writes itself. Just start at the end of the last movie. Mario and Luigi chilling in New York, BAM in walks Daisy decked out in military gear with guns and ammo and shit.

"You guys need to come back."

"Why? What happened."

"You won't believe it."

Cue an hour and a half of Mario, Luigi, Daisy, and that hippy Toad from the first movie throwing Shy Guys (which end up being some kind of small badger) around in their quest to defeat the leader of the alternate reality secret ninja coven, Wart (played masterfully by Rowan Atkinson).

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Jurassic Park 3 - The first one was awesome and the second one was my favorite of the entire series, but as much as I did like JP3 upon opening up (I was 10 at the time, so hey), it really was an awfully shitty movie. There needs to be a fourth one and I still think that the Jurassic Park series could easily pump out a few more films. Hell, if you wanted to wait a little bit longer, you could remake the first and second to be just like Crichton's book. I just want my damn Jurassic Park!

Rocket Science - Not sure how many of you saw this movie, but I loved this and think it's a cult classic. It would be interesting to see just where everything lands following the ending of the movie and I know I would love to see it.

and the one sequel I would fucking do ANYTHING for and haven't seen yet...

CLOVERFIELD - I mean, FUCKING CLOVERFIELD!!! It's my all time favorite monster movie at least and was the most hyped movie I have ever been ready for. Following it since July of '07 when the viral scene first started, I was more into this movie than anything in recent memory. I seriously thought this was the coup de gras when it came to movies. The only thing I hated was that I fucking SPOILED THE MOVIE for myself by trying to find out what the monster was. I ended up reading a review of an early screening before seeing the movie and it pissed me off. I really think a sequel is needed, whether it be in camcorder form or in a regular movie form, there is so much they can do with this and if JJ Abrams was serious about making Clover into what Godzilla is to Japan, then he could easily do it with two or three more movies.

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and the one sequel I would fucking do ANYTHING for and haven't seen yet...

CLOVERFIELD - I mean, FUCKING CLOVERFIELD!!! It's my all time favorite monster movie at least and was the most hyped movie I have ever been ready for. Following it since July of '07 when the viral scene first started, I was more into this movie than anything in recent memory. I seriously thought this was the coup de gras when it came to movies. The only thing I hated was that I fucking SPOILED THE MOVIE for myself by trying to find out what the monster was. I ended up reading a review of an early screening before seeing the movie and it pissed me off. I really think a sequel is needed, whether it be in camcorder form or in a regular movie form, there is so much they can do with this and if JJ Abrams was serious about making Clover into what Godzilla is to Japan, then he could easily do it with two or three more movies.

A sequel done properly would be good. However, there was talk about doing a sequel based on the bridge scene involving the other guy with a video camera you see briefly.....meaning more or less taking place at the same time as the first movie. BAD idea!!

If they do a sequel, I'd like it if

we're left hanging whether Rob and Beth survived or not, rather than them having died and showing their corpses being found or having someone mention it or their obituaries shown.
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"Oh, no, the station's nearing bankruptcy... AGAIN!"

That'd be a strange one just to see non-moustached long-haired Weird Al reprising his role, not to mention seeing Victoria Jackson again in any role other than calling Obama a communist on O'Reilly. But any pretense to drag Emo Philips out of the mothballs is a-okay with me.

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"Oh, no, the station's nearing bankruptcy... AGAIN!"

That'd be a strange one just to see non-moustached long-haired Weird Al reprising his role, not to mention seeing Victoria Jackson again in any role other than calling Obama a communist on O'Reilly. But any pretense to drag Emo Philips out of the mothballs is a-okay with me.

I honestly just want to see Weird Al come up with a bunch of modern day TV parodies... although I'm surprised you left out Michael Richards in the reason why this sequel would never work. Of course it'll never happen, but I know Al could definitely come up with some good stupid fun if there ever was to be a sequel.

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Honestly, why hasn't Jaws been remade yet?

because it shouldn't be?

Wait, that doesn't normally prevent remakes. <_<

Seriously, if someone tried to remake Jaws it just wouldn't work, the sequels were bad enough as it is, the original is as close to a perfect horror film you can get in my book.

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Honestly, why hasn't Jaws been remade yet?

because it shouldn't be?

Wait, that doesn't normally prevent remakes. <_<

Seriously, if someone tried to remake Jaws it just wouldn't work, the sequels were bad enough as it is, the original is as close to a perfect horror film you can get in my book.

Plus they'd have a CGI shark, George Clooney as Chief Brody, pornographic shots of the child being eaten, and so on. It would be dreadful.

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