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EWB's Top 50 Singers of All Time: The Results

GoGo Yubari

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Right! Yeah! So I'm going to update this when I can, as I'm meeting up with internet friends on Saturday, got a math final Tuesday, a party the Saturday after that... and then a college application two days later. Um. Yeaaaah. But I've been putting this off for too long, so at the very least you're getting The Girls Who Didn't Win... Er, Artists Who Didn't Place and the two guys tied at 50.

And remember the golden rule of EWB list threads; it's entirely cool to dislike the results. Lord (and basically everyone on EWB who I talk to all the time) knows there's stuff I'm not happy with here, but the fact of the matter is, multiple EWBers voted for every person who made it onto this list. So it's cool to go "that guy? Oh, come on, he sucks!" and be snarky about the results, but under no circumstances should you turn it into a forum to actively insult other posters here who voted for/like said artists.

Also, much like the Influential Artists list I ran, I'm including links to Youtube videos in the pictures. So if you're amused by those sort of things, enjoy.

And now, without further adieu...

A Smattering of Singers Who Got Multiple Votes But Still Didn't Make the Cut!

- Sufjan Stevens

- Ronnie James Dio

- Thom Yorke

- Elvis Costello :(

- James Brown :( :( :(

- John Lennon

- Lou Reed

- Van Morrison

- Robbie Williams

- Rob Halford

- And probably a couple more!

Moving on, to our two-way tie for dead last on the big stage (as opposed to actual dead last, which is a tie between the likes of Shirley Bassey, Dave Grohl, Mel Tormé, and Patsy Cline (:()):

50. Axl Rose (10 pts, appeared on 3 ballots)


50. Jon Bon Jovi (10 pts, appeared on 3 ballots)

NEXT TIME: The six-way tie for 44th place! Yes, really.

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I still have absolutely no clue why you didn't vote, dammit.

EDIT: Also, yeah, Thom Yorke is one of the three omissions I'm happiest about. Lennon's another one, really.

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James Brown :(

I did my best for the Godfather but people are stupid.

Yeah, it makes me vaguely regret giving Sly Stone the nod over James Brown, though I do genuinely prefer Stone's singing to Brown's.

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A Smattering of Singers Who Got Multiple Votes But Still Didn't Make the Cut!

- Elvis Costello :(

- Van Morrison

as opposed to actual dead last, which is a tie between the likes of blah blah and Patsy Cline (:()):

50. Axl Rose (10 pts, appeared on 3 ballots)

Oh FUCK YOU ALL. You wouldn't have even made this pick if he hadn't just gotten off his ass and made his album after seventy goddamn years.

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Oh FUCK YOU ALL. You wouldn't have even made this pick if he hadn't just gotten off his ass and made his album after seventy goddamn years.

Which is more baffling since what I've heard of the album is laughably bad.

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Before we continue, I'd like to take a moment to thank you, EWB. And why? Because this is the first music list I have ever seen on this board where anything Metallica-related didn't even place. Seriously, thank you, all of you. Except for TheModernWay, who kept it from being a flawless victory by giving James Hetfield four points. Damn you straight to hell. :angry:

... anyway, let's get the six-way tie for 44th place out of the way.

44. Conor Oberst (11 points, 2 ballots)

44. Beth Gibbons (11 points, 2 ballots)


44. Nick Drake (11 points, 2 ballots)

44. Ian Curtis (11 points, 2 ballots)


44. Roy Orbison (11 points, 2 ballots)

44. Stevie Wonder (11 points, 2 ballots)

NEXT: 42 to 35, with a glorious clusterfuck of musical genres to boot.

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